Dishonesty and Honesty guided us to a small building that contained a familiar blue crystal. 

"Is that a Teleportation Crystal?"

Honestly turned to me and said, "That's right. And as you guess, our home is a Dungeon."

"This place is?"

"Yes, it's incredible right?"

I nodded. "Do you have monsters here?"

"Absolutely, they will help our citizens to be stronger."

"Enough with questions and explanations," said Dishonesty, who is currently touching the Teleportation Crystal. "We're going to change floors, all of you, touch the crystal."

We obeyed the order and a moment later, we appeared in an unknown room. Looking around, I learned that this room was like a terminal, a place where people came and go.

Yes, there are an interesting moment when we showed up in this room. Some Flugels who looked like knights put on surprised expressions as they looked at us. And yes, seconds later, they knelt.

Honesty told them to stand up. Then, she gave one of them an order to go to the kitchen. She wanted the chefs to prepare snacks and tea for our tea party.

A dozen minutes passed and now, we sat on chairs, encircling a round table that was in a stone gazebo in the middle of a beautiful garden.

The beautiful scenery in this place calms my heart. The fresh air relaxed my stiff body.

"Tell us your story." Dishonesty voiced her wish not long after a Flugel finished serving snacks and drinks at our table.

They want to confirm who I really am. That means I have to tell them about my old world and my identity as Giselle Gibson. 

Kimi is here.

So, maybe it's time for me to say all my secrets to her. The little girl has the right to be the first to know this secret.

"Before I start telling my story, there's one thing I want to do first. I hope you don't mind it."

"If the thing you're referring to doesn't take a long time, I don't mind," Dishonesty said. The woman then sipped her tea.

"It would be better for you to settle the matter as soon as possible. This woman has thin patience," Honesty explained.

Dishonesty glanced at her smiling sister. She then put down the cup and said, "... yes, that's right." 

I made a nod. "It won't be long," I said. Then, I looked to see Kimi.

"Kimi," I called her.

The little girl moved her head to look at me. Then, she asked, "What's wrong, big sis?"

"I know you may have known this but... There's something I want to say to you, Kimi."

"...I'm listening," she said as her fox's ears and tail hung weakly.

I hesitated to say this but... in the end, "...I am not your sister."

"..." The little girl didn't say anything. She just left her chair to hug me. "Big sis is my sister, it's absolute because big sis has already performed the Blood Bonding Ritual with Papa Wielth."

The little girl started crying she hugged me tighter. And I stroked her head gently.

"Don't leave me. Please forgive me. I never know that Papa Wielth is so mean on big sis. I'm sorry for what he did. So don't leave me. Please, I don't want to be alone." Kimi said all of that in a broken voice.

I hugged her tighter. "I will never leave you. However, you should know that I have memories from a previous life. That's what made me say that I'm not your sister."

"Memories of a previous life?"

With that question, I started giving Kimi an explanation of my life in another world, telling her that I was Giselle Gibson, and lastly, I told her how I got Eclaite's memories when I come to this world.

"Whatever happens, big sis is big sis, that will never change and I love big sis so much. I accept big sis for what it is and whatever happens to you." Kimi told me. Her eyes that wet with tears were filled with sincerity.

"Thank you," I told her. A moment later I kissed the little girl's forehead.

After another hug and Kimi back to her chair, I look back at Dishonesty and Honesty.

"I'm done. Now, what do you want to ask?" 

They exchanged glances before facing me again.

Honesty smiled. "Since you've already explained how you moved into this world, let's talk about the next problem. Let's prove that you are Vier! But, how do you do it, my sister, I wonder?"

Dishonesty who didn't say anything, put down a small golden bell to the table.

Honesty who saw the object hit her palm. "I forgot that we have this method!" She said it out loud.

"Is that the Bell of Truth? And you guys don't want to ask about things that only we, the Estoque Familia, know?"

"The answer to those questions is yes and no." Dishonesty closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. "Honestly I say, I can't remember clearly the events that happened a thousand years ago."

"A thousand years?"

Honesty nodded. "Different from you, we came to this world, that has characteristics like Ark Fantasy Online, a thousand years ago."

