Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 15 Chapter 17: The Swordsman in Black

Kirito calculated that the price of 500 kels was not expensive for the information he spread out.

But it’s not something that I’m so eager to know. It’s a good idea to enjoy the journey before the monsters appear. Maybe someone will just talk about it casually—you have to get revenge on the intelligence dealer.

As a result, it was obvious that two people who were so opposite in a certain sense—

The boy in black, who is still a little immature and can imagine that women's clothes will never violate the harmony, and the girl in black who speaks very boyishly and is very lively, they are attracted to each other because of the color. They quickly became high.

"Yo, Yuuki's equipment is all black."

"Ah, when I first came here, it wasn't like many people changed their hair color. Once I hit a rock monster and dropped a rare obsidian sword and light armor. I liked it very much, so I have tried to match the hair since then. It is fully equipped with the color of obsidian. However, I am ashamed of being black compared to Kirito."

"Mmmm, it's my obsession to have a set of black equipment. Black is cool. I feel like it's quite tasteful to have my title."

"That's right."

"You are also very discerning."

"Hmph, Kirito is the one who won the position of Iga ninja with a black line."

Kirito suddenly panicked: "Uh... When confronting those ninja players, do you really have to call yourself a Koga ninja? No, no, no, when I didn't say it, I was a swordsman anyway..."

"Ninjas are obviously very handsome, Kirito, you are wearing a cloth armor that doesn't make a 'dang bang' sound at all, and the flexibility you showed in fighting monsters before, you are also very similar to ninjas."

"Things like plate armor and helmets will limit the flexibility of the body and the width of the field of vision. Although it is a must for tank players, it is not suitable for team action players, and it is not suitable for my style. Another reason is this type of sword." Kirito pulled out My own sword, the Fairy Knight Sword, stroked and weighed it and said, "Although this is a captured item, I chose a piece of hand sword that relies on weight to increase its power, and requires a fairly high STR. In order to maintain high speed when using heavy weapons, it is necessary to Reduce armor weight."

"Well, I also like to pursue high speed. Black, high speed, it's cool, but I will evenly distribute the weight of weapons and armor. What are the seized items, aren't they dropped items? Did you get them in PVP?"

"This is the terminology of the game. Drops refer to things that enter the item bar directly after the battle, and there are pop-up prompts; captured items are the equipment that drops from opponents after they have been killed and disappeared together. That kind of equipment can be used.”

"Oh, that kind of thing, but the equipment dropped by monsters can't be used for processing and strengthening. It's suitable for monsters at our current level, and the equipment performance is worse than our equipment. We usually sell them for money."

Kirito put the sword back into the sheath and said, "That's right, but last time I did a mission and defeated a very powerful elite opponent. My predecessor's beloved sword was directly half-destroyed. It just so happened that even if this sword could not be strengthened, I would not be able to. It can be used for a while. Well, since this sword cannot be strengthened, I think I will change the sword soon."

"It's not like ninjas can't use swords."

"Ninjas don't know how to use swords, but if you have to say, ninja swords are different from samurai swords. Most of them are straight swords. Like rapiers, they mainly use thrusts. It is not impossible to say that they are single-edged swords, right?"

"Single-edged swords? Swords are divided into one-edged swords and double-edged swords. Kirito and I use double-edged swords. Sure enough, there are more and stronger swords, right?"

"There is no such thing as a situation where the conditions of different weapons are completely equal, and it is not easy to compare. However, if a single-edged sword and a double-edged sword made by the same blacksmith with the same materials and the same skills are compared, the attacking power of the single-edged sword will be stronger, the single-edged sword will be stronger. The sword can also be used for the skill of the big sword, but some continuous sword skills that require two-sided swords to slash back and forth cannot be used, so it can be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.”

"What about the 'ninja sword'? What I saw seems to be different from what you said?"

"If I knew about those, it seems that I still follow the way of acting as a ninja, but I am equipped with a machete similar to a samurai sword. In fact, I made a mistake. Your companion Merida's single-edged short sword is closer to a ninja. Knife."

"Wow, Kirito knows a lot, it's really amazing."


"Sure enough, Kirito is very suitable for the title of ninja. Besides, I heard from the two wind demon ninjas, Kirito, you are good at fire, water and wood, and you also learned the skill [Taiju] of taking a head with bare hands."

"Eh? Did you really see Kotaro and the others? Damn, those two wouldn't hold grudges against that, would they? By the way, I was fed up with the time I learned [Taiju], and I didn't take the head with my bare hands. Such an unbalanced instant-death attack."

"I think they still recognize your strength. Merida also wants to learn [Taiju]."

"Well, it is true that some skills and items can be combined to play the effect of ninjutsu. After all, my team is small, and sometimes I do reconnaissance alone. It is natural to learn some methods that a solo player needs to get into trouble, right? Yuuki? Your team is as small as mine, do you want to learn?"

"Oh, can UU read I want it. I want it."

"Hmph, I said just now that I'm about to update my weapons. In exchange, I would like to ask you where there are complete sets of rare black equipment that can be customized, can you?" Kirito seemed to want to ask Argo at first. The question is forgotten.

"Okay," Yuuki opened the system map and showed it to Kirito, "Look, here in the south of this labyrinth, there is a hidden neutral village whose residents are monsters and demihumans, but don't worry, they won't If you take the initiative to fight over, the entry condition is to defeat the absurd stone monster in the field of this maze, and it will refresh after a period of time, so you don’t have to worry about being robbed.”

"Wow, it's so detailed. With this level of information, the 'rat' will definitely not get 30% of the benefits of not accepting my task. Enough friend, if I can get a fairly satisfactory suit, I will repay you."

"Then tell me how to learn [Taiju]!"

It just so happened that Kirito also wanted to take revenge on Argo. Anyway, that information was something that Argo had put on hold, so he said solemnly: "In terms of the value of this valuable information, I can't say, But you have to swear to God Stacia (the Great God of the System) that you will bear the consequences of not being able to learn, and never hate me."

"Eh? A life-threatening mission?"

"No, there will never be danger, you don't even need to fight. But it's really challenging to stand up and be patient, can a girl do it?" Kirito said "inspired".

"Okay, I swear to God Stacia (the Great God of the System)!"

Then they stuck together and shook their ears—to whisper, of course.

(to be continued)

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