Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosion after an explosion was heard, fireballs that looks like fireworks appeared and disappeared. At the distance, just outside this Airship's barrier, the lives of dozens or possibly hundreds of monsters ended in a matter of seconds.

Yes, in this sky, at the edge of the Hundred Rock Islands, our Airship was attacked by flocks of monsters called Blast Moth.

The monster was green with a little shade of gold. They were at the size of an adult's head and arguably, they were weak monsters. Someone could kill them with a single swing of the wooden stick.

However, even though they were weak, they could kill someone with a single strike.

Weak but can kill someone with a single strike? 

It was a little confusing but the things I said were right. The monster could kill someone with a single strike because they did it by detonating themselves.

A Blast Moth is like a Homing Missile.

Now, seeing hundreds of Blast Moths hit our Airship's barrier and trying to destroy it, my back felt so cold!

I'll tell you I'm scared!

After all, I didn't want to die from being hit by hundred of explosions at once.

To protect myself and prevent the Airship's barrier from being destroyed, the crew uses Aether Cannons to blow up the approaching Blast Moths.

And that's right, I also operated an Aether Cannon. I do that because I didn't have a long-range attack that I could use to kill those monsters.


A Mana Bullet was shot from the Aether Cannon beside me after I pressed the trigger. The bullet flew quickly and then exploded in the middle of the Blast Moth flock.


Dozens of Blast Moths died or may have been triggered to explode after they were hit by the shockwaves of the Mana Bullet explosion.

"Don't stop! Keep shooting!" Teria voiced her orders loudly.

The crew, including me, returned to operate our respective Aether Cannons.

Fill the big weapon with bullets, target the enemy, and then press the trigger. We repeated it many times and because of it, we managed to protect Zet, this Airship.

And yes, I never expected, operating an Aether Cannon was so delightful! 

I felt so excited after repeatedly, I saw the white rather blue bullets I shot to destroy the monsters badly. The big, hard, and hot Aether Cannon got me addicted!

My fox's ears and tails never stopped twitching and swinging happily as I played with it.

"Die you ugly and repugnant monsters!" I shouted then pressed the trigger again.

Bang! The bullet shot quickly towards its target.

Boom! A big explosion was created in the middle of the Blast Moth flock.

Splat! Tens of Blast Moths were torn apart by the explosion.

< Level up! 17 to 18 >

Oh! Level up!

I'm growing strong but the fight isn't over yet. 

The endless Blast Moths continued to approach our Airship, they never stopped and they managed to make crack after crack in this Airship's barrier. 

"Shit! They managed to break the barrier on the front side!" Shouted a crew member.

I turn around in curiosity. And wow! There were a lot of Blast Moths in there and it was a disaster.

"Kill them! Don't let them give great damages to Zet!" Shouted Teria. The woman then changed her bow with a Magi Firearm before approaching the flock of monsters.

Gunshots, Bow Arte, and small explosions were created and heard. The sound made my fighting spirit burn brighter.

The fight in there tempted me but I didn't want to leave my beloved Aether Cannon. This thing is better than them and there are still many Blast Moths in the sky. Shooting the bullets is more addicting than that fighting.


The sound of an explosion followed by a strong shock appeared. I wasn't prepared for it so I fall into my butt.

The big fire was the first thing I noticed when I looked around to find out what was happening. The Blast Moth managed to burn the right, front side of the Airship!

We're in trouble, I think. 

However, I was wrong. Shortly after I saw the fire, another Barrier appeared to block the Blast Moth from approaching the Airship. 

Ronove is the culprit of that incident.

As for the big fire, I don't know the things she throw and use but white foams appeared, Myu managed to put the fire out.

And then, within a few minutes, the Blast Moths that managed to break through the Airship's barrier was annihilated.


Yes, I'm not standing still seeing that episode. I used my Aether Cannon to kill the monsters as I scanned the surroundings.

Dozens or more Blast Moths were killed and thanks to that...

< Level up! 18 to 19 >

My level goes up once again!

The Blast Moth's assault lasted for the next few dozen minutes before it was ended.

We breathed a sigh of relief after the disaster passed.

"We won't be able to survive an attack like this anymore," Teria told me. Her voice showed the exhaustion and annoyance she had. "Tell me, we won't experience anything like that again, right?."