That confirmation left me speechless. Then, I wondered, could events like that happen? I wanted to find out the answer to that question but… 

"We can discuss that later."

Dishonesty didn't give me a chance.

"Are you really Vier?"

"Yes, I am Vier in Ark Fantasy Online. In the real world, I am Giselle Gibson. In this world, I am Eclaite."

The Bell of Truth on the table doesn't chime. It shows that I'm, well... Not lying.

"Giselle? You are a woman in our former world?" Honesty's eyes were wide open and shock colored her voice.

"Yes, I'm a woman and I'm sorry for keeping that a secret." I lowered my head.

"You don't have to apologize, I guess." Honesty glanced towards Dishonesty who didn't show any expression or even open her eyes.

"You are forgiven but... How could you have a male Avatar? As I recall, our Avatar gender will be matched to our gender in the real world."

"... I have a physique like a man. Because of that and an error, my Avatar ended up being a male Avatar."

"Okay, I can accept that."

That's it? I thought she would… okay never mind. If she doesn't want to know the detail, then she will not.

"The next question-"

Dishonesty gave me some other questions related to the things she remembered about Vier in Ark Fantasy Online.

I answered all those questions honestly. Thanks to that, the Bell of Truth never sounded and the two Flugels finally accepted me as Vier.

Then, they ask me to tell tales about numerous adventures we had done as a Familia.

Honesty made a big smile and sometimes laughed when she heard my story. She looks happy and she's fascinated by things that happened in the past. She said she felt nostalgic when she heard the stories.

As for Dishonesty, she listened to my story with her eyes still closed. Now and then, she asks light questions such as, what happens next? Did I really do that? That must be my sister's fault, right? And so on.

The Bell of Truth sounded several times because of those questions. However, it doesn't displease us.

Then time passed...

"I told you things I knew. Then, can you tell your story?"

"Our story?"

"Yes, I want to hear it. I'm also curious about this Dungeon."

Honesty glanced at Dishonesty and she got a nod. So, she started opening her mouth. "As long as I can remember—"

Far in the past, after they were swallowed by blinding light, they moved into this world. They fully became the Avatars they used in Ark Fantasy Online.

At that moment, they were separated and were on different continents. They traveled around this world for years before finally finding each other.

They were so happy when they saw each other. Then, their lives continued. Event after event meets them. A lot of things happened but they survived.

Once upon a time, they were so happy when they met Agnisdesmo, Eden, and Mathias.

They ventured together for some time before finally splitting up due to a great war.

Honesty and Dishonesty discover this Dungeon and turn it into a Flying Castle in the middle of that great war.

Then, after the great war was over, they flew around the world by boarding this Flying Castle.

"Agnisdesmo, Eden, and Mathias, are they okay? What about Izayoi?"

"They're fine I guess," Honesty told me. "Agnisdesmo fell into slumbering because of the severe injures he sustained In the great wars, Eden now ruled her kingdom, while for Mathias, he became the demon king, right, my sister?"

"Yes, he is the demon king and he is in the land of the demons now."

"As for Izayoi... We haven't met him yet." The woman's voice was colored by the sadness. "I'm afraid he would be dead if he had moved into this world at the same time as us. He's a human, he doesn't have ample time."

I know Honesty is so close to Izayoi. Therefore, I can understand the sadness she has when she couldn't meet him.

"I heard the news, there is someone similar to Izayoi out there. She's a princess named Grace Logia Alheindrein and she's known as Berserk Princess."

"Are you sure of this news?" Honesty inquired.

I shook my head. "I'm not too sure. I only heard the news and haven't met Grace Logia Alheindrein in person. Besides, her whereabouts are unknown."

"I was so curious," Honesty said. She looked at Dishonesty and said, "I want to find him."

"You got it, play around as you please."

"Thank you," she told Dishonesty. Then, she saw me. "She's a princess, Alheindrein is the name of a kingdom she came from, right?"

"That's right," I replied.

A moment later, Honesty vanished!

In the blink of an eye, only me, Kimi, and Dishonesty remained in this place.

"Let's continue our talk," Dishonesty said.

"Sure," I replied to her.

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