Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 15 Chapter 202: Kirito instantly kills the 95th floor BOSS

【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

Kirito, who fell to the ground, whose vision was blocked by Lucos' skirt, intuitively felt a lot of glaring eyes, and felt a little "desperate" in his heart: "As expected of that guy... He actually came up with this method to make us fight."

His heart is still relatively pure, the most important girl in this world to her is Suguha, he is not crooked, he will not be unaware of the feelings of the legally married "sister" to him, and his feelings to her also There has been a change, if it hadn't bothered the changes in the relationship between siblings, he wouldn't have deliberately become cold to his sister in order to escape.

But because this problem was still delayed for half an hour, Wuming rapier was handed over to Yui to see if the current authority could handle it, and everyone calmed down before finalizing the next action.

This is different from the Tower of the Pillar and other wild mazes. There is no exit at the end of the maze, so the return journey has to break through the maze where monsters and traps have been refreshed. The original difficulty here is focused on monsters instead of maze roads, so the difficulty is not at all. Not lowered.

They also regrettably found that Pisi the hamster, who was not wearing the "Ring of Hamley", which would never be attacked by monsters, took the lead in sending out a sentry to attract monsters. Drilling through the cracks in the wall was simply an act of attracting monsters from the opposite side and blocking the road. Maybe even a group attack skill to fill the unavoidable cracks in the wall. There is no other way, everyone has no choice but to proceed step by step as an ordinary maze.

The return journey took a lot of time, and the high-intensity combat of the talents consumed energy and stamina. During the return journey, they had to find a place where no monsters would be spawned twice due to hunger and sleepiness. The clock also shows how long it took them.

Unexpectedly, they finally returned to the vicinity of the exit of the pyramid. They found silently that on the edge of the pool of the Fountain of Reply, they found a thin lower body "growing" in the pool. into the water, revealing the literal meaning of the mouth covered with the lower body.

If someone were to be plunged into the pool upside down, they would immediately come forward to rescue them who were worried about a drowning accident, but this human-shaped lower body with a mouth full of sharp teeth was a monster no matter how it looked.

This reminded them that they had encountered a monster with a mouth full of mouths on the forty-seventh floor before. If it weren't for the difference in appearance, the girls would definitely think that the other party was chasing after him.

"No, the water level of the Fountain of Recovery is rapidly dropping!" Lisbeth just picked up the big water bottle and was about to run over, when Lyfa and Asuna stopped her.

The lowering of the water level was probably caused by the fact that the upper body of the monster was just as talkative as the lower body, literally drinking water. It seems that it is not the domain boss here but an outsider. It may not be hostile. It is only when the heat and thirst are bad when crossing the desert that it becomes like this when the shade and water source are found.

Saying,,,.. edition. 】

It's not good to do random behaviors that may provoke the monster, such as grabbing water with it.

When the water level in the pool dropped below a quarter, and the figure stuck in the water had already exposed its chest, it turned over and stood up with a refreshing look.

"Huh... it's comfortable." It wiped the clothes all over its mouth like a napkin, and said with a refreshing look, "It's really bad to leave the pleasant environment of the hill of memory."

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【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

"Could it be... You really are, Yoggsaro?" Kirito asked, although he could use the identification eye to check it after pulling his head out.

This stance may be the effect of a skill similar to Fei's [Humanization], and the cursor it can confirm in his eyes is not the red of the hostile monster, nor the green of the friendly army, but the yellow that is equivalent to taming to neutrality. , just did not open the blame seems to be correct.

"That's right, it's me." Yoggsaro said with the ordinary mouth under his nose, closing the mouth that he had just opened for the convenience of drinking water, and it became a thin, muscleless man. Like a **** person, lift your legs and step out of the fountain of recovery.

"How did this aquatic monster find this place through that kind of desert?!" Lisbeth was the first to exclaim.

"After all, I have been following you since you entered the master's sphere of influence," the other party said.

"It's... the little girl player who almost killed me outside the foggy forest last time?" Prosham suddenly had such a hunch.

Yoggsaro didn't look like a rational enough boss before, but the sudden change made her think of her previous encounter with Marianne Bell.

Prosham secretly gestured to Kirito, Kirito was slightly startled, made a gesture, and with his left hand he took out the transfer crystal from his pocket and quickly hid it behind him.

"Don't try to escape! The master wants to see you!"

Yoggsaro has sharp eyes, and immediately noticed that he rushed over. It took several seconds to activate the transfer crystal, and its speed was more than enough.

The mouth on its body quickly stretched out from the body, turned into tentacles and pulled towards the crowd, ready to bite some damage and paralyze them to catch them, although he doubted that Kirito took the transfer crystal and read out her master's sphere of influence However, even going there is by no means guaranteed, and UU reading may also be hiding and sabotaging under the lights.

Kirito's other hand suddenly shook, and a blue light burst towards it.

Yoggsaro, who was rushing forward, could hardly stop his figure, and forcibly took the blow with one mouth, only to find out that it was the transfer crystal that had been activated and ready to be activated!

"You!" Yoggsaro disappeared here in surprise.

"..." The girls who had been trembling and nervous because of the monster that maintained the Crusoe style even in human form were suddenly relieved and speechless.

"Kirito, does it matter if you leave the monster there?" Lisbeth said embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter, it's on the other side's base camp anyway, just send it home. Well, although it's a lot less, Asuna hurry up and try to see if it works, by the way, put all the water bottles and empty medicine bottles that can be used. Full." Kirito said.

It was easy to take away a lot of the Fountain of Reply, but Asuna's hand still had some problems.

"What should I do? Even though the appearance has recovered, the feeling of being possessed by something gloomy still lingers." Asuna said, moving her arm, which had returned to its original state, but seemed to still be emitting a faint purple-black mist.

"It can only be said that the bell needs to be tied. Let's talk about it next time I see her. I don't think that guy will give you the skill of giving you a hand for nothing, right?"

"Who wants such a ghost-like skill?!"

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【Re, the me who slaughtered by Gu Aotian】【】

Saying that, they were about to go out, but Lucos covered her skirt with a "Yeah" and looked back: "Who, who just... flirted?"

to be continued

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