Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 209: Rebellious Knights' War Notes (Part 1)

  Roble Holy Kingdom——

   The Knight King disappeared during the naval battle on Crescent Lake.

   This news is no longer news. It is rumored that she did not appear in the entire battle. Everyone guessed that she might have drowned as the ship sank into the cold water.

  Because of this incident, the domestic "Blood Chain Lock God Group" organized an uprising to expel the Goblin Temple. The Holy Kingdom, where the country is almost divided between the north and the south, faces a more terrible crisis than the subjugation of the country. That is-extinction.

   The demihumans in the hilly area to the east launched a large-scale invasion.

In the past, the demihumans in the hilly areas were in a downturn due to fairies, and have been recuperating since then. They also use the idea of ​​multi-ethnic coexistence promoted by the Fairy Temple as a medium, even if there is no civilization like humans that build huge cities on the plains. , Also got a lot of benefits and became stronger.

   When the "Blood Chain and Chain God Group" expelled the restriction of the Fairy Temple, a race that could have fed on humans as slaves, a large-scale invasion became a matter of course.

The average strength of    subhumans is higher than that of humans. Under the condition that they have acquired certain local human technology so that the gap does not reach the generation gap, if there is no transcendence like the knight king in humans, failure is almost a matter of course.

   But, how is this possible?

  I, Mordred never believed that my father would die so uselessly, just like official speculation and folklore. A father blessed by the fairy of the lake can die in battle, but how can there be such a ridiculous way to die by drowning?

   After I got the news, I decided to try to control the country. When the Knight King, who I thought should have been defeated even if he was not dead, came back and saw the status quo of the country under his control, what would he look like?

I was in the capital of the Holy Kingdom, Kalinxia, ​​who was going back to China to control the situation. Torinila, the cadre of the "Blood Chain Lock God Group", ran away. He showed that he was able to surpass most of the members of the "Nine Colors" and was valued. Therefore, Appearance was also used for discussion.

What? The unrecognized offspring of the Knight King?

In a sense, this is true. I am not only a son of Morgan, the enemy of the Knight King, but I also don’t know what method was used to create a humanoid. Such a humanoid is indeed the son of King Arthur, exactly the same as the king. Duplicators-parents and children whose identities cannot be disclosed, it is not wrong to say that they are illegitimate children.

   So there is no need to deny it at all.

   Ah, in fact, I know why many people are willing to believe and promote that I am a descendant of the Knight King, but they want to find someone who can help boost morale and help propagandize when this country is in crisis. Isn’t the son of the Knight King who has stabilized the country for decades appropriate?

   At the same time, this also shows the extent of the country's crisis. The "Blood Chain Lock God Group" was repelled, and the demihuman immediately captured most of the northern part of the Holy Kingdom.

The capital Kalinxia was surrounded. Under the plan that the "Blood Chain Locked God Group", which had already penetrated into the high-levels, withdrew from the Holy Kingdom but still planned to avenge it, the national intelligence was lagging and the response was slow. The Holy King and a number of high-levels were sneaked in. The demi captive.

   The command of the war fell into chaos.

At that time, although I was preaching about myself and having military achievements, but the official position was not very high, but it was not personal bravery that led my troops to break through a **** road-I kept my hands, my goal now is not to save the Holy Kingdom, otherwise I can kill all the demihumans by myself.

  Actually, my comprehensive abilities of military strength, leadership, and internal affairs are among the best in the Knights of the Round Table. Perhaps some of the three knights can outperform me, but I have the confidence to surpass any other knights in the comprehensive level of the three.

Otherwise, the knight king would not rest assured to hand over the domestic military affairs to me, and led his army to expedition overseas. This gave me the opportunity to rebel, or in other words-this is to find this flaw in the hands of the perfect knight king. And the ability to learn hard.

   In the chaotic battle, there is such a brave army with outstanding performance, which has gained an advantage in some parts and has broken the blood. It will naturally attract the attention and gathering of other armies of the same category.

   When the dragons were headless, I was naturally elected to become the leader of a miscellaneous army composed of the Imperial Guard and the Paladins, militias, and adventurers stationed in the capital.

   Of course, the enemy also wanted to take the opportunity to set up a pocket formation to wipe out the Holy Kingdom army that had begun to gather, but this pediatric strategy was seen through at a glance, and was quickly cracked by my magical skills.

   The best strategy at this time is to continue to break through the siege south, cross the strait to the south of the Holy Kingdom, which still has intact territory and army, rely on the natural dangers of the strait to continue to resist, and accumulate stronger forces to wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

   However, the port has been completely occupied.

   At the same time, the South refused to accept the request, and the intention of establishing another central government was very obvious.

   In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that the country has officially split into the Northern Saint Kingdom and the Southern Saint Kingdom.

  The army led by me became the last resistance force in the north. It retreated to Ye Lobel, the northernmost coastal province, and temporarily relied on the friendly relations between the Duchy of Landi and the Bajas Empire for defense.

   However, the Bajas Empire is now overwhelmed by it. "Ainz Ur Gong" wants to find a piece of land there to take root. Whether it will succeed in the future, it is difficult to say whether it is a friend. The Principality of Landi has maintained good business relations and made the Kingdom of Northern Saints a little bit better.

   Fortunately, the line of fire between the two sides has become narrow as a result. As long as you guard a fortress facing the hills on the east side of the sea, you can block the demihuman attack.

Speaking of it, this fortress was still the first fortress captured by the Knight King when the Holy Kingdom conquered the Kingdom of Riyestige, which had been swept into history. Now it has become the front line against foreign invasions, and the direction is the other way around— —

   The territories that the Knight King captured for the country back then became the last base area for my rebellious son to guard this country, which is really interesting irony.

   I did get a leadership position. The leader of the Resistance Army of the Northern Holy Kingdom would naturally not hold back, and naturally asked these people why they would follow me.

  It is true that the royal family and nobles can't be contacted now, but in the military position alone, there are people who are taller than me before? For example, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard and the Paladins can take over the power if they sacrifice their heads during the war or fail to command for other reasons.

   As a result, the reason she got had forced her to close her rigorous helmet-otherwise it would be bad if she was seen with that kind of smile.

   "Because of that king, only the correct ruling will be made."

   This is the reason. I heard that the knight king is a little different from what I know, and the answer she asked the rebels in another world as the last seat of the Knights of the Round Table is still somewhat similar. It's really ironic, she really is my father.

(to be continued)


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