Crystal Cobra is dead and I...

"Big sis!" A panicked Kimi approached me. She used her hands to check my heat by touching my forehead.

"It's not good," she began. "She's too hot, sweaty, and pale. Sis Ruciel, what should we do?"

"..." Ruciel didn't say anything but she touch my forehead, check my heartbeat, and studies my eyes? After that, she explained to my sister. "She had a fever because she received too much poison."

"She'll be fine after drinking this potion," Myu added. And true to her words, she gave me a bottle of Potion that make me feel better.

My condition improved but I still can't move well.

"Big sis is okay now?" Kimi gave me another worrying question.

"Yeah, I'm good," I told her then I patted her head.

"Tell us your next plan, Eclaite."

My fox's ears twitched because of that words. 

"I wonder, why do you always ask for a plan from me when you keep saying that I'm stupid?"

Ruciel raised one of her eyebrows. "Do you remember that you were my owner? And I hope, you also don't forget that your desire is the main reason why we are here."

Well... It explains something and all right. "Call Teria, let her know that we need help process the Crystal Cobra. And don't forget to take the meat along with the Magic Stone of that monster for me."

"All right," replied Ruciel, who then used the Telepathy Necklace.

Alan, Chloe, and Myu, whom Kimi invites, go on patrol. They'll go around this area and guard us against the threat of monsters.


After she finished talking to Teria, she examined the Crystal Cobra's corpse. Now and then, she glanced at me maybe to ascertain my conditions.

Then, time passed and I fell asleep.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in my cabin inside Teria's Airship. I slept in bed with a blanket covering my body. The dirty armor I was wearing changed into clean casual clothes.

"Who changed my clothes and… how can I be here?" I wondered when I massaged my forehead. Dizziness still torments me.

I sighed and decided to close my eyes again. Maybe, with a little longer sleep, I'll get well.



The sound of the open door forced me to open my eyes. There, I saw Ruciel carrying a tray of food.

"You wake up? That's good," she said. The girl then placed the tray on a small table, not far from my bed.

I wonder what she's going to do. Therefore I did not speak and observe her actions with my eyes. My ears twitched curiously while waiting for what the girl would do next.

"Can you stop smiling yourself like that?" She said with an annoyed expression. "Please, take a sit."

I do what she says. Then I asked, "I'm smiling?"

"Yes and that's a little disgusting." 

Ruciel took a bowl and gave it to me. After that, she sat in a chair. 

She looks at me and I look at her.

"Why are you staying still? Eat that sup!"

"Feed me, Ruciel."

The girl narrowed her eyes. "You look pretty healthy and you can move well. I see no reason to feed you."

"Please, Ruciel," I pleaded. My desire to be fed by someone I love is growing strong.

"... All right," she said after holding something for some time.

The girl moved her chair close to my bed. She took the bowl filled with vegetable soup plus meat from my hand. She lifted the wooden spoon then, "open your mouth."

And I did just that, happily.

Ruciel fed me without saying any sharp words or giving me a sharp look again. Surprisingly, I could say her hatred for me was no longer visible. It makes me curious.

"Why are you treating me so nicely now?" I asked and then chomped the tip of a spoon filled with sup in her hands.

"I'm not being nice to you. I being forced to do it," Ruciel explained.


"Haa... I am your slave. So, whenever you have a strong desire for something I have to do, inevitably, I have to do it. Otherwise, this Slave Collar will strangle me, just like earlier. Didn't you ever experience it when you were a slave?"

"No, never."

"Then you're a lucky slave."

"There's no luck in being that jerk's slave," I said before eating another spoonful of soup. "Did Vyorn and Salsa also know that I had been a Slave?"

"What a repeated stupid question. Of course, they know it. And I think, your sister knows it too."

My eyes were wide open and my ears twitched restlessly after hearing that claim. "... Kimi knows?"

"She picked up and kept your father's diary after we read it."

I couldn't say anything, my mind became empty. And when my consciousness back, all the food Ruciel had brought for me ran out.

"I'm leaving," she said. "Rest well."

The girl gets up from her chair. Seeing that, I spontaneously grabbed her hand.

"What do you want?"

"... Can you forgive me," I pleaded.

Ruciel who probably realized I meant furrowed her brows. "You don't want to accept your father's sins and you don't want to cut the family's ties with him. Tell me your reasons."