"Of course, we wouldn't get a disaster like this again if we didn't find another Blast Moth nest," I assured Teria with a nod.

"Good then," she said before stepping away to inspect the damage in the Airship.

And true as I said, for the next few hours, our journey went pretty well with a little obstacle in the form of an attack from a Wyvern and dozens of Knife Beak.

Yes, I ate the flesh and Magic Stones of the monsters that attacked us. 

Of course, I ate the Magic Stones secretly in my cabin. As for eating monster meat, I did it in the kitchen. And yes, the thing I did caught the attention of the crew.

I try not to care about their stares. 

I do say that I'm a culinary connoisseur to them as an excuse.

They were interested when I ate the famously unpalatable Wyvern meat. Then, they returned to normal when I ate Knife Beak meat. Lastly, three female crew members vomited when they saw me eating Blast Moth meat.

Their reaction shocked me so much.

< Acquired a Skill! Hard Scales |Lvl 1 >

[Hard Scales |Lvl 1] [MP -40]

[+ Cover the body with scales. 

+ Increased END by 50% for 5 minutes.]

< Acquired a Skill! Swift Movement |Lvl 1 >

[Swift Movement |Lvl 1] [MP -20]

[+ Increased AGI and body movements by 300% for 5 seconds.]

< Acquired a Skill! Life is Explosion |Lvl 1 >

[Life is Explosion |Lvl 1] [HP -All]

[+ Sacrifice all HP and explode the skill owner body to give the enemies damages as much as 50 times the total amount of the HP.]

< Endurance Stat up! END +5 >

< Stamina Stat up! SP +3 > × 10

< Agility Stat up! AGI +2 > × 10

Yes... I obtained some new Skills and I'll say that one of them is extremely dangerous!

I had absolutely no intention of using Life is Explosion so I instantly deleted it.

As for Stat Points bonuses, I can only say that they are so delicious.

"[Stat Open]"

『General Information』

[ Name: Eclaite | Gender: Female ]

[ Race: Three Tails Fox Beastkin ]

[ Age: 19 | Level: 19/30 ]


[ E-Rank Adventurer, Courtesan ]

『Basic Statistics』

| HP: 240/270 [237] 

| MP: 231/371

| SP: 156/265

[ STR: 162 | DEX: 58 ]

[ END: 144 | Luck: 9 ]

[ AGI: 192 ]


[Heart of Monster] [Doppelganger]▽

[Hard Scales |Lvl 1] New

[Swift Movement |Lvl 1] New

[Life is Explosion |Lvl 1] Deleted

After I finished eating all the meat I went to the deck to see the view of the Hundred Rock Islands. I need something that can help me to digest all the meat.

A beautiful view is all I need. Or that's what I thought before I got an idea after seeing some big rocks and little islands that floating close to the Airship.

What's my idea?

I think, checking the little rock islands and some ruins that were on them up close wasn't a bad idea.

How do I set foot on the islands? 

Isn't that obvious? I have to jump onto that rock islands. Then, I will explore it by jumping from one island to another.

But before that, let's find out how high and far I can jump.

To realize my plan as soon as possible, I did some practice. I'm quite happy when I know I was able to jump about seven meters to the full extent of my ability. 

How high did I jump? I can say about four or five meters.

With that capacity, I can do a lot of things. I nodded then I stood in the middle of the deck for quite some time.

I waited for a little rock island to come to flirt with me.

"What are you doing?" asked Ruciel.

The girl approached me while massaging her forehead. Her cheeks were slightly flushed and her long ears jerked in a short interval.

"I'm waiting for an opportunity."

"Opportunity? What kind of opportunity and can you be normal for just one day!?" She asked in irritation.

Getting that question, I raised one of my eyebrows. Later, I told her that, "I've always behaved normally."

"... Of course you do," Ruciel sighed. "I'm wrong here. I should have asked, can you behave normally like everyone else."

"Am I not normal?"

"Yes! You are not normal at all!" Ruciel yelled. 

Simultaneously, I noticed a little rock island floating so close to our Airship. So...

"Opportunity has arrived!" I made a loud sound.

A moment later I ran on the deck as fast as possible and then I jumped with all my strength onto the little rock island I saw. 

And yes, that's right, I ignored Ruciel who shouted my name and told me to stop. 

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