Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 5 Chapter 53: Constant contradiction with the original

? Confirming Iblu Yayi’s reaction, Wakaru Ji said in a whisper——

"Look, the powerful Dark Night Dead Mage you mentioned appeared some time after the incident, right? If he is the culprit, he shouldn't have been at the scene of the crime from the beginning and get rid of your anxiety The element? If you are such a strong undead, can you escape if you are weak?"

"Could it be...impossible! Only such a powerful undead can cause such terrible things!" Iblu Yai waved his hand vigorously and snarled.

"Isn't it because it happens to be very good there, and the surrounding is the same kind, and I plan to live there? It's just living there." Wakasagi said, "When we traveled together during the Demon War, I asked you that you didn't Ken said, if you say it then, we'll be able to correct you."

"You!" Ibilu Yayi stretched his hand to Wakaruji, trembling, and trembling again, and finally put it down weakly, and said slumpingly, "What you said is right, but my guess is not correct. Isn’t it possible? Otherwise, why are there so many cities and countries that have been turned to death, and impartiality is coming to my country? Why are impartial angels appearing!”

Speaking of the back, Iblu Yayi gradually became excited again, almost dancing with his hands.

"As mentioned earlier, your racial magic talents are pretty good. Later, I mentioned the secret treasures of your country that are sufficient to assist in the destruction of the country. Didn’t the magician of the dark night dead come to your country for these? Angels are nothing but angels. It is simply fighting against hostile races with incompatible attributes, which is different from the so-called divine punishment in religion-if the gods really exist, then the culprit should be killed before the incident occurs." Crowen Pith added.

"Yes, yes, originally both rational undead, that night dead magician should be the best target for Iblu Yai's help? You gave up the opportunity when you ran away. So the angel is simply disrupting the situation, isn't it? "Ruoji said.

It sounds like a life-saving straw thrown by Crawnpies. Only by digging deep into Ruo Lu Ji, who had reincarnated from a fish tank, could we see what Ruo Lu Ji was thinking.

If Lu Ji said that among the human memories she got, there is the memory of reading "The Vampire of the Subjugated Country". The vampire of the subjugated country is Iblu Yai, that is, the angel does not exist in the plot. This is the starting point for the subsequent plot. It's not right.

Although the spoiler behavior will be hated by book friends, and knowing everything will feel that the world is no longer exciting, but in this world that needs strength and intelligence to improve survivability, the results of the "intelligence" I "finally obtained" do not match the facts. That is really an uncomfortable thing. 35xs

The angel is a disruptor, and that's how it is said. Wouldn't it be possible that which "companion" in the fish tank would pass through and reincarnated, right? Isn't it Xiaohua?

Things can only be known after seeing the angel.

The main point of the discussion now is Iblu Yai's mistake of taking the powerful undead who occupies his own home as the culprit.

Iblu Yayi insisted that the Dark Night Dead Magician was the culprit who killed his family and people, and that was undoubtedly not righteous.

In fact, the audience has noticed those things, so how could it be possible that the obvious clues weren't noticed?

Iblu Yayi believes that she has found the culprit who harmed her family and the people. She just wants a clear enemy and finds herself a goal to strive for. If she doesn't do this, she doesn't know that she will be disgusted and rejected by all creatures. How can I continue to "live" for myself.

"According to that, you are actually not a complete vampire, Iblu Yai? Since your family has become zombies, then even if you get spiritual protection, you should become a zombie in the end." Kraun Pith asked.

"Mother's magic is not purely guardian of the spirit. It will directly impose the characteristics of the undead on me," Iblu Yai said. "Vampires are undead with very few harmful effects. I guess she imposed it on me at the time. It is caused by the characteristics of a vampire, and even so, it is not a pure vampire.

"Last time you said that suffering the impact of your spiritual magic might reduce my rationality and restore my instinctive blood-sucking impulse. Since it is so sure, there should be a precedent?"

Kraunpith nodded. The rational necromancer accepted the magic of Kraunpith, and the actual mental collapse was restored to only the instinctive necromancer (an experiment to create a new born Alfin).

But if Lu Ji seemed to have become a little dumbfounded, this change did not escape the eyes of Cronn Pith. The reason for becoming a vampire must have conflicted with the original script.

Ibruyayi also nodded and continued, "But in fact, I didn't feel any blood-sucking impulse. At the same time, I still have no hatred for the living, and no moral loss. Of course, the positive energy of life can really make me Feeling uncomfortable means that there is still a minimum undead instinct."

"If there is a chance, this one will also be added to the undead research experiment here, but when it comes to the undead research, then again-in terms of the undead research got her mother so Help me more? I didn't even tell me, Dad, I'm so sad." Crown Pith covered his face and sobbed pretendingly.

"Do I have to report some questions to my dad when I ask mom? Mom is not an outsider." Granbell tilted his head.

"Speaking of it, indeed...ah..."

"Hi! Excuse me, can I ask questions, can you?" Melqi, who had already sat on the side, raised her hand.

"Well, are you one of the so-called lost vampires? Ask it." Iblu Yayi raised her chin and gestured to say please.

"It seems... the most wonderful places have been taken by a casual flick. The most wonderful thing should be the destruction of the troll kingdom and the war of the devil? Why do you say to the time before your death and the unremarkable experience in the middle? That's a lot?" Melchi asked.

"I'm not telling you stories about heroes and demon kings!" Iblu Yai's voice seemed a little annoyed, and his unpleasant expression could be imagined through the mask.

"Melchi, you idiot, who wants to mention more unpleasant experiences? Unless you want to be sympathetic to the blogger." Kraunpis let go of the hand that assisted in fake crying and grinned.

"Yeah, Dad knows Mom well." Granbell nodded afterwards.

"Although, I think it is natural, right?" Kraunpis said lightly. Rather, it was inferred from the character of Luo Li in the original work and a small amount of feelings about getting along with her.

"...I'm sorry." Melchi lowered her head to apologize.

"However, other people are coming right away, right?"

(to be continued)


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