Dozens of quick punches coated by yellow light came to demolish my body.

I, who don't want to be hurt or die, strive hard to dodge all those punches. However, even though I tried my best, I still received a few punches.

And now, as my attention was distracted for a moment, the monster managed to land its punch to my stomach.

"Gah!" I made a sound and I flew for a few meters.

I twisted my body in the air to land safely. I wasn't worried about the attacks from the Yellow Tail Ape King when my defense was wide open because Ruciel was protecting me.

Her arrow gave me a sense of security.

I landed and I saw the Yellow King protecting its face with its arms. Yes, that's right, dozens of arrows of light fired by Ruciel were aiming for the monster's face.

I got some free time while the monster was busy defending itself. So, I drank another bottle of Potion. 

Then, after Ruciel's rain of light arrows stopped...


The Yellow King who looked so enraged approached me. It didn't run towards Ruciel because it knew, I would always block its path. 

It's been a long time since the monster decided to kill me first. However, unfortunately for it, the monster couldn't kill me. More than that, I never intended to let it succeed in that task.

Same as before, the monster's movements were fast. It got in front of me in an instant.

"[Swift Gale]"

As soon as I finished saying that Spell, a gust of wind enveloped my body. I feel light. Thanks to that, my speed increased.

And yes, Swift Gale doesn't provide additional speed like Swift Movements. This spell allows me to move one times faster than my normal speed. However, this Spell has a duration three times longer than Swift Movements.


A punch with a bright light came.

In an instant, I recognize that the strike was the monster's strongest punch. This punch was exactly like the previous punch that made a crater on the arena floor.

The punch was quite slow so I was able to dodge it without requiring a lot of effort. I just need to take two steps to the right with a little bending to my body.

"[Sword of Light]"

A dense golden light formed a one-meter-long sword in my left hand. The sword was brighter than usual because I used more Mana than it should be.

"[Cross Slash]"

The two slashes I made managed to cut off the monster's stomach and thighs. It's just that, my attacks just give it insignificant wounds.

Clearly to see, the dim yellow light covering the monster's body increased its defenses. And if that light also increases its resistance skills, that will explain why my poison doesn't show its effect.

And yes, I didn't give up.

I always took the moment to spit poison into the Yellow King's wounds as we exchanged attacks.

In the end, after dozens of blows and slashes we exchanged, my poison showed its effect.

The monster's move to stumbled. That gives me a huge crack to take advantage of. Without a hesitation, I launched an Arte.


The sword of light that shot like a spear managed to pierce through the right side of the monster's stomach.


The roaring Yellow King once again attacked me. This time it used a barrage of light punches.

Its punches when using this type of attack were not strong and just slightly fast. However, the attack covered a large area. As a result, I would get two or three punches every time I tried to dodge.

The monster always manages to hit me while using this attack. But, along with that advantage, the skill also had disadvantage.

The rain of punches kept the monster in place for few seconds.

And now, because of my poison taking effect, the monster's movements have become slower and it stay much longer. 

So, because of that, I was able to dodge the monster's rain of punches without getting hurt. 

And that's right, Ruciel took advantage of the monster's long stillness to launch her attacks. And this time...

Swoosh! Splat!

A huge arrow of light that looked more like a spear pierced the monster's shoulder from behind.

"UKYO!" The monster roared and stopped its attack.

I'm the one who just got hit by its punches said, "[Fire Breath]"

A big burst of flames created in an instant, began to burn the monster and made it voiced a roar. A second later, another roar was created when another spear of light pierced its left hand then nailed it to the ground.

"Kill the ape!" Ruciel shouted.

With that words as a signal, I said, "[Swift Movements]"

I'm the one who became three times as fast as before approaching the Yellow King that was lying on the ground.

As I stepped, I injected more Mana into the sword of light to make it sharper, hotter, and more durable.

Then, I launched that sword of light to pierce the monster's head.

Yes, the monster tried to defend itself but it was a futile attempt to made. So, in the end...


My sword of light managed to pierce the monster's skull and burn its brain.

After I repeated my attack once again, the Yellow Tail Ape King finally died.

< Level up! 20 to 21 >

< Level up! 21 to 22 >

< Level up! 22 to 23 >

Oh! It's quite shocking! I didn't expect that the Yellow King would give me three levels.

With the guardian's death, the six lance of stones around the arena began to shine. Not long after, the light on those poles of stone gathered to create a ball of light that floated at the tip of each lance.

