Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 248: Showdown, rules

After hearing the words of the mayor, all the people who showed different emotions when they saw the skull face and the woman who looked like a human but were not alive, bowed their heads in tribute to them.

Ainz was silent for a while, and guided the atmosphere to mention the feeling of his throat, and then spoke with the most majestic voice: "For the first time, I am fortunate to meet you in this...huh...real posture. I am Ainz Ur. ·Gong, my purpose in coming to this corner of the Northwest Continent is not to do something on behalf of the country and organization behind me, but to help people in these places in my personal capacity. The reason... Hmm, let me introduce you first. My wife Messette Ur Gong. Although she changed her surname with me, the names of her former Andora family in several countries in this area seem to be thunderous, right?"

Seeing everyone look like "What did you say" or "What are you kidding?", I feel that Messette around me seems to be in a bad mood, and it turns into a dialogue that may quarrel is not conducive to maintaining a compelling situation. He put his arm around Mesette's scented shoulder and said, "How is it? It's a good match, isn't it?"

Mesette softened.

The others are all over, and when prompted to this level, they won't be unaware of the current situation. What Messette did is quite famous, and they naturally know that, even though they don’t seem to be a good match at all, it’s doubtful what you would do at night when you have bones and flesh, but how dare you say it? Praise and recognition.

He paused again, pretending to clear his throat, and trying to get some time to slightly change the original line based on the situation at the scene, and then proceeded to say: "In short, that's it, although your country is just a remote place to me. But it can also be regarded as the place where Mesète’s ancestors founded the great cause. If you don’t care about your boring infighting here, it can also be regarded as Meséte’s hometown. At the same time, the dignity of my wife is also something that I cannot afford to lose, Messet. I don’t intend to intervene in the revenge of 忒, but it seems that because of the boring internal fight with you, there was a “knee-jump reaction”, which resulted in undesirable results. I also have friends in the Northwest Continent. There are kings and kings of several countries. Other dignitaries also came to my wedding to show off. It would be sad to be known about this.

"So, I also plan to do something for the people of the Northwest Continent to show compensation. However, I don't want to be a tool for some countries and religions to make fuss, so I concealed my identity and adopted the relatively free role of adventurer. However, other things have happened recently, and I have to show my identity. What has happened, let these people with many years of experience in this industry tell everyone."

Ainz motioned to the captain of the "Four Color Armed Forces", he was the largest survivor of the mission team.

"Sir, it's rude. I'll start to explain."

The captain began to state in more detail what they had seen during the mission and the possibility of the terrifying monster at the bottom of the shattered altar.

He exchanged secret glances a few times in the middle, feeling that he had acquiesced before speaking.

Although he didn't hide any important things, he didn't want them to be considered the culprits who had awakened the monsters. In short, he carefully considered all the sentences before uttering them.

After the explanation, the room was dominated by a dead silence.

It was a monster of mythological level. It was something that could only appear in the war of gods, but now the Principality of Bajas has expelled the gods from the world, and the remaining three transcendents are used to fight the empire, the religion, and the dragon. The kingdom confrontation, requesting assistance is basically impossible.

"The strength of the monster is flying... It's rude, in the eyes of Lord Gong, does it have the strength far superior to ordinary demon gods." The adventurer's guild president also wanted to confirm.

"If the Demon God in your mouth is the Demon God defeated by the'Thirteen Heroes' a hundred years ago, based on the information I collected, yes." Ainz said. Valley

"Then, since you are here, what's your opinion?" the mayor asked.

"No, what do you think before you ask me? I still have some cards, I should be able to fight that monster, but what I need to face now is not a behemoth alone in the wilderness. We have encountered quite a few. Powerful monsters and demihumans. This is a war. If I intervene in your command system and dominate too many parts, won’t I be in trouble politically? With my race and abilities, I may also be "Blood Chain God" Tuan is the object that should be plundered."

The officials in the room wavered.

"Or you are willing to be under my command? If so, I will help the innocent people by the best means. If you can't do should discuss countermeasures on the premise that monsters will soon come, Fran My illusion should last for a few days, but not more than a week... Let’s stop here, let my wife and I go back to the room, this period of time is not small, we also need to do some preparation and recharge."


Dragon Kingdom, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com fairy sacred place—

This is the birthplace of Kraunpith's first biological children. Although Titanya has long moved there since the establishment of the country, the environment left here has not changed much.

As a result, some wild fairies and corresponding monsters are attracted to live here, and it has also become a recreational place for the fairies who stay in the Dragon Kingdom. Although it is not a famous place, it is widely spread.

"Desperate" Yu Jiali concealed that the destination of the journey from Jiao Guo Shen Du was here, and then plunged in.

Naturally, she was received by Larva who kept his original career in the Dragon Kingdom.

Kraunpis continued to write "The Book of Yugula" and adjusted it according to the status of the Eucalyptus fairy practice.

This is the confidence of Kraunpith. Since natural energy can be used with magic power, Chakra in Naruto World can also be used as MP. The ninjutsu in Naruto World is not like the Forbidden World in this world. Some magic is suppressed in this world. . Then she has a way to incorporate the fairy celestial arts of Naruto World into the "Yggdrasil" system.

After groping, she probably understood some of the rules of whether it was suppressed, that is, the relationship between blue consumption and intensity.

Generally speaking, when other variables remain unchanged, these should be proportional. But the Devil's Forbidden World seems to be very reluctant to follow this seemingly reasonable common sense. Although there are also common senses that conform to this common sense, it is also the part that is not suppressed by the rules of the world. Many magics in the magical world, even if they are poor, kidney deficiency and other diseases that affect life and spirit and then affect magic, chakras, etc., and MP factors are gathered together, as long as you master certain rules, legends, and mechanisms, you can make magic powerful. Abnormal-these will be suppressed by the rules in another world.

(to be continued)

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