Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 305: year 0 final war

Ultima, who became the Demon Lord, received the new order from Kroenpis and left happily.

Only then did Klauenpis look at Chizuruko, who had been sitting on the ground and resting for a long time, and said, "It's time to return to that world, let's go back."

"Sean thing..."

"I'll go and talk to the orphanage inn that operates irregularly. It's considered an extraterritorial attack to protect you and die, right? You can give as much compensation as you should according to the law. Anyway, you don't plan to destroy it. The inhabitants of Ainz Ooal Gong’s territory should give some face,” said Klauenpis.

"...I see." Qianhezi sighed, somewhat comforted, when she heard that Klawenpis agreed to give some compensation to Sean.

She didn't think that if Sean wasn't a resident of that territory, I'm afraid Klauen Piss wouldn't even bother to take back the corpse and try to revive it, so he would just walk away.

But even if she thought about it, she couldn't do anything about it. She is in a better mood now. Not thinking too much about crossing the line is also a sign that she understands her situation very well.

After that, Qianzuruko, the Klauen leather ribbon, returned to the Overlord world through [Yiquan Hirazaka].

It seems that thanks to the fact that this world is often traversed, the time-space barrier between the Overlord world, which is also a traversal expert, is very fragile, and it seems that the ninth to tenth order space magic will be enough to pass through in the future.


Overlord World—

Klauenpis didn't say anything more to Chizuruko.

There are many phenomena and mysteries in this world that cannot be explained by common sense. This time, it is only one of them. After that, Klauenpis sent Chizuruko and the clones who separated the skills [Omniscient] and [Ignorance] back. The large underground hole in the center of Titania was conducting experimental research for relevant institutions, and he took Sean's body without changing his face to report to the guards led by Ainz Ooal Gong, and informed the orphanage.

Klauen Pissi watched the people in the orphanage cry and vent for a while, paid the money according to the process, and continued to ask the tour guide to continue to fulfill the original contract without caring.

Sean's death was not intentional by Clown Pess, and the investigation could not find any evidence related to her. Therefore, according to the law, as long as Crowenpith does not voluntarily suspend it due to an accident, the orphanage will indeed continue to perform the contract.

Although the atmosphere was a little stiff, the orphanage still sent people. This time, he is a demi-human who is in his teens, can use second-tier magic, and has a certain combat power.

Klauenpis continued to let him take him to visit some places as scheduled. This time it was basically quite smooth. When it comes to finding faults and minor conflicts, the new tour guide can also solve it by his own ability.

And just like that, the one-week contract ended.

After Klanpis settled the bill, he left Ainz Ouer Gongling and returned to Titania, but received news that there was an accidental linkage with the random crossing not long ago—

When Migalis found out about Francesca's black mud case, the other party mentioned that Ainz had encountered a person who was suspected to be a traverser from another power system.

Originally, there were enough traversers in this world, and I didn't care, it was not something that Klauenpis had to deal with personally.

Gu </span> Judging from the phenomena that happened before and after, perhaps Ainz was temporarily connected to another world.

It is necessary to consider the possibility that the barrier of the world was loosened or intersected with other planes during that time period. From the perspective of the object being transferred, perhaps the traversers were more likely to be suddenly thrown to other planes or some planes overlapped. kind of space.

Research in this area has continued, and Kroenpis has also analyzed the "world in the painting", but he has not been able to get any clues related to it.

The war in the Northwest Continent is still going on in name, but now that it has entered the stage of stalemate, it is peaceful.

During this period, the Principality spent a lot of effort to build a border defense wall like the Great Wall. It seems that they are very aware of the situation where they have no ability to win in the attack.

But they obviously still overestimated their situation, but they didn't know that they were already fish on the chopping board.

Through indirect channels, Klauenpis can take the southern border of Bahas Principality, Kaz Plain, Ye Lantil, the lizardmen colony in the south of Top Great Forest, and the Goblin Kingdom and Abelion. The hilly area and the Northern Holy Kingdom were recognized as Ainz Ooal Gown's domain.

From the map, it is a long and narrow area that cuts the land from the Crescent Sea to the ocean to the west. In addition to the consideration of separating the Eight Desires Desert, the Cult State and the Review State, Ainz can also play multi-racial integration and the society built by the undead is also considered. There are also many areas in this area that should be suitable for introducing Ainz. The place where Ur Gong received various endemic crops.

Then, the final war of this "hundred-year aftershock" began. UU reading


The border wall between the Bajas Empire and the Bajas Duchy is more than 100 kilometers long, like a Great Wall.

The "great cause" that should have taken a lot of years and national strength to achieve, instead, silently tells the helpless reality - the revolution that will bring the gods from another world down from the altar, and this is the end of the "world revolution" that I wanted to achieve. Just a daydream.

But in fact, the time and energy expended on this hundred-mile Great Wall did not reach the point of laboring the people and hurting the money.

The Principality has inherited a considerable part of the foundation of the empire, and can command many large monsters and strong demihumans. Although the main fleet is completely destroyed, there are still a certain number of ordinary ghost ships that can be used for land navigation; there are many Vehicles with tracked chassis, even if they are not originally for civilian use, can be used for engineering operations after some modifications.

After making a certain deal with Ainz Ul Gown, the efficiency of the undead they used also improved a lot.

As long as the building materials are ready to be transported by the undead assembly line that can never sleep, "Night City" is not a dream.

The Great Wall is not simple. Most of the simplest city walls are four or five meters thick. Small piers are set up at regular intervals, and there are huge fortresses that govern several piers.

Even if such a shocking and huge project, it still poses little threat to humans who have made considerable progress in magic technology and those who are tall enough to fly. And these are things that the enemies of the principality have.

More importantly, the Great Wall's ability to attack: the huge fortresses have several huge armored turrets in two to four mounts. Although they are manufactured with existing mature naval artillery technology, they can both launch physical artillery shells and magic, which is very practical.

(to be continued)


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