Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 13: king of omniscience

Everything the Pig-headed Emperor did looks extremely brutal, but it was all for the sake of food, fighting for the survival of his own race. His spirit did not keep up with the expansion of his power, and he was already confused. The instinct to protect the race was still there, and the pig-headed tribe fought for their own sake. The king is also willing to give his life and soul. This made the evolution of Pig Head Emperor extremely smooth.

It's just that, no matter if the pig head emperor is a demon king or not, it is only a one-shot kill for Ultima or a set of combo punches. It is impossible for the emperor to evolve at all.

Among the orders that Ultima received was "Leave the Pig-headed Emperor to Rimuru and the others, and leave enough magic power for Rimuru to become a Demon Lord and the amount of soul that can become an awakened Demon Lord", so even if he deliberately let it go. The pig-headed emperor evolution took away the soul that should have been dedicated to Klauenpis, and did not kill the pig-headed emperor. It would be good to kill 10,000 more, and the consumption of the mere Black Flame to check Ultima is not large.

Of course, there is also the option of capturing the souls of the pig-headed clan killed by other monsters and the souls of other monsters sacrificed in this war, and she has done so. However, doing things for the master can't just focus on the present.


After receiving the soul sent by Ultima, Klauenpis opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

Of course, there is nothing in the sky, just thinking of the so-called "Voice of the World" and doing it subconsciously.

She was waiting. According to the calculations made by the Omniscient, this amount should be enough.

It was originally a part of the evolution of the Demon King's evolution into the awakening Demon King, and it was specially separated for Klanpith. Naturally, ordinary people and monsters can’t do this easily. It is because the starting point of Klauenpis’s coming to this world is too high, and it is much higher than the awakened demon king. In other words, because the starting point is above the demon king. , but it is not so easy to awaken to become a demon king.

Although she is not interested in whether the world will make her a demon king.

Apart from the title, the biggest advantage of becoming an awakened demon king is that the relatives who have a soul connection with him can be blessed, and it is very beneficial to be able to improve together with the demon king. If Klauenpis needs to develop his own clan, even if he smashes into it with magic energy and makes them evolve, it may not be worse than the blessing of the devil.

"tell. Confirm whether the number of souls meets the evolution standard... Confirmation is complete. meet the specified conditions. Start application: Unique skill [Omniscient] Challenge evolution... Failed. 》

"Re-execution...failed. 》

"Re-execution...failed. 》

"Re-execution...failed. 》

This feels very familiar, but fortunately, Klauenpis expected this situation, and the number of souls she asked for Ultima was actually a lot more.

"Lower the standard, only keep the query and computing power, and sacrifice all the remaining souls to activate [WishUponaStar]."

"Received...trying to apply for the skill again...the unique skill [Omniscientist] challenges the evolution...failed. 》

"Re-execution...failed. 》

"Re-execution...failed. 》

"[OwnTime]." Klauenpith activated the skill, but it performed as many as ten million calculations in a very short period of time, so—

"tell. Sacrifice the unique skill [Ignorance]...[Omniscient] integrates the unique skill [Fusion], and the unique skill [Omniscient] challenges evolution...success. The unique skill [Omniscient] evolves into [Omniscient King]. 》

"tell. Try to apply for skills again... The unique skill [Fusion] begins to challenge fusion. 》

"Wait, aren't [Fusion] and [Ignorant] lost? Sacrifice and integration are not consumed?"

"tell. It has been copied and saved. 》


"[The King of All-Knowing] Calculated... The reason for the failure of the [Fusion] challenge, the amount of magic energy did not reach the [Fusion] challenge regulatory standards, consuming the soul..."

"Stop! Don't waste it! Is it not enough to convert my MP into magic energy?"

"The [Fusion] Challenge... requires the same amount of soul and magic element as the individual 'Cronpis Lilith Hekatia Lampards'. 》

"Is it equivalent to using the rules of this world to reshape an individual who is the same as me for fusion? It's really troublesome... How much does it take? Wait..." After coming to this world, Klauenpis did not restrict himself like he did in the Overlord world. Given the size and strength, she immediately divided herself and limited herself to the level of 300, then continued, "Okay, how much is needed now, based on the level of the pig-headed clan."

In the original time and space, Rimuru evolved the demon king, when integrating various skills, his personality was not so high. Klauenpis just wants to take a step now, and has not handed over the whole of himself to this world, which is enough.

"tell. One hundred and three thousand six hundred and twenty-one. 》

"Do you need to be accurate to one place?!"



"Is that Ultima-sama's magic just now?"

"It's so powerful!"

"But the Pig Head Emperor isn't dead yet. Although he's not moving, it's not an illusion. His breath is giving me goosebumps."

"No, it's not an illusion, it's the instinct of life to feel threatened."

"You can't waste the opportunity created by Ultima-sama, and solve it in one breath now!"

Onimen, goblins, goblins, and bunnymen who got their names were lined up with a lanka.

Lanka raised his head to the sky with a howl, and released the [Black Thunder Storm] that had just turned a large number of pig-headed tribes into ashes.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu. The pig-headed demon king of com was half-kneeling in the storm unharmed, supporting his unconscious body with the butcher's knife in his hand. This shocked all the monsters.

"[Silk Demon Bound Formation]!"

Souei, who has the ability to attack at a medium distance, made a move, and he manipulated the sticky steel wire with both hands to bind the pig-headed demon king.

But the steel wire immediately began to be corroded by the yellow gas, and began to quickly break one by one. Then, the boomerang thrown by Xiangtou far left two big mouths on the pig head demon king with a double-flying double strike, and the blood sprayed out, which could be pulled back. The dart was also corroded, and flew back with the yellow gas, so frightened that Kastori didn't dare to retrieve it at all, and hurriedly fled back far away.

After Katori, who was not a fighting race at all, lost the dwarf weapon as an attack method, he lost his fighting spirit for a while.

Although the sprinting monsters and monsters were brave, they also made a sudden stop in a conditioned reflex, and made concerted efforts to switch to long-range attacks.

One after another, sword qi and sword light continued to explode on the pig-headed demon king!

(to be continued)

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