Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 218: Black charm

At the moment when Alice 17 made her debut, she smashed the female demon into a meatloaf and sent it back to the Demon World with a single blow. Then she smashed the mask of the undead Jack with a slap and pressed his face to launch [HoldSpecies]. .

   Jack, who was about to be bound and immovable, pressed down hard!

   She is not a race with great arm strength, but her own level is quite high, and she used magical power to instantly strengthen her arm strength. As soon as Jack's head touched the ground, she uttered a violent sound of broken boulders in her chest.

   "...I wanted to be caught alive and tortured, even if I didn't give in, it seemed to be dominated. It didn't make sense. [PurifyDead]."

   Feeling that her will is still struggling, Alice 17 uses magic to purify the dead who had been turned into a ripper into fly ashes.

   On the other side, the plant monster detached from her fairy body also attacked the three Grahams.

   That is really a primitive violent conflict of "fight to the flesh".

   Although the guards reminded Alice 17 that the saint may be buried nearby, Alice 17 said that it is difficult to fight with three such powerful Grahams, and instead ask them to find a way to rescue the saint now.

   However, the **** connection that was not scheduled to deal with such a strong person could not do it.

   Actually, this was intentional by Alice 17.

  Even if the religions are the same and the departments are similar, the contradictions between races have never disappeared. The measure of "saint" was originally not approved by Kraunpith and the three of the light spirits directly under it. What's more, the "manufacturing" of the saint was also accidental. Even though the matter was first raised by Alice No. 107, no one thought that the saint would accidentally "capture" part of his father's existence.

   This is different from the new archbishop, who got a level 116 share of Kraunpith, but she does have some blood of a distant relative of Granbell.

   "Nepotism" is not completely unreasonable. Even if you have the talent you need, but the relationship is far away, it is a hidden danger in a sense.

  Although the saint had only accidentally got a little bit of Kraunpith's existence, it would be better to say that the victim was the saint whose bloodline was originally unable to resist and exclude it.

   The lovely Lis don’t think so. If one day Crawnpies says that the saint is dispensable, they don’t mind making an "accident" by themselves for funeral. To put it an exaggeration, just as a small country with a poor economy cannot let the king of a powerful hegemonic country next door become its own country’s leader, it’s not surprising to find an opportunity to assassinate, even if they have the same political system and religious beliefs. .

   It took a lot of time to smash two relatively weak Grahams. The last Graeme, who still showed no signs of escaping, gave Alice 17 a bad feeling.

As the battle progressed, Graham suffered a certain degree of damage, and his color changed, just as if oil was gradually spilled on it, slowly spreading from the local area to black, faintly showing red cracks, emitting With an ominous breath.

   The scars and holes in Graeme's holes really "gurgled" like oil flowing out, and the black viscous liquid spilled on the ruins and made a sound like it was about to burn, and penetrated into the ground.

   The red lines on the black background are not a strange thing. Alice 17 knows that Dad has the skills to do this. At the same time, Dad also has skills that can exude quite ominous aura-those are all Dad got from other worlds.

   Is it possible to conclude that this Graham has some powers similar to their father's, and even its production technology and even itself come from another world?

Even if Graeme's strength is not high, it is a type she can easily deal with, but the black thing is very bad, really bad, if it is not for the self-esteem of "this level of things can't be done independently" , She must call for reinforcements.

   "No, that's not right... Dad said, ‘I don’t expect you to do anything you can’t do perfectly’. Rather than holding on and making things worse, it’s better to admit your own powerlessness."

   I don’t know if breaking Graham forcibly will result in a big explosion of black mud, so Alice No.17's goblin body rushed to her body, and began to depict the magic circle of sealing art.

   "This thing isn't that strong on its own, so let's fix it first..."


   Although she didn't cover her body, Ashley did come into contact with the black mud. Even if she instinctively felt that something was bad, there was nothing she could do if she couldn't move.

   "Are these... curses? Harmful? Angry? Killing intent? It doesn't feel like..."

She didn't know that she was still thinking, it was an extremely abnormal thing in itself. Pandora's box overflowed with black mud that symbolized all the disasters in the world outside of hope. If she did not have an extraordinary spirit and body, even if it was just a slight touch. , May be mad to death.

  Even if Ashley had a little Kraunpith in her body, it was still a very small amount, and it did not increase her substantial strength. Although her life was worry-free, she was unable to break free from the ruins as the best evidence. It's just that ordinary creatures are too weak to do such miraculous things as fascinating sentient beings.

   "This curse, for me now, maybe...very suitable."

   Ashley, who seems to be in a good mood, can only think about it this way, because her power is not enough to lift the ruins up, and her magic is not bad, but she doesn't have the type suitable for dealing with this situation. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM


   was trying to trap the remaining Graham's Alice No. 17, and found something wrong.

  Graeme's behavior seems to have changed.

It does not seem to be much different. Although Graeme is fighting, it was originally just to remove the obstacles that prevented it from moving forward. Whenever it has the opportunity, it will brutally attack the ruins where the saint is, and will not miss a trace of killing the saint. Chance.

   is the same now, but attacking the ruins has become a kind of cautious feeling. Rather than saying it is an attack, it is better to say that it is actually rescuing itself?

"Could it be that the power of the saint has worked on this inanimate thing, right? That guy is a treasure from my sister No. 107. It seems very interesting. I have the opportunity to take her home and play with it... …"

Halfway through thinking, Alice 17 feels something is wrong. She only knows the information of Saint Ashley. She has never seen it before, and immediately feels that she should be the type that she likes and wants to take home to play. ?

   "I... was recruited? Why? Obviously sister No. 107 is all right."

   Charm ability itself is not terrible, the most terrifying thing is that even if you know the trick, you can’t resist that sweet and sweet feeling.

(to be continued)


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