Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 111: Farmus Kingdom "Dangerous"

King Edmalis of Farmus Kingdom received a series of reports, and at first his expression was very solemn.

In the beginning, they were worried about the invasion of monsters in various territories of the country, and wanted to send the elite knights of the country's army.

This is easy to say, as long as it works well, there is still a chance to weaken those bad nobles and lords, and lead the powers of various places to strengthen the centralization of power.

But the development that followed was incomprehensible. The Pig-headed Emperor strikes, the demon kingdom Hekatia Tempest was born, and the storm dragon Veldora was resurrected due to the gathering of the resentment of many dead in the **** rain of war.

At this time, there was also a hero named Youmu, who was originally the leader of the team sent by Earl Nidore McGamm to deal with the attack of the Pig-headed Emperor. Or because Veldora is a natural disaster common to all countries in the world, he did not stand aside as a human being and stood up when the demon kingdom was in danger. He stood up, moved the monster side, accepted the equipment created by the beautiful monster princess, which combined the talents of monsters and dwarves, and gained stronger power. La swears that people and demons will prosper together, and if they violate it, they will accept divine punishment, sign a contract, and achieve peace.

Relevant events have also been written into various books and peripherals by interested people and distributed in China. They also plan to perform related dramas and operas in major theaters. Although the Western Holy Church later intervened, burned books and pits, and vigorously obstructed them, they were forced to transfer to the black market. But it is still on the rise.

Recently, as Youmu returned to the country again, the beautiful monster princess accompanied her to her hometown to express her gratitude, and the popularity rose again, because some nobles also took a fancy to the good things of the devil country. With their care, the publication of books and peripherals The public performance of sales and theatrical performances has been difficult for even the church to stop.

As long as the Church has not officially designated the Demon Kingdom as the enemy of God, this is not a big problem. The biggest problem is - the reduction of taxes!

Because of the fame and products of the Demon Kingdom Hekatia Tempest, many merchants and adventurers have left the Farmus Kingdom!

The Kingdom of Farmus does not have any decent high-level industries. It can rank among the top powers among human countries. Thanks to its geographical location, it is conducive to trade with the dwarves and several other top powers, as well as the convenient development of tourism and monster hunting industries. Now These are all on the verge of collapse due to the appearance of the Demon Kingdom, and it can be said that the kingdom is now in a crisis of survival.

King Edmalis also received demon products from the nobles who paid tribute, from weapons and armors to silk and satin, from high-quality drinks brewed with materials from other demon kings to various high-level and low-grade healing potions. People love it and salivate.

King Edmalis was mediocre but not stupefied. He had not shown wavering during this period. Rather than worrying about domestic decline and foreign threats, he should try to benefit from the current situation and look to the future.

He has discussed many times in the government and officials. Although the solution is very simple, just like the attitude of human beings towards monsters - destroying and occupying, but there are Demon King and Storm Dragon Veldora, and the defense facilities are also very complete. , but beat is beat.

Farmus Kingdom can barely maintain an army of six figures. Although the number is quite large, the combat power of which is capable of dealing with monsters above C rank (pig-head army level) is only a fraction of 20,000, which can be compared with Calamity rank and even There are very few calamity-level monsters (at the level of the Great Storm Demon Vortex), let alone those who can rival the Demon King and Veldora.

One day, he alone summoned Larsen, the hero who has guarded the kingdom for many generations, to discuss it.

Without the entanglement of different factions and interests, and the trust accumulated over many generations, discussions can be more free. However, an uninvited guest came uninvited, and he had an identity that must be treated politely from the standpoint of Western countries.

"Why let the lowly monsters act in such a grand manner in your country? Could it be that the Kingdom of Farmus wants to betray humanity!" Archbishop Resim held up a large rolled up piece of paper and shouted loudly, "Also, these things have begun Post it to your capital!"

Larsen took it open and glanced at it, showing an incredible but reasonable expression, and passed it on to King Edmalis.

King Edmalis opened it and showed a rosy and excited expression. It was the performance poster of the "Beautiful Monster Princess" at the Royal Capital Theater. The performance time was running out, but there was a church message in the lower right corner. "Incineration" dedicated label.

The beautiful monster princess looks like the legendary fairy queen, which makes Wang quite satisfied. Although I have received a portrait when I received a report in the past, this picture is of high quality and has a more artistic sense. The fly in the ointment is that the curve is not enough , ahem, ahem—

King Edmalis, who found that he had begun to obey the instinctive desires of living creatures, hurriedly adjusted his mentality and said, "Since you are here, take the opportunity to draw her over, so that everything in the Devil Kingdom will belong to the Kingdom, as long as you can get rid of the Devil Kingdom. It’s okay to let them self-govern the country’s roads and business taxes, right?”

"But Your Majesty, the beauty you see is probably just the bewitching gesture of a monster—"

"His Excellency Chief Bishop, your face is covered in sweat. UU reading wipe it first." Larsen suddenly handed out a towel.

Although Rethym was displeased with the interruption of his words, not only did his **** hurt to death, but he also felt hot, so he picked up a towel to wipe off his sweat.

"His Excellency the Archbishop does not seem to agree with His Majesty's views."

"That is."

"Then when your Excellency came, what was pulling the cart for you?"

"Ma... Hey, Your Excellency Larsen, you are making excuses!"

"Even if you are the archbishop of the Western Holy Church, this is not the Holy French Kingdom Luberios, but the Farmus Kingdom, and it is in front of His Majesty, pay attention to your attitude!"

King Edmalis said: "Then, as Your Excellency the Archbishop said, we are deceived by the appearance and interests of the monsters, then presumably the Holy Church will send enough combat power to launch a holy war in order to save the people of our country. Veldora, right?"

The implication is that if you can't do this, the Kingdom of Farmus will not pay you to play, and they can't afford to accompany this kind of thing that will destroy the country if you are not careful.

"As long as there is a country willing to ask for help, the Church can dispatch the Knights of the Temple. Cardinal Nicholas has issued a permit order. There is one more thing to tell you again - although it has not been made public yet, the **** Luminas has been sent to the gods. The decree - crusade against the Demon Kingdom. Dare to let filthy monsters steal their lives is a heinous crime." Resim said confidently and forcefully with a little tired breath.

"That is, is that one going to act too?" Larson said in a low voice.

At this level, the witch of the Western Holy Church, Sakaguchi Hinata, should also be dispatched.

(To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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