Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 28: Cannibal nightmare

【Re, I am the arrogant slaughterer】【】

Cloenpiss said to the restless village chief: "I'm not using you as cannon fodder. You don't need to enter the castle. As long as you don't go in, you'll be fine. Since you will suffer if you go in, then the castle is not a useful resource for you, so some The things that you can help with... no, the things that few of us can't do, only you can do."

Cloenpis stated what the villagers need to do, and the village chief agreed with ease when he heard that it was only a matter of that level.

About half an hour later, a group of able-bodied villagers moved all the snowmen that Crompis had made before to the corner of the outer load-bearing wall of Nightmare City.

During the period, Crohnpiss also did a lot with Figel and Linel, and they were all let go.

In the end, Cloenpis let all the villagers who were only porters leave, and the three of them stretched out their hands to the nightmare city full of snowmen around them, concentrating on the snowmen they made, and chanting the sacred words—


All the heat in the iron shell wrapped in ice and snow exploded at this moment.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The Nightmare City was engulfed in flames and thick smoke in an instant, and the outer walls collapsed on a large scale involving various floors and roofs.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The villagers watching from a distance first shouted in shock, but the shouting immediately turned into cheers.

Suddenly, out of the flames rolled out a magical beast whose back was on fire and looked like a blue elephant.

"This is a nightmare, right? Since it cannibalizes people, is it a cannibal nightmare?" Crohnpiss thought.

Crohnpiss' flying dragon first exuded hostility towards the cannibal nightmare, opening its mouth and blasting it with a dragon's breath like a laser cannon.

The hunters and guards have also regained their senses. If they encounter unknown monsters in a dark place that they can't see and will drag people into nightmares to kill each other, they will only have timidity and terror. Before showing a strong destructive power, they will not be afraid. They shouted and raised their bows and arrows, shooting waves of arrows at the cannibal nightmare.

Their attack power is not high, but they have a lot of people. The man-eating nightmare is not a monster known for its hard skin and strength. Otherwise, it would not shrink inside and just rely on sneak attacks to hunt. People did not kill its output at all. not weak.

"Since that guy is active indoors, the power to make people fall into a nightmare has to be launched at close range. Don't let it get close, use all long-range attacks!" Klauenpiss shouted, and he also started shooting wind blades and fireballs with both hands.

The level of sacred magic of Feijieer and Lineel is not better than that of ordinary holy warlocks. They chanted sacred magic and used steel to make throwing knives, quenched with paralyzing poison. Facing this side and preparing to slip, he immediately shot a throwing knife there.

"Puff!" Twice, the man-eating nightmare, which became paralyzed after the stimulation, fell down.

Seeing this, the hunters and guards wanted to step forward and dismember the corpse, turning the long-standing terror into anger to vent out. Claumpis, Figel, and Linel were not willing to share their experience, and went up first with a combination of sword skills and sacred magic enema, which ended the cannibal nightmare.

In other words,,,..version. 】

Afterwards, the village prepared thank-you gifts. Seeing that the poor village could not produce anything worth looking at, Klauenpiss proposed to take only the ivory-like pair of cannibal nightmares that could be used as artifact resources. Fang and the dropped things it collected left all the rest for the village to deal with, and then left again on the flying dragon together with Figel and Linel.

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【Re, I am the arrogant slaughterer】【】

After leaving the icy and snowy place and landing near a town in the midwest of the Western Empire on the way to the Southern Empire for supplies, Crohnpiss preached to the two: "I said, you two really want to find a chance to express yourself, understandable Well, it’s the same with me, it’s also the same in front of higher-ranking knights, and it’s also in front of the highest priest. But it’s not okay to mess around and get yourself involved, I will be very troubled.”

This is half-real and half role-playing, but unexpectedly, the two glanced at each other, then silently nodded to Crohnpiss, then both raised their hands in front of their chests and made fists, bowed and saluted: " Understood, we are the knights who are responsible for protecting you when you are doing business outside, please order us if you need to fight."

Crohnpiss felt a little nervous, wondering if Kirito's dream was so violent? Taught them to be so obedient?

She seemed to ignore her gradually increasing reputation for efficient command operations.

But since she can give the order, she is not polite: "Well, next, because there are many deserts in the Southern Empire, we have to make preparations before entering the desert, such as sand control and water storage. I don't know much about this. It is best to find Experienced people to consult. By the way, one more thing—"

There is an open-air temple near the West Canyon of the Western Empire. It is surrounded by towering stone walls and natural mountain walls. No one has entered this place for more than a hundred years. people approach.

The objects enshrined in the temple are naturally related to the guardian dragon. One of the abilities of the guardian dragon in the west is a large-scale thunderstorm. In order to prevent it from affecting the human world when fighting, it bestows the local people with the artifact "Silver Purple Orchid Spear". UU reading www.uukanshu .com It is a silver-purple gun with a long and wide blade like a broad sword. It is in the shape of an arrowhead with barbs. It stands on the guardian dragon stone statue of the temple, which is very heroic and majestic.

Now that the guardian dragon of the west is dead and the temple has not been maintained for many years, it has become a thing without an owner in terms of system and law.

When Kraunpith drove the flying dragon passing by, he took the silver purple orchid gun away, and inserted a stone gun with a similar appearance on it. If only the symbolic meaning was left, any gun would be fine. , isn't it?

"Who wants this gun? If you go and absorb some resources with your own hands, you can become a stronger artifact and take the initiative to recognize the master and get the corresponding armament full control skill." Kronpiss played with the silver purple orchid gun and asked behind him. of two children.

"Then, give it to me, I still want to challenge it." After the stronger Feijieer replied, "That sword should also be our favorite poisonous sword. Give it to Neil when the authority is sufficient."

"Jier... Well, then I'll take the sword." Lineel agreed with a smile.

"It's decided? The ivory I got from the man-eating nightmare just now... The tusks and dropped items are also artifact materials, but the shape and texture are not suitable for spears. Don't think about it anymore?" Klaumpis said.

"This... I think you, Piss, should also get an artifact." Feijieer said.

"Hmm, even holy warlocks need weapons, and it's not against the rules for Pith to get the artifact." Linel added.

"Ah, that's it... The three of them will have to divide into three groups." Cloenpiss murmured.

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【Re, I am the arrogant slaughterer】【】

to be continued

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