Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 298: 0 Crane was abducted

Limlu had some reasonable guesses about Kraunpith's plan.

Although Klauen Pith is dressed like a clown, she has a strength that the [Great Sage] can’t assess, plus the influence and deterrence of being in contact with Verdola and others on the world-even if her personality is a little bit insidious, K Raunpith is by no means a small person who can be seen everywhere.

Even if you want to add your own naming monsters and take in some subordinates, it's not a weird thing.

And Limru just wants to live a comfortable life. If a big man needs a name when he finds it, he will be at a loss. At the same time, he was worried that too much naming would put too much burden on his own magic element, and there was a share that was just right for him.

So he just thought of one thing to ask, and said: "By the way, in this case, can you give me a more detailed introduction to the surrounding countries?"

Klauen Pith hasn’t confirmed it yet, so he has to continue to talk about the original setting in a little detail on the ground that “I’m just passing by, and all the general information I inquired about in advance may not be reliable.” It is recommended to go to the country of dwarves to improve the conditions of human materials. Goblins should know that dwarves contain many races, but they may be attacked by humans in the vicinity of their borders, so pay attention; , So it’s easy to meet high-ranking officials. You can consider negotiating with them by providing rare materials and special products of monsters; but the churches of big countries and humans must be vigilant. Sometimes big countries and churches will deal with them just to gain glory and wealth. The monsters that don't violate the river water are engaged in large-scale crusade and slaughter, and you have to pay attention to the aliens in it."

"So that's the case, some Verdola told me. Some countries will summon people from other worlds to be enslaved as combat power, right?" Rimru asked.

"Perhaps, people from other worlds have been distorted in this world, so their personality may not be good. Don’t feel that the other person is the same because you’re kind. Similarly, don’t just ignore the fact that this world generally uses magic and skills to fight and assist in life. The possibility of high-tech existence is heard. I heard that the East has invented things like spaceships and tanks and is waiting for an opportunity to invade the West. The disappearance of Verudola may speed up their war preparations."

"The East invades the West?"

"Huh? Is the point here?"

"No, getting used to the history of the past world feels a bit contradictory for a while, it's okay."

"As of this time, I will treat it as an investment. Would you like to give you some design drawings of ships and vehicles? As I said earlier, since crusades against monsters can gain wealth, it is natural to live with monsters. I hope I can use things produced by monsters as The commission will be paid." Kraun Pissi said with an idea. She knew and confirmed that Limru is peace-loving through some dialogues, so she did not bring up the part of the weapon.

"Ah, if there is a chance to use it, then." Limlu scratched her hair unsure how to do well. If there is convenient transportation and housing, he would naturally be happy, but now the distance seems to be a little far away.

"Pop." Kraun Pace slapped her hand, and instantly piled up behind them like a small mountain's drawings.

If it weren't for [Big Sage] to say that it was still safe, he felt that such a large group would definitely attract the attention of the wolves.

"Well, how many cars and boats are there?" Limlu said with a smile.

"Not many, that is, things called freewheels, speedboats, jeeps, and tractors in another world. This is more acceptable to people in another world."

"Ah? There are so many drawings, only four?" Limru cares about this.

"What are you surprised about? How simple do you think building a car and a ship is? I also think you have [Big Sage] and Verdola's [Investigator] before investing with confidence. I changed it a little bit and combined The skills might be able to fly."

Limlu was helpless, thinking that everything was thrown to the [Great Sage] to deal with it, and he would launch the [Predator] and eat all the drawings into his body without any problem. Maybe a small village will develop into a town in the future, and there will be contacts with other places, although I don't know how long it will be, but sooner or later there will be a chance to use it.

They chatted a few more useful and useless words, and finally Kraunpith said: "Well, of course, even in a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, the goodness to the monsters also exists, even if most of them are on the side of the monsters, you use your own Let’s confirm with your eyes. Okay, goodbye if you are destined."

"Thank you, there will be a period of time later. By the way, if you have a subordinate to come, besides that little fairy, is there any other identification factor?"

"No, don't we bump into the face? You can directly consult [Great Sage] for the rest. Bye bye."


They said goodbye.

Kraunpith decided that the depth of this world should not be too far from the so-called original. If the highest-ranking race here matches the original setting, the possibility of chasing time and space and breaking the world is not possible, regardless of the combat power. does not exist. Rather than produce intersection and ignorance, it is better to make friends with Limru.

Then, Kraun Pace returned to the place where Shaun and Qianhezi had been hanging out for a whole day.

Surprisingly, no one was there.

"Should I enter the city by myself?" Seeing that there were no special traces here, Kraunpisi took out the universal magic equipment and inserted the communication card, and swiped the rune to connect to Qianhezi.

It was a rustling voice.

If it is impossible to connect in certain situations, there will be no sound. In this case, the magic signal connection has found the target, but it has encountered some resistance and cannot go forward to connect.

Usually it may be an enchantment or other means of interference and elimination of magical powers.

"It's been a day since they left, what the **** did they do?" Kraunpisi put down the magic equipment and looked in the direction of the signal sent. There was a road along the road, which indeed led to the human town.

This distance is quite long, and it can't be done in one day, but Kraunpith does feel that the communication distance is so far.

Kraunpis opened the magic eye of the "past vision" ability.

Unfortunately, there is only visual information.

Qianhezi and Sean would have been in the carriage for a day without any problems, but in the meantime they seemed to encounter a group of people like robbers.

A group of armed men dressed in uniform, escorted several carriages with a shed passing by here, saw the carriage where Qianhezi was, and surrounded them.

Qian Hezi got out of the car, the two sides quarreled, Qian Hezi shot, and almost everyone fell down in an instant.

But then in the cart of the group, an elf appeared with a rabbit-eared girl who appeared to be a hostage.

Qian Hezi didn't hesitate for long, but he vomited blood when he was about to continue to shoot.

Then a dark hole suddenly appeared on the ground, swallowing all the carriages and the people around them.

(to be continued)

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