Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 7 Chapter 48: World staggered

Rin and Luvia quarreled in the street before the mission.

Luvia: "Hurry up, you monkey will be sickened to death, spit out the rank card to me!"

Rin: "The most spit out to you is sputum, you cellulite!"

Luvia: "I... you cannibal poor!"

Rin: "Who is poor! Look at how well-proportioned my curve is, you are just sagging fat!"

Luvia: "What did you say!"

Rin: "Ah, inaudible? It seems that you also have a problem with your ears!"

The two began to squat and stance.

Ruby: "In the face of such a severe situation, you can all quarrel. I really admire you."

Sapphire: "Master Rin, Master Luvia, please calm down a little bit? The enemy is here!"

The two who were still arguing until just now, immediately looked at Saber, who walked out of the forest step by step, dressed in a pitch-black dress armor and holding a black holy sword, with a serious expression on his face and entered a state of preparation.

The relationship between the two is extremely poor, but they cooperate very well when they are serious.


The present world, Fuyuki City——

"Ah, this is the present world--" On the street, a petite figure in a Stars and Stripes clown costume jumped out of a dark hole.

Just now when the mirror world was connected to the current world, Kraunpisi caught the opposite side, worried about missing the opportunity, while Saber was a little dazed, she spent a few seconds recovering the body that extracted the magic power of the earth veins and opened the [Gate] ] Back to the present world.

"I want to return it! Um... It seems that I can go back at any time, so I won't be in a hurry."

This is the street. Although it is early morning, there are almost no pedestrians on the street, but Crown Pith turned the mimicry he was wearing into a church dress, and turned the pointed ears into human ears on the top of the head. Tie the ribbons to make the flowers look more like headdresses, and walk down the street almost like shopping.

When I came to the newsstand that was closed, I tore open the shutter door and went in and got a newspaper.

"Ah, it's already the 21st century. Did I actually stay there for ten years? According to Star's test, the time ratio between the two sides is one to one. Then I haven't shown my face in ten years? Shuge in charge is fine, right."

After reading other news, it seemed that there was no news about the operation of the Templar Church, such as the gas explosion. There was no interesting news in other news, so I put the newspaper back in its place, walked out of the newsstand, and used the [repair] magic. Fix the door.

Continue down the street.

Clown Pace walked, sensing the magic.

After ten years, I don’t feel that I can recognize it anymore. Although the roads are basically the same, the signs and decorations of the street shops have been replaced. The floor tiles of the sidewalks are also different. The Dongmu Bridge has not changed at all.

So you have to feel the magic power, if you are lucky, can you stay there and learn about the magic world in the past ten years, and see how your actions have affected the world. If it doesn’t work, you can go to the church to greet Qili.

"This feeling..." Kraun Pith frowned slightly.

Perceiving a large circle formed in a range of hundreds of meters, moving around the city as if scanning, unexpectedly found an individual who seemed to have performed a great magic not long ago, how big it is—that is, half the size of the Holy Grail War.

According to the situation of magic power dissipation, the earliest launch time was only two or three hours ago.

I feel familiar with the barriers of the temple church, and the concealment and surveillance work is being done well, but at most it is hidden from ordinary people.

The Fifth Holy Grail War? What happened to the rank card?

There is a "Fate" drama that dabbles in memory but has not delved into memory, but it is puzzled, so I can only go and see it.

"Location—a street park for exercise? It's a sneak peek."

Stealth in place and take off.


Somewhere in the suburbs--

The colorful magic circle unfolded in the clearing in the forest, and two young girls in embarrassment with OTZ appeared. The task of recovering the rank card failed in the first battle. Not only that, Luvia also lost a rank card he held.

"Unexpectedly, that heroic spirit still kept a hand."

"Really careless... almost dead."

Rin and Luvia lay on the ground panting in shock, and then—

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah! My rank card ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

It turned out that their way to deal with Saber was very simple. Rin rushed to attract Saber’s attention. It was enough to hold on for a while, and then Luvia launched an "Include" on the Lancer rank card he held— —

Unfold a red spear, the famous red spear "Gáe Bolg" of Kuchurin, the son of light in Ireland, with a must-have effect-the result of the attack is doomed, and the process is just to coordinate the result, no matter what An unavoidable curse attack.

While Lin was struggling to support Saber's superb sword skills, Luvia threw the red gun liberation real name, and then—

Saber dodges the must-have gun~

Avoided by Saber~


Then Saber directly fought back with [Excalibur]!

Facing the black-red beam of light that can change drastically even the terrain, if it hadn't been teleported out of the mirror realm in time, it would be absolutely dead.

The problem is that the red gun was thrown out and it was not recovered. The magic wand is a smart prop and can fly back by itself, but the rank card can't fly. So left in the mirror world.

"Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card, Rank Card!"

They came to collect rank cards, but there was a purpose——

One of the only five magical users in the world, Kishua Zelrich Shibein Ogu, promised that they would accept them as disciples after collecting seven cards.

But now not only is it not recovered, but one is lost. Doesn't this plan of apprenticeship fail?

"I'm so annoying! Go back and get it if you're so worried!"

"You let me go and die!"

" you are fine if you die!" Lin suddenly remembered something, took out the Archer card in his pocket, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, mine is still there."

"Far, Saka, Rin!" Luvia suddenly looked like a hungry ghost and stretched out her paw.

Rin: "Hey, you want to grab it!"

Luvia: "Yes, I want to grab it! It's all because you don't use a rank card!"

Rin: "Hey hey hey, all your must-have spears have been avoided. I will use archers to deal with that terrible swordsman. Let me die!"

Luvia: "An archer who can't fight melee is not a good archer. You monkey doesn't even understand this! Leave it to me! I'll use it!"

Rin: "Listen to your nonsense! What did you throw at the gunman! It's all your throw at fault!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Sapphire, let's go!" Luvia said the battle and fought, but Sapphire didn't respond...

(to be continued)

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