The balls of light then flew and seeped into the door gate of the Tower of Challenge to then open It automatically.

"Looks like we've completed the first challenge," I said as I looked at the opened gate.

The kids and Ruciel approached me. They had come to see the Yellow Tail Ape King's corpse.

"We can't take this monster's skin. There is too many cuts and this skin burn pretty well. Those make it worthless." Ruciel gave her opinion as she observed the monster's corpse.

"Please help me to flip the body of this monster, Eclaite," she asked as she looked me in the eye.

I nodded and said, "Sure."

We worked together and completed the task in ten of seconds. The Fallen Elf girl unsheathed her dagger and began butchering the monster's corpse.

In a short period, she managed to retrieve the monster's Magic Stone. She threw the stone at me and I caught it easily.

A yellow Magic Stone the size of a ping pong ball was in my hand.

"Are you sure you're going to eat that Magic Stone?"

I made a strong nod. "This Magic Stone will make me stronger," I told her one more time before eating the yellow stone.

< Acquired an Advance Skill! > 

< Yellow King Punch |Lvl 1 >

< Degenerated version of Yellow King Punch detected. Yellow Punch will be converted into Exp for Yellow King Punch. >

< Yellow King Punch, level up! 1 to 2 >

[Yellow King Punch | Lvl 2] 

[SP - 20 | MP -10 ]

[+ Launch an extremely strong punch or six barrages of fast punch or an extremely fast punch imbued with Light Element.

+ Increase physical damage by 110% and light damage by 55% ]

Yellow King Punch!?

... It was an Advance Skill that I will say quite unique. And it seems, that is a skill which is the Yellow Tail Ape King often uses when it tries to kill me.

A little curious, I tried the Advance Skill I had just obtained. "[Yellow King Punch]"

A yellow light covered my arms. Then, I chose the type of attack I wanted to use.


An air explosion was created after I launched the strongest blow into the empty air.

And wow! Advance Skill is amazing!

I was impressed and decided to use the Yellow King Punch two more times before taking a break. My MP and SP in critical condition.

Ruciel gave me the Yellow King's heart and I cooked it. After the heart was cooked well, I ate it.

I'll say, the Yellow King's heart is so delicious.

< Endurance and Strength stat up! >

< END +20 | STR +10 >

I'm satisfied with the Stat Points I got.

Then, after Ruciel finished processing the Yellow Tail Ape King and after we rested for some time, we entered the Tower of Challenge.

In there, we found a stone slab that could move, mimicking an elevator. Standing on that stone slab we went up to the second floor. 

"[Stat Open]"

『General Information』

[ Name: Eclaite | Gender: Female ]

[ Race: Three Tails Fox Beastkin ]

[ Age: 19 | Level: 23/30 ]


[ E-Rank Adventurer, Courtesan ]

『Basic Statistics』

| HP: 240/281 [245] 

| MP: 231/379

| SP: 156/273

[ STR: 193 | DEX: 58 ]

[ END: 169 | Luck: 9 ]

[ AGI: 198 ]


[Heart of Monster] [Doppelganger]▽

[High Jump] New

[Lesser Health |Lvl 1] New

[Fire Magic Resistance |Lvl 1] New

[Light Magic |Lvl 1] New

[Strong Bite |Lvl 2] New

[Yellow King Punch |Lvl 2] New

Yup! I'm getting stronger and I'm gaining a lot of skills. Unfortunately, I didn't get many Stat Points. Sadly, I also can't do anything to the limited capacity of my stomach.

Eating five kilograms of meat every two to three hours is not an easy task to do.

Is there anything I can do about this? I wondered as the stone slab lifted us towards the second floor.

"You need to buy new weapons," Ruciel said.

I nodded, agreeing with the idea. However, a moment later, I realized that "we don't have any money and I have a doubt, the monster parts we obtained could not give us enough money to buy weapons."

Ruciel narrowed her eyes as she looked at me. "If you don't eat the Magic Stones of those monsters, we'll probably earn enough money."

"... It can't be helped. I need Magic Stones to grow stronger. Moreover, I will only eat ten Magic Stones from every type of monster we hunt. I also won't eat Magic Stones from the same monster after I eat ten of their Magic Stones."

Ruciel's long ears made a strong jolt. She said, "very well then and... you do gain a skill from a monster huh?"

"Of course, it's natural isn't it?"

The fallen elf girl made a sigh of exhausted.

Not long after, we arrived at the second floor of the flying castle Uncertainty.

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