Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 71: 1 wild Yuuki

Kirito felt that Tanreni Canyon really had an SAO flavor, but even Aincrad's boss had it, so it's not surprising that such a place appeared. It's just confusion about the staff's purpose of setting up these SAO map monster elements, but to solve the confusion, you have to try to enter the Axiom Church and find a terminal to contact the real world.

In short, it is right to work hard, and Kirito misses Lisbeth a little at this time.

"Huh... there are 1,300. It's enough to dig this much." Tong Ren said.

"Kirito, considering the loss caused by forging and the fact that there may be ordinary stones with similar looks in it, it might be better to dig more. How about 1,500, come on... By the way, the "Taboo Catalog" is a day for workers. The workload is limited, so we have to be careful."

"It doesn't matter. We are not workers, but we are just collecting materials for sword making as swordsmen."

"Then let's aim for the same 2,000 as Nisaki Kiga Sceta. I can sell a lot of them. Unlike Kirito, who is serving as a servant, I won't be paid as a guard when I enter the academy."


"I knew you would say that, haha."

"Dang, dang, dang... card!"

"Ouch!" The pickaxe that Eugeo had just dropped suddenly shattered, and the reaction force made Eugeo's hand numb.

"Hey, are you okay, Eugeo!"

"It's okay, it seems to have hit something hard..."

"Let me see... oh, it's actually a necklace! Is there any regulation on digging up jewelry from the "Taboo Index"?"

"...If it is confirmed that it is unowned, it usually belongs to the person who found it and declared ownership. Does Kirito want to sell this necklace for money? I have no objection."

"No, I can't get a trace of scars or deformation with my sword skills. Can melting it together and using it to make a sword increase the strength of the sword?"

"Ahhh... Sure enough. Kirito is Kirito."

"Meow meow meow."

"Yo, Kate, I'm hungry... Wow, it's already this time. No, hurry up!" Kirito took out bread from his bulging backpack, tore a small half and put it in front of Kate, and took another Take out another piece of bread and throw it to Eugeo.

The two sat down and devoured it.

"It's a good thing it didn't appear with that Kate before. If it appeared together, how would it be called so that they wouldn't react together?"

"Didn't you come up with the name casually? I always feel like it's back when we first met." Eugeo said.

"Ah, but this bread was baked this morning. It's soft and crispy. It's different from the hard and unpalatable bread that can only be eaten overnight. But the bread's destiny is running out, so don't hurry up and eat it." It has to become unpalatable bread again." Kirito said.

This is also one of the things he wants to complain about—the quality of food is declining step by step instead of constantly changing, which makes it possible to eat enough delicious food before the time limit is up, but the temperature can only be used, and there is no time to light a fire. He hadn't learned the sacred art enough to heat food stably either.

Eugeo raised his head and said, "Yes, the bread that is more delicious than this is the bento that Alice gave us when Kirito and I cut down trees together."

"We also played the swordsman game together, Yuuki is so good, everyone said that she might become a swordsman going to the central capital in the future..."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, the source app! It’s really easy to use. I use it to read and listen to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

"Now we also... eh?"


The two froze for a moment, staring at each other like lovers.


Central Capital Centoria, Axiom Church, Central Cathedral, ninety-sixth floor—

"Has the broken memory been reconnected?" Crohnpith held the crystal plate and looked at the two through Kate Yinsabella's vision.

But looking at the two people who started to slap each other on the back again in Kate's field of vision, it seems that they didn't take the words that popped out of the momentary reflex seriously, and seemed to regard it as the two people who had been together for too long and began to imagine that brain supplements did not exist without authorization Good times.

"No, Kirito should have an idea, but for him, he has no other option but to keep it in his heart for the time being... Yuuki, in order to prevent a pair of lily and pair of ki from directly entering the happy-end ending, Is it really in my interest to temporarily kick her out of the experiment?"


Congregational Church, Central Library—

Cardinal returned here, deleted the door created not long ago behind him, and relocated this place to random random number coordinates to prevent anti-tracking.

Then she took off the skirt on her body, changed back to the sage's attire, **** her hair, and put on glasses.

"It seems that Quinella guy really went out... In the past, even with this level of movement, as long as he entered the church area, he would be chased and intercepted by bugs. What is UU Reading planning? The gate, catching people from the Kingdom of Darkness and turning them into objects... It would not be a good thing to think about.

"However, she was able to move freely because her soul capacity was close to being saturated, and she had to reduce her activities. This can only show that she has found a new backup carrier and expansion method. The temporary backup carrier is probably the one that looks almost the same as Quinella's when she was a child. Where does the expansion program come from?

"But no matter what, this is the first and last chance for me. It has not been a few years since the Kingdom of Darkness invaded. Even if the repair of the gate is delayed, it will not last twice as long. If Quinella completes the expansion program, there is a chance Opportunity to use a spell that human fluctlights cannot carry, I will never be able to beat her again."

Cardinal could have done everything that Adominus Doret could do, but due to too many inhuman parts, she hesitated and lost many opportunities.

Even so, she must stick to the bottom line of "being a human being".

Of course, she voluntarily gave up a lot of memories that she thought were useless, so that she had a large capacity and did not need to go to sleep regularly to consolidate the memory. She gained a lot of time and worked **** her own. In terms of fair one-on-one duels, she is confident that she will never lose.

But the opponent has been developing subordinates, and obviously does not intend to single out, so she must prepare some helpers for this.

She went to the only person in the big library who was reading and studying, and took out two hand swords, one black and one silver, and put them on the table: "This is the best weapon I can prepare for you based on all your parameters. Enter the Imperial Sword Cultivation Academy of the Northern Empire, achieve similar rankings with that boy, progress together, fight side by side with him, and protect him, Yuuki."

"Yes, leave it to me. Can I go to school and make new friends? I'm really looking forward to it."

(to be continued)

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