Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 15 Chapter 96: Oberon (Nobuyuki Sugo)

Taking advantage of the chaos, Asuna and Lyfa charged without regard for other enemies, and quickly approached the strange-looking forest fairies using bows and arrows.

The forest fairy scouts noticed them and threw throwing knives similar to strange arrows at them.

Lyfa dodged left and right without compromising her forward speed, while Asuna swung her sword in front of her and danced slightly in the air like churning syrup, knocking down all the throwing knives that might hit her.

The distance between the two sides decreased in an instant, and their swords, lights, swords and shadows cut into the body of the fairy of the forest, and they hit a few times.

"Damn it! Why did the human race intervene in our fight against monsters!" A forest fairy warrior swung a machete to block Lyfa's attack and roared.

"It's just that you are fighting against my friend's camp."

"What a joke! My long-cherished wish since ancient times can't be understood by you human adventurers who only act for profit!"

"What does that have to do with the snake people?"

"Do you need a reason to fight monsters!"

"Then what's the difference between what you say and what you call a human adventurer?!"

Lyfa twisted the knife and slid the opponent's machete away, followed by a set of flowing combos, all the light of the knife fell on the position where it could cause a critical blow, clearing the enemy's hp and taking it away.

At the same time, Asuna on the other side activated the [Flash Pierce] rapier top-level thrusting technique, her figure almost transformed into a beam of light that entrained a storm, and swept away the nearest Forest Fairy Bow and Arrow team in one go.

"Huh?! Could it be that you are the saintess among the human adventurers?!" a forest goblin officer shouted.

The other forest fairies also cast hot glances at Asuna.

Asuna was furious at the eyes that didn't contain any astringency, but looked like a wolf staring at the food, and immediately angered: "What saint?! I am Asuna, the swordsman, for the dark fairy who is a friend. war!"

"Help the human race of the dark elves, kill!" Then the enemy shouted.

Just as Asuna was stunned by her great technique and was about to be surrounded, Lyfa released her magic to create a whirlwind, blowing away the enemies who were trying to besiege Asuna.

The attack power was not enough, but the time was enough, and the team of forest fairies, who were blown down and chaotic, also killed a lot of the snake soldiers who took the opportunity to swarm.

"...This feeling is really annoying."


Asuna and Lyfa rationally knew that the structure of the Forest Fairy was actually the same as that of the Orochi, but they felt like they were helping the monster kill.

"Thank you, Terran." A large snake soldier nodded to them, and then continued to fight.

Because this small battlefield was torn apart by the two women together, more snake soldiers flocked to the fairy of the forest from here, and some also cast a thankful look when they passed by.

Although it felt subtle, they followed along.

"Leifa-chan, it's very close to the exit, isn't that yellow exclamation mark the headquarters of the Forest Fairy's headquarters?" Asuna called out the system map and said.

"Eh? Really."

"Leifa-chan, it's also quite close to the gate of Thousand Snakes City, how about going to the officer who wants to take the mission to ask for instructions to raid the enemy's base camp, and then take the opportunity to escape?"

"It's a good idea, but will people agree?"

"While we've boosted their morale so much, maybe strike while the iron is hot."

"If it's really possible, my brother must blame it for being too unreal."

"...Is that so, hey, Lyfa-chan, I'm the swordsman Asuna here, right?"

"What's wrong? Since Asuna chose the sword as her main weapon, she's a swordsman, right?"

"Actually... don't joke about it. I... recently... occasionally forget the reason why I took up arms and stepped out of the circle in the first place... No, it seems that I don't think much about my identity in the real world."

"...Yeah, that kind of thing happened, maybe everyone doesn't know how to pass the level, and there are many people who are getting used to living in this world. Being killed by monsters may be like an accident in the real world. It's the same as dying in an earthquake."

Suddenly there was a sense of melancholy, but they quickly adjusted their state and acted according to the plan, and the result actually happened.

It just seemed impossible to escape for a while, because the lord of the snake warriors readily "sent" them twenty "Guardian Elite Orochi" as teammates—every soft and hard power could rival them both.

However, they still perform their duties.

In any case, I heard that there are still surviving dark fairies at large. If the command system of the forest fairies is defeated here, and the snake defeats one of their troops, the survival rate of the dark fairies can be improved to some extent. Maybe Kizmel also in it.

Soon, before they and the Orochi soldiers reached the Forest Fairy Barracks, Asuna, Lyfa and four "Guardian Elite Orochi" rushed into the main camp.

Then they were embarrassed.

It wasn't a trap or an empty camp, the blond male goblin who looked luxuriously dressed was sitting on the main seat in the center.

But he actually hugged the beautiful girl of the forest demon in cool clothes.

When he saw Asuna, he said happily, "Oh, my saint, you actually came to see me on your own initiative."

The subordinates on both sides looked like they couldn’t bear to look directly at him—Asuna didn’t think that was the case, so this guy might be very unpopular.

She even immediately came up with the idea that if there was a mission to let him down, the war would definitely be resolved, which made her feel very strange, but she did instinctively think so.

It was disgust from the bottom of my heart, and the tone and tone of voice awakened some real memories that I didn't like.

"Don't think I can't recognize you if you change your face, UU reading You are Nobuyuki Sugo?!" Asuna said angrily.

Asuna's father seemed to appreciate this person and wanted him to be her fiancé, but she, her mother, and her elder brother hated this person very much after seeing the person's true colors, so the fiance thing had already been blown up.

"Oh, Asuna, it's taboo to use my real name in the game. My identity here is the Goblin King Oberon. I hope you can call me that - I'm here to save you."

"'re crazy about playing games? You log in with your company employee account anyway, right? Since you're taking on this role with an hp slot, you won't even be able to get GM rights—even if there's a rescue organization, you're at most an employee. That's it, what does it represent?" Asuna said.

It stands to reason that I should be happy to see the opportunity to connect with the outside world, but seeing this guy's appearance is really unhappy.

Although the surrounding forest fairies were inexplicable about this conversation, some people stood up and said: "Your Majesty, even if you call her the hope of saving our country, using this tone to talk to the human race will also damage the dignity of our forest fairies."

(to be continued)

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