Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 100: Snowball fight with the characteristics of the magic kingdom

The clans of Croenpis, such as Zhu Na and Cleveland, immediately launched their actions.

Rimuru also immediately contacted his family.

Shion came to Limuru and asked, "What should I do?"

For a while, Limuru couldn't think of what she could do alone with a simple mind, so she said, "Um... that, you just follow Benimaru Shuna and the others to help."

"Yes, Rimuru-sama!"

"You guys, come and help too." Rimuru said to the adventurer group.

The trio of Fitz and Idiot Killing also felt that they should do their part to eat and drink here, so they kept up with the team that left.

"Excuse me, do we want it too?" Every time Youmu came to the Demon Kingdom, he had to be drilled to the brink of death by Bai Lao, and he was a little reluctant.

"Old Bai, Youmu said he didn't want to rest—"

"I know it, brothers, follow me!" Youm's hero team also left with enthusiasm, and the first destination was the locker room.

Only Klauenpis, Limuru, and Milim were left at the scene.

"...Anyway," Klauenpis thought as he opened the magic circle of superpower magic, "prepare [The Change of Heaven and Earth [The]] first. [Remiel, the Omniscient King], after calculating, it will not stop Blizzard. Significantly affects how the landscape and climate change.”

"Do you actually need to use this level of magic!" Milim saw Klauenpis using magic seriously for the first time, and she, who possessed [Dragon Eye], could see what kind of magic it was at a glance, "Then I too You have to work hard!"

Seeing Milim clenched her two small fists, Limuru only had a bad feeling in her heart.

Just as he was about to stop it, Milim slammed her fists into the sky with even more swiftness.

"I know, learn to control, right, look at me—[Dragon Star Diffusion Explosion]!"

Blue-white dream beams blazed into the sky from between her fists, spreading out, wiping out the blizzard and clouds within the attack range.

"...Physically dispersed, the atmosphere has not changed as a whole, so it shouldn't affect the climate, right?" Klauenpis silently dispersed the magic circle.

"Peace! With this move, I won't lose to you in the putting game again. When will you come to play with me again!" Milim clenched her fists, and her eyes sparked at Klauen Peith.

"Then you can find a way to win me in the time and space system and fighting. Guess where it is."

Clownpeace took out a test tube of Coke and spun it acrobatic in front of Milim's face as a short stick.

Of course, the cola recipe is not reproduced here, but a cola-like drink is managed with local fruits and vegetables. But in this world at this time, it is also a drink that can be sold for the same price as old wine.

Even though Milim has lived for a very long time, her taste buds are very consistent with her child's appearance. She likes sweetness the most, and her eyes are shaking rapidly, chasing the Coke in Klauenpis's hand.

"Here!" Milim seized the opportunity and reached for Coke.

"It's a pity." Klauenpis flashed his hand and inserted the Coke test tube into Limuru, who was caught off guard not far away.

Of course, Rimuru is in the golden slime form at this time.

"Uuuuuuuuh!" Milim clenched her fists with tears in her eyes, as if she was going to blast Limuru out of Coke.

She was so frightened that Limuru hurriedly spit out the test tube and turned it into a human figure and presented it respectfully. Seeing Milim leave with a smile, she felt relieved and complained to Klauenpis, "Please don't make such a joke! "

"You can eat this kind of playful attack Rimuru, hehe."

Klauenpis used magic to change clothes on his body, pulled Limu and walked out.

"Oh oh oh! What a thick snow!" Limuru said excitedly looking at the street.

Although there was a sudden blizzard, because it was quickly dispelled, the snow was actually not that thick, but the efficiency of the monsters and monsters was abnormally high. Only at this time, the snow between the roof and the street was cleaned to both sides. , accumulated a thick layer.

"Have you never seen snow in your previous life? Did it come from the tropical rainforest?" Clownpis teased.

"I just thought of a good thing, after all, humans can't jump directly into the snow from upstairs, I've wanted to try it for a long time!" Limuru looked eager to try, bounce, bounce, bounce... …

"Let's go, don't send it." Klauenpis calculated the bullet in the thickest snowdrift, and threw Limuru into the air.

The reason is that there are now other "emergency" situations.

"Go on!" A large group of short hob goblins, headed by Gobuta, were gathering a lot of snow and wanted to play a snowball fight with Zhu Cai.

Why Zhu Cai?

I saw that Zhu Cai was in a hurry. Her muscle strength was much larger than that of humans, but by the standards of the ghost people, it was abnormally small. Get a lot of snowballs covered in snow, then get wet from the temperature difference between inside and outside.

Although Klauenpis gave the order to play in the snow, there was also a little brother who did this under the guise of the order.

Klauenpis jumped to the roof not far away and looked down at them: "Although ghosts probably won't catch a cold, what are these **** doing in the winter? Read first what they are thinking. "

What she sensed with her mental magic was—ah, we are playing with the usual high-ranking Zhu Cai-sama, and there are more beautiful girls waiting for us! So cool!

So why is it Zhu Cai?

Bullying her for being weak?

Klauenpis, who was unable to see under the double standard, shouted loudly to the bottom: "Pause, UU reading Do you understand the essence of serious snow play!"

"Lord Klauenpis!" xn

"Zhu Cai, your specialty isn't throwing snowballs, is this? I'll set an example." Klauenpis glanced at the little brother goblins, thinking that if you show them off accidentally, you'll make a comeback No, this can't be done, so I aimed at Zhu Cai, who had stronger comprehensive strength.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"[Blizzard [SnowStorm]]." Klauenpis raised his hand and opened the magic circle, and a whirlwind column mixed with a lot of ice and snow shot towards Zhu Cai.

She is not good at ice and snow magic, so it is just right to release water like this.

"[Pure White Yarn]." Zhu Cai waved her arm and slid her fingers, weaving a layer of pure white net outside her body, blocking the attack of the blizzard.

"Remember not to damage street buildings and unrelated people."

"It turns out that it turns out that playing in the snow is so severe, I understand. Is this a battle of protection to simulate the invasion of the enemy? Thank you Lord Klanpis for your teaching." Zhu Cai once again took a serious attitude towards Gobuta and others. .

"Hey, wait—" Gobuta knows how much he weighs, and everyone can bully the physical strength of the wizard who bullies the ghost. If he starts to use magic seriously—

"Be careful, [Bingtian Xuewu]!" Zhu Cai cast a magic spell and created a huge snowstorm!

(to be continued)

Chapter 100 Snowball Fighting with Magic Kingdom Features

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