Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 17 Chapter 122: flowered core

"Speaking of which, since it is the trouble of the whole country, how about the negotiations with the southern border? If this place is captured, the next target of the demihumans may also be Kalinxia, ​​which is now under the jurisdiction of the southern border?" Karke said to the sisters present. .

"I sent an envoy, but it's best not to expect too much. If a demon of Jaldabaoth's level came, maybe he could let go of his prejudices and fight against the enemy, but with an enemy of this level, maybe the southern border is waiting to see our jokes. If we win miserably, causing the balance of power between the two sides to tilt in one breath, maybe the Civil War a hundred years ago will break out again immediately. Therefore, we must achieve a big victory to ensure the safety of the country." Kuilat said helplessly.

"Is the enemy weak enough to be a problem?" Kaerke sighed, thinking that if the elder brother who was excluded from the inheritance rights succeeded to the throne, he had a good governance ability but no faith-based magic ability. If civil strife can be eliminated, it is not impossible to do so.

However, the problem is that although being a king generally does not require the ability to fight, in this world where racial struggles continue, it is really hard to convince the crowd that the king does not have the ability to wear armor at all. Even the blood emperor of the Bajas Empire next door used magic props to make up for this problem. And her own die-hard supporters also control nearly 60% of the military power of the country's ground troops and half of the medical industry. No matter how she goes, it seems that the country will fall into a deadlock.

"By the way, when will the reinforcements from Randy Principality arrive?" she asked again.

The relationship between the Holy Kingdom and the Mermaids has always been good. Although they can't help solve domestic political problems, they can still deal with the demons who are public enemies together. Moreover, if the Northern Holy Kingdom falls, the Landy Principality may become the next victim. It should not be difficult to send someone to negotiate for low-cost support.

Remedios should be responsible for this, but she looked at Querrat.

Quirat: "In places that are not near the sea and have no waterways, the mermaids can play a very limited role, but they promise to provide some supplies at cost prices. If you don't care about other races, you can send Na Jia's army is here to help. It should arrive in a while, but if it's my sister, I'm worried about accidentally injuring the friendly army."

"My sister, I still know that I have a good relationship with that country."

"Then, you should know that the snake-body man is an enemy, right?"


"Then you know the difference between the snake-body man and the Naga, right?"

" the job of the deputy head. Wouldn't it be good to leave the identification to them?"

The other two daughters complained silently-you always rush to the front like a cow when you beat yourself up, and you always have the habit of slashing first and then asking questions, think about it, but I also know that this is just a difficult thing for others.

But there was no time to continue to have a headache. At this time, the alarm bells in the city were loudly ringing.

When Karke pushed open the window and wanted to check the situation for a while, there were hurried footsteps outside to quickly resolve it.

"Your Majesty, get behind me!" Remedios subconsciously wanted to fight.

But it was the chief of staff who pushed the door in from the outside—this was generally true, and the possibility of being an enemy assassin was almost zero.

"Your Majesty the Holy Queen! A large number of demons have directly appeared in the city! Not only that, but the demihumans have already entered the city!"


"I don't know how they deceived our investigation and intelligence network, but there is no doubt that we were deceived by false intelligence, and they have already begun to attack the city!"

"There is a big deviation from the plan..." Kaerke put away his confusion and ordered at high speed: "But in any case, let's start the battle now, we will deal with the demons in the city, you don't have to worry about what's behind you, go immediately to repel the demihumans, and pass the order to the adventurers !"


The three led a group of paladins, priests and priests to form a team dedicated to defeating evil, and marched along the streets to the center of demonic activities.

Many victims are still alive, but it is not because the demons are merciful or enjoying the joy of human screams. If they choose to rescue these people, it will drag down the troops.

At the same time, in other words, the difference in strength between ordinary soldiers and murderous demons allowed the demons to do this.

Not only that, but many turret arrays that were useful for defending the city and the neatly parked Holy Cavalry chariot brigade were also destroyed.

[It seems that our intelligence leak is very serious. We have considered it since we confirmed that we were deceived by false information and fell into this situation, but this is really...we must make a plan to use teleportation magic to retreat the important people first if we lose the enemy. 】Keirat opened the communication magic to Kaerke.

[Indeed, maybe we should retreat first and continue to collect complete information, but when will we fight if we don’t fight here? Once the war is protracted, resources will only become less and less. During this period, the enemy will also ravage the country. I don't know how many people will be killed or injured. 】

[But if we die here, the subsequent battle will become leaderless, and the southern border will take the opportunity to revolt, and it will get worse. Especially when my sister survived alone. 】

[This... is a bit hard to imagine. ] Karl felt that Remedios, who always took the lead, would be more likely to die first.

[No, if I were a devil, I would kill Your Majesty and me first, then kill all the people who can help my sister, and let my sister go back alone. 】

【…】Kar can imagine the scene where the demihumans and the demons waited for Remedios to get revenge and lose his mind, leading people to send meat to people's mouths again and again.

No, maybe before that, the Holy Kingdom would fall into internal strife because of her unconvincing personal style.

But if the devil really intends to do the premise is that the enemy has the strength to easily incapacitate Remedios, but let’s not mention the devil, maybe the three demihuman leaders can work together to kill Remedios. Easy to suppress. It was impossible in the past, but now the demihumans are attacking together or it may become possible.

Not long after, they came to a square, where a demon with a withered body and the skull of some creature stood there. Just stood there motionless.

"Hmph, the mere devil gets carried away, is it you, the guy who drove the demihumans to attack our country!" Remedios rushed out immediately.

The first blow was directly dodged, which made Remedios feel extremely bad: "All the soldiers back down, this guy is very strong! If you attack casually, you will die in vain!"

As a result, everyone else prepared their cannons and all kinds of magic, and only Carco and Quirat stepped forward.

In addition to the strengthening magic that began to be continuously applied to the three women, other sacred magic also hit the demon, but all of them disappeared like nothing.

(To be continued) Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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