Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 273: Lilith Flower Sea Tour

  Crownpis disguised as a human servant, whose pseudonym was Lilith—same as Aleister Crowley’s child, but was an ordinary prairie goblin on the racial appearance, and he drove around in a car.

   "Ah, it's so annoying to drive a carriage." Crown Pess was sitting in front of the carriage and whispered a Graeme horse's flattery from time to time and whispered from time to time.

   Ainz Ul Gonner's infrastructure is quite good, all of which are cut and neatly paved with large stone roads or lime concrete roads.

   To be honest, Kraun Pess really wants to drag racing on this kind of road.

   But Kraun Pith doesn't know what's going on. The structure of the demon's motive has long been leaked, but the motor vehicle has never been civilianized.

   The window of the car was always open, and Chizuko seemed to want to see the scenery.

  Crown Pess, who is annoying to drive a car, simply talked to her and joked: "You don't have to probe your head inside. Is it difficult to stick your upper body out of the car window? This is not a motor vehicle."

   "Lilith Sang...what do you think of my body, I'm not an athlete."

   Her voice is very nice now. You must know that once she could only use the phone code, and at most use the voice system inside to help herself "voice", thanks to a kind of insect monster called "lip worm".

The lip worm is a parasitic monster that eats the vocal cords and replaces it with its voice. However, it is important to catch and tame the lip worms that have already obtained the sound. The vocal cords were also eaten.

   Putting the lip worm into the throat of another person of matching size can make that person make the same sound. It is a good biological voice changer. The problem is also obvious-there may be a dead person behind every "voice changer". After all, the vocal cords will be broken by gnawing on the throat. Even if there is magic, it is dangerous if the rescue is not in time.

However, since it was given to Qianhezi to use, it is naturally okay. As for whose throat was used as a sacrifice—Crown Pisz said that he bought it on the black market, and there is no need to ask about it. ask.

   She replied to Chizuko, “I don’t think you can do it even as an athlete. It’s just that your physical fitness is too bad. It’s rare to survive, and you are still in this world where you can level up. You have a chance to get a professional level by exercising.”

   "Weird world."

   "Hahaha, if you can say this, it means that you have not been poisoned by the 21st century cross-street literature, hehe." Crown Pith laughed.

   Qianhezi tilted her head slightly, she didn't know where she was laughing, and then continued to look at the scenery.

   "I said, is there anything to see in this landscape? Except for the fields and trees, it is a large area of ​​farmland. Most of them still don't see farmers who look like humans." Kraun Pisi said.

   "Because... so big." Chizuruko whispered.


   "That's wheat, wheat ears... it's so big, it's a bun." Qianzuko said, even though his tone of voice fluctuates little, she is really amazed.

"That is the crop of this world, it just looks like magnified wheat. Although I haven't asked what it is called, it is not human food, and it is not very friendly to human taste buds and stomach." Crow Empis said.

   "Really, it's a shame. If my hometown could grow the crops like this, it wouldn't be so sad back then."

Kraunpith: "When you were born, World War II was not over yet. But it is true that the island nation is going to be over. That's how it is when the war is lost. You can resent your homeland for doing so many unreasonable things. You can take care of it. Half the casualties of the victorious country in World War II, your homeland was fierce enough at the time, and if you don't cooperate with the mustache head, you will be retributed. Hehe."

   Chizuko: "Lilith Sang... Was your child and the motherland allies back then?"

Kraunpith: "Well, that's right. But the purpose is to contain the Red Empire and the United States, but I did not agree with you to fight in East Asia, so there is no way to do trade here. Some high-quality armor and ammunition are needed. There is no way to buy the metal of the United States. Huh, anyway, looking at the situation of the battle, it will not escape the end. It is nothing more than to see how much damage can be caused to the Allied forces. Things are history and don’t care."

   Chizuko: "But my father is from the Anti-War League..."

  Crown Pith: "...Hey, then I can't talk."

   The sky is getting dim, and the bright and distant city has been incorporated into the horizon, but it has been slow to approach.

   "What's going on? Didn't go?" Qianzuko asked, poking his head out of the car door.

   Kraunpisi replied: "The highest part of the city wall of Lord Ainz Ul Christine is very high, and it is as good as the wall used by the giants."

   "How high is it?"

   "It's a quarter shorter than the building of the general director."

   "...Are there any problems with lighting near the city wall?"

"I also wanted to know at first, but there is no shortage of Yin-born races in this world. When I came last time, I also admired Gu Aotian's plan for the city, but I think he would talk about his ideas at most. The execution ability is totally inadequate. I think there must be very capable subordinates."

   "Really. I'm a little bit curious... Another world. Can I hurry up at night?" Chizuruko asked.

"Yes, yes. The road is flat and the suspension of this car is very stable. You can sleep in it. It's just that the world doesn't have a lot of fun at night, and you can't get in after closing the city gate at night. UU Reading "

   "Well, can I go to the hotel closest to the city...what is the name of the place?"

"It's a bit slurred, Ainz Ur Gongshi, who is led by Ainz Ur Gongshi, that guy cares more about his own name, so he usually calls the territory of Ainz Ur Gong Ainz Ur Gong leads', and Ainz Ur Gong also forbids abbreviations, so the central city just adds a'main city' after the'Ainz Ur Gong'."


"Then go to the hotel," Kraun Pace took out the tourist map he got from the last visit and looked at it. "The nearest hotel...Golden Wheat Pub. I just said that the wheat ear is the hotel with this name. Isn't it a word of mouth?"

   "Well, then please Lilithang."

"By the way, Qianhezi doesn't need to be so polite with me now. Acting is also very important. Your original family background is pretty good, you are a rich lady, but you have always looked like a'modern feeling'. People who don't know think that I've brainwashed you." Kraunpis spit out.

   "Who said that everyone in that world originally thought of me as a liar showing off mystery, this." Chizuruko said, her heart moved—

   "Boom", the prairie farmland around the road became a sea of ​​flowers.

(to be continued)


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