Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 197: Props for building a game guild

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Star secretly said that other things can go back a row, and said: "This is not something we can work hard to solve, or is it that Pith, your current personality can tie the player and the NPC affiliated to the guild to study it. If you can, I think it’s okay to do it when you’re ready."

After listening to Star’s words, Kraunpisi took out a transparent sphere and threw it around in his hand, grinning: "But before that, owning a guild is the key. Generally, players’ property can only be carried with them, but owning a guild. Then she can own the name of the guild property. I think she did something like that. Temporarily summon the paid items for using the guild property remotely. So it is impossible to judge what kind of armament the opponent will use. Use this truth in the same level It's very troublesome."

"Heh, Pisi is so sore on purpose on purpose, that must be a clue, right." Star said, leaning forward slightly at Kraun Pisi.

"That's it." Kraun Pith placed the ball in the middle of the table, "The player can establish a guild stronghold on the spot after clicking it-of course guild members, building location and location must meet the guild building requirements to be activated."

"Couldn't this be the thing that'Destroying the country' thought it would trigger the trap? The Platinum Dragon King also collected all the items and redistributed it. Piss, you won't lose yourself, huh. So, plan to use it?" Star Said happily.

In Star's view, this planet may not be able to hold the future Kraunpith, so he must always consider the absence of Kraunpith and a few high-level goblins capable of traveling through the plane. If there is a guild stronghold, the defensive cards will also increase.

However, how to use it may have to be discussed in the long term. Crowen Piszang hasn't said until now. He only mentioned the seemingly awkward practice of dancing clothes. There must be a reason.

It's just that Kraunpis poured some unexpectedly cold water: "But I can't use it. This thing is not used by a player character, and it seems that there will be no reaction."

She knocked on the transparent sphere and made a "ding-ding" sound.

"...What about forcibly analyzing and using Pith's high personality?"

"I can forcefully draw out a part of the power by scrapping it, but can I assume that Star will be satisfied with this method? If it is a critical moment, it will be an urgent need for combat power and strongholds. There is no urgent need now." Raise his head and open his hands.

Star rolled his eyes and said, "Understood, this thing will find a way."

"Huh?" Kraun Pith didn't react. She didn't have a good solution for a while. What can Star do?

This is not something that can be done with IQ and intelligence networks.

The only role that the intelligence network can play here is...

"Ah, I said, are you going to ask or tie a player at all? It's absolutely impossible to hand it over to outsiders. The authority may be taken away at any time." Kraun Pith said uncertainly.

"Pather has no other good ideas anyway." Star said with a smile.

Seeing that Star was so confident, Kraunpith thought that there was no additional loss anyway, so she agreed.

Then Star opened several [CrystalMonitor].

Above are scenes of battles everywhere.

Kraunpith: "The attributes of the religious nation are really restrained to the undead. With her town, if Migaris doesn't make a move, those indigenous subordinates can also end safely, saying that the necessity of orcs really exists. ?"

In multiple sets of pictures, after a level 90 Chimera clone captured by Wuyi with "Allure", the remaining Chimera clones ranging from 60 to 85 can't get over the waves.

Even though the patriarchs of the 18th National Congress have been reduced in staff, they are also high in level 90 and above, but at any rate they have this level and they have an advantage in numbers. It's a pity that according to Klauen Pith's observation, most of these experience points were taken away by the dance clothes. In terms of the convenience of killing monsters to obtain experience points, the natives absolutely can't compete with the game-traveling role.

The troops of the Holy Land and Titanya also landed from the back and rushed into the castle.

The orcs are still fighting with the remnants of the "Blood Chain God Group" on the front battlefield.

Those guys who have been stunned by the naval guns have basically destroyed their morale and high-fire weapons. There is no need for transcendence to take action. It is enough for the religious nation to send a six-color scripture force or Titanya to send a patriarch’s trusted subordinates. Easily annihilated with zero deaths.

Star said: "Once the demihumans like the orcs are unified, they will become the most populous country of the mammalian demihumans in civilized society. It is no surprise that they want to maintain a sense of existence internationally. Since they are willing to do things for free, why do we do it? How much effort? They don’t lose money. For the orcs, every war is a harvest sacrifice. Is there any interest in this battle Pisi?"

"Yeah," Crown Pess deliberately sold a tube, lay down on the table and stared at Star with a smile, "Isn't Star interested in the new weapons of the church? Although as a gun, the range is a little short. , UU reading, but that really easily hurt the battleship made by my body material."

Kosta looked ignorant: "Didn't Peth see through the mystery? Even I can see through it. But thanks to them, you must know that they have a devout belief in gods and even the summoning units with sacred attributes. Is it true that doing that kind of thing does not tarnish faith?"

"Hehe, how come?" Crown Pissi sat back in the chair and lifted her head, propped her feet on the edge of the table and raised the legs of the chair. It didn't matter, "The big goblin and I have always contacted you on a single line, you know. In the message she sent back to me, it was taken for granted that'Gods and messengers' were fighting for people, so it is normal to be dedicated to such a degree. The principle is similar to the "golden" system."

"Pix! You don't tell me such important information!"

"Huh? Is this important?"

"Isn't this important now manifested? It is true that belief can only judge the spirit and bottom line of a person or organization at most, but it is not necessarily true in a world with belief system magic." Knocked on the magical image of.

The [Sanctuary God Seat Summon []] developed through Star’s leaked information on the replacement magic of the heroic spirits, after so many years, it seems that the Slian State has been able to use the power of faith related to the gods to a considerable extent.

To put it bluntly, ordinary people in the religious country are basically using angels to display their powerful forces. Summoning angels above the seventh-level level requires a considerable degree of magic power and ceremonial sites and costs.

In terms of magic power, more people would have it together; but at the ceremonial venue, Kraunpith and Star almost agreed that they must directly carry it onto the huge battleship.

(to be continued)

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