"I hate the jerk, you know it well," I said. My fox's ears dropped. "I don't want to cut the family's bonds with Kimi and mama Haruka and I can't create a new family's bonds because mama Haruka is already dead."


"...fine," said Ruciel who closed his eyes and sighed. "I will forgive you on one pact."

"What kind of pact?"

"I don't know and I'll start thinking about it."

Ruciel left me after leaving that words. The cabin went quiet and I decided to go to sleep.

However, a moment later I was reminded of the Crystal Cobra's Magic Stone and meat.

Immediately, I got out of bed and out of the cabin. The sound of the opening door caught Ruciel's attention and made the girl stop.

"What's wrong?"

"The Magic Stone and the meat of Crystal Cobra, where is it? And how long have I been unconscious?"

"They're in your Magic Bag and it looks like, you fainted for three hours or more," Ruciel explained. 

I, the one who had just heard that immediately ran back into the cabin. Then, I'm looking for my Magic Bag.

After I found it, as quickly as possible, I took the Crystal Cobra's Magic Stone and swallowed it.

Clatter! Clatter!

"What are you doing!?" 

The sound of some stuff falling and Ruciel's screams rang out. A moment later...

< Acquired an Advanced Skill! Venom Essence |Lvl 1 > 

[Venom Essence | Lvl 1] [MP -55]

[+ Create an extremely deadly poison inside two special glands in the mouth. The poison can be injected through a bite, spit out, or converted into smoke.]

I'm glad I found out four hours hadn't passed. Thanks to it, I obtained a new Advanced Skill! And at the same time as that...

"Spit that Magic Stone out! And why you did this idiotic thing again!" Ruciel shouted. 

She restrained me and forcibly, she put her hand into my mouth. She tried to make me vomit. 

I tried to put up a fight but ended up not being able to do much. My body is still weak due to the Crystal Cobra's poison.

And unfortunately or maybe luckily, in the end, the Fallen Elf girl managed to make me vomit.


I'm spitting out the food I just ate. As for the Magic Stone...

"Huh? Where's the Magic Stone you swallowed?" Ruciel was confused as she pinched her nose.

Once again, she looked for that Magic Stone in my vomit and she never find it. Then, look at me sharply.

She's like a predator who finds its prey.

I who is panicked and slightly frightened immediately said, "Wait! I can explain it!"

"Explain it? Then keep joking!"

Ruciel tried to restrain me again and I repeated the resistance I had once put up. In the end, we do some kind of wrestling. We were both lying in bed locking each other's hands and feet.

"I'm serious when I told you, I am fine after consuming the Magic Stone."

"You are so weird! Could this have happened because of the experiment that the man did to you?"

"No..." I replied. A moment later, my face turned red.


Because Ruciel probably read the part where the jerk wrote his experiment and attempt to make me as a S*x Slave he wanted to be.

I should have realized that shortly after Ruciel said she had read the jerk's diary. But I don't know why I never realized it.

"...the experiments he did had nothing to do with this." With a hot face, I began to explain. "I have a Skill that can make me stronger every time I eat monster meat and magic stones. Because of all that, I want you to help me."

"To collect monster meat and Magic Stones for you?"

"Yes, and I want you to keep it a secret."

Ruciel didn't say anything. Her sharp gaze locked on my eyes. Sometime later, her long ears made a strong jolt.

"...fine! I'll keep it a secret." Ruciel relaxed her body. She stopped trying to restrain me.

"Thank you," I said.



"You can let me go," Ruciel said.

I can do that but well… we were in bed and you could say, our bodies were extremely close. For some reason and all of a sudden, my body became hot. Therefore, I pulled her body closer and...


I gave her a passionate kiss.

And yes, Ruciel immediately pushed me away.

"What are you doing!" She screamed. And I could see, she was so furious. "Can you not kiss me after you vomit!? It's so disgusting!'

I was in severe shock because of that words.

Ruciel left me when I froze.


『General Information』

[ Name: Eclaite | Gender: Female ]

[ Race: Three Tails Fox Beastkin ]

[ Age: 19 | Level: 17/30 ]


[ E-Rank Adventurer, Courtesan ]

『Basic Statistics』

| HP: 240/270 [235] 

| MP: 231/369

| SP: 156/233

[ STR: 160  | DEX: 54 ]

[ END: 137 | Luck: 9  ]

[ AGI: 172                    ]


[Heart of Monster] [Doppelganger]▽

[Lesser Endurance |Lvl 1] New

[Venom Essence |Lvl 1] New

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