Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 211: Feifei's prestige

  Titania, a large hollow in the center of the underground—

   Although Star made it easy for himself to hide and not involve the surrounding personal time and space when attacked, most of the ordinary work is still done here for efficiency.

   is the same now.

   "What, the South Saint Kingdom wants the right of first refusal for the technology and finished products we sell, can you add money?" Star read the new fax text sent, repeating the main theme.

  Because the fairy temple of the Northern Saint Kingdom was expelled, Star couldn't know the real-time battle report there, and the progress of the war did not prevent her from making correct guesses.

She knows how much the remaining navy of the Southern Saint Kingdom can be defeated quickly by relying on the strength of the Demihumans. It should be said that this aspect is enough to form a generation gap. If there is no more external intervention, the leaders of the Nansheng Kingdom and the Demihumans are not stupid. Enough to spend two or three years with each other.

   At a time when the general land has fallen and fiscal revenues should be greatly reduced, they are still willing to increase money. There should be other reasons for the eagerness to strengthen the navy's armaments.

"Mordred led the Northern Saint Kingdom’s counterattack against the demihumans very smoothly. If this continues to establish prestige and win support, the Southern Saint Kingdom’s plot to establish the center may fail. I want to put "Ainz Ur "Gong" is right under your nose. It's best to tear each other down with the religious country, and fight with Nazalik in the future, but it is not allowed to make such an inch. However, it is not worthwhile to support the South Holy Kingdom in vain, then. So be it."

   Star began to draft a reply.

"Although we all killed players back then, Pi Si didn't have any foresight, so I didn't keep it anymore. I just kept a little eye on it, but the more samples, the better. Let the South Saint Kingdom die in their country's'Thirteenth The hero's body is handed over."

   There is no cremation right now, so even if it turns into a skeleton, it must be kept.

   Finally, he noted that the level of confidentiality is the highest. This is something that can only be known to the rulers, and I believe they will not make stupid choices.


   Principality of Bajas—

   Ainz returned to the capital, Owental, after completing the task of sweeping away the monsters on the main road.

   Now, this newly established "country" is quite chaotic everywhere.

   One is that public opinion that is unfavorable to them has spread too quickly, and it is even serious to the point that many civilians would rather abandon the villages and fields where their ancestors lived and escape.

   The second is that there are almost no adventurers and mercenaries in this country who are engaged in expelling monsters around the main road. The function of the fairy temple is lacking, and the government of the principality has to organize an army to accomplish these things most of the time.

   But the army is an army after all. Even if they have the wrong expertise, they can’t compare with the adventurers who understand monsters better even if they have powerful weapons. The rumors are even more frightening.

   For a powerful "warrior" like Ainz, being reused and welcomed has become a matter of course.

   Francesca is basically doing indoor work, not teaming up with him, it also makes him a lot easier.

   "Master Feifei, you have worked hard, welcome back." The guards of the city gate bowed to him.

   "Well. You guys have worked hard too." Ainz nodded very politely.

   "In any case, compared to you, what we have done is trivial and tiring."

   "It is because of people like you who protect the city with bit by bit work, I can complete my work with confidence."

   "Hehe, thank you. Well, although everyone knows you, you still have to show your identity certificate because you are armed in and out."

   "Where, the rules are the rules, I should naturally follow them." Ainz took out the metal card with the adventurer registered in the principality and handed it to the guard at the door.

   Actually the Principality wants to absorb them for its own use, but Francesca will do the job. That guy is good at doing things from the inside.

   Ainz doesn't want to drip into the muddy waters of this doomed force, and instead strives for prestige from the people. Just accepting employment as an adventurer in the duchy, now that the temple function is lacking, adventurers who can replace the protection of the people from monsters are a popular crowd.

   But this also caused him a little trouble.

   After taking back the metal plaque handed back by the guard respectfully, Ainz walked into the street. Many people greeted him, and children ran over. Ainz, who wanted to maintain his reputation, responded patiently and patiently.

   "Well, when I was a nobleman, I would go to the streets, why didn't I have this kind of treatment? To be honest, I was not mentally prepared. Sure enough, the difference in identity has a great influence on the distance between people." He thought.

   But now, even if he goes back to be a nobleman, he cannot get close to the people. He hasn't tried it, but when he tries to surrender himself, the people will kneel lower in horror. If Ainz squatted down to talk to the people, the people might just lie on the ground.

   When he returned to the residence arranged by the Principality, a male servant in a tuxedo came to greet him, and offered to help Ainz take the weapon and put it away.

   This is a necessary measure for Ainz, who is not guarded by the principality staff or dignitaries. Of course, in order to deal with emergencies at any time, weapons will not be hidden.

   Ainz took the two long swords that were taller than himself from his back, just like the previous few times in and out, and handed them to the male servant.

Although the valet is a little strenuous with such a weapon, UU reading can’t wield his fighting appearance, but just being able to pick it up is enough to show that he has considerable strength and is qualified to work here. It can't be a powerful man, and it's definitely not an ordinary person. Of course, whether it was surveillance or anything else, Ainz had no plans to do anything with him.

   Back in the room, Ainz took off his helmet and exhaled as soon as he sat on the leather sofa.

   is not only a play of human reaction after the work is over, he also really wants to do it with human residue. But it’s inconvenient to make movements such as wiping sweat. He wears a 100% real human skin mask on his face, but the texture and the fit with the bones are still a bit different. Touch it in front of people with sharp eyes and knowledge of physiology. May wear help.

   "It looks like Master Feifei is a bit tired, do I need something to drink?" the male servant asked respectfully.

   "Well, yeah, give me a hot Macatilla smoothie and some wine grapes." Ainz said.

   "Okay." The male servant bowed and left, and soon the drink and fruit were brought over.

   His skull mouth can't eat or drink, but he already knows some high-end drinks and snacks. Since he wants people to value himself, he naturally can't look shabby in every aspect. Food is certainly not wasted, and Francesca will clean it up afterwards. It is obviously a contradiction between an obese physique and a sweet tooth, but he has a zipper on his stomach...

(to be continued)


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