Re Istode : Things that kitsune girl do in another world

Chapter 18 - A Purpose In This New World

Drying my fox tail was troublesome. And it took me half an hour to dry it.

"Adapting myself to this new body will take time."

After my tail is dry and fluffy plus I am wearing a nightgown, I trotted around in the workroom, office, or maybe the jerk's little lab? 

I don't know.

Anyway, I searched this room intending to look for things such as weapons, medicine, or maybe something I could use. 

I need resources to start my adventure.

Time passed, the night was getting late. I've spent a lot of time here and I haven't found anything I can use. 

It's truly disappointing.

Giving up, I decided to pick and read some books that were on the small table. Then, the time passed.

"These letters and the composition of the sentences are so foreign. Surprisingly, I was able to read them without any problems and It's so... weird," I said as I moved my hand to open the next page.

The book I read had a black cover. The book is decorated with dark gold metal shielding on all eight corners. Dozens of Magic Circle images and explanations of their functions that I don't understand became the contents of this book.

This book confused me but at least, this book is much better than the jerk's diary that I read earlier.

Well... To be honest, I know how to use a Magic Circle. One only needs to pour their MP into the Magic Circle and after they say the keywords, they can use the Magic Circle. But... for the principles and concepts behind the Magic Circle, I can say that I'm too stupid to understand it.

Use the Mana that was inside the body to draw the Magic Circle. How do I use the Mana? And more importantly, what is Mana?

If the Mana this book refers to is MP or Magic Points, then I know a little bit about it.

In Ark Fantasy Online, I know that MP is a kind of energy to use magic. I've never considered an MP to be more than a row of numbers. Therefore, I have absolutely no idea of how to use the Mana written in this book.

"Haa... for now. It seems like I have to give up on learning magic." I put the book back on the table. 

Then, I sat in a chair in front of a large table filled with bowls, dry herbs, medicine powder in boxes, glass bottles, etc.

I made room at that full table. Next, I rested my head on my arms that I used as a pillow.

I played with my fox tail, swing it left then to the right, and vice versa slowly. I tried to take a rest but suddenly, a question came to my mind.

"What should I do to take off this Slave Collar?"

Using my index finger, I stroke this hard, cold, big black metal collar that rules over my life. Then I remember how to take off this Slave Collar.

"Long short story, I do need twenty-seven gold coins, the jerk's personal seal, and his permission," I said that as I raise my head.

I looked at this room and I know, the things I needed to obtain my freedom are not in this place.

"The seal may be in his bedroom. As for the coins, I doubt the jerk has it. He is poor, right?" I shook my head because I didn't know the answer. "And about his permission, I will think about it in upcoming days."

Now, to raise money.

The only way I could come up with was searching for the treasure in Foltian Great Dungeon. I retain knowledge about the treasures' location around the world of Ark Fantasy Online. So, I have confidence I will earn that hidden wealth. However, are the treasures' locations in this world the same as in the world of AFO?

I don't know and I will learn about it later.

Now, I have a solid plan to raise money for buying my freedom.

Then, what am I going to do in this world? Besides earning my freedom, what's my dream or purpose? If I didn't have a solid purpose, I'm sure, I'd be lost in this life.

I need a purpose that can keep my desire to live in this world forever strong.

The purpose of finding a way back to my old world is out of the question because I've lived in this world for over nineteen years. Although I don't have my old memories as Giselle Gibson when I lived my time as Eclaite.

Then again, returning to my old world after nineteen years have passed… was not a good idea. I mean, nineteen years have passed. I'm sure a lot is going on. My family, my apartment, my friends, and my money may be gone and changed.

Going back to the old world or living in this world doesn't have a big difference. In two worlds, I had to start all over again.

Thus... let's find a new purpose or dream.

"But… what kind of purpose should I choose?" I asked no one while playing with a small glass bottle.

Should I look for them?

Eden, Mathias, Honesty, Dishonesty, Izayoi, and Agnisdesmo. All my friends in the Estoque Familia.

Did they also experience this problem? Did they also come into this world?

I don't know the answer. However, while I'm in this world, I'm going to search for them. 

There's a small chance they're come into this world, too. I can say something like this because doesn't a son of b*tch named Scott Bell often claims to be a hero from another world? Maybe he's a player in Ark Fantasy Online.

Okay, this is set. I'll try to find them. This quest won't be my main purpose. That would be, akin to sub-quest.

It's not that I didn't care about them. It's just that I am not sure that they come to this world. And honestly, right now, I don't know how to find them.

Now… back to the main problem, let's find a purpose.

Looking for a life partner then live a happy life?


Well... That was a brave purpose of life. 

My old self - the one who looks like a man - has never felt a romance with a man. No man has come to seduce me or even ask me out. Instead, many women have come to declare their love for me.

Now, when I have this body, I'm sure, I can get a boyfriend easily. 

But unfortunately, I have no desire to be in a relationship with a man. 

Why? Isn't Giselle Gibson having a desire for a husband? 

Yes, it's but... I, as Giselle Gibson and Eclaite, was so unlucky to be involved with a man. 

In my old life, they insulted me and keep their distance from me. Whereas in this world, they treat me as an item, they play with my body as they please.

With all that terrible past, a relationship with a man can wait or I will never form it. Especially when I do prefer a relationship with a woman now.

With that... Positively, the goal is to find a life partner, a husband, will be crossed out with disgust.

What about a happy life? half of the purpose just now. Hmm... I think that's pretty good, that also sounds fun.

Live a happy life while living a normal life. Working hard with the ultimate goal to own a big house, a wife, and eat well every day.

It is not a bad idea. 

However, right now, I'm in the world of Ark Fantasy Online or rather, in a world similar to AFO.

It's a big-scale fantasy world. Magic, monsters, sky islands, flying ships, beautiful Elf, Erofu, and more exist in this world. It would be a waste if I didn't enjoy it and preferred to live a normal life.

I believe that the life I live in this world has to be more colorful. That's because...

"Out there, there is a lot of unknown, thrilling adventure, there is a lot of magnificent scenery I haven't seen, and there is thousands of precocious treasure to be found!" I said, looking out the window, looking at two moons in the night sky decorated by millions of stars.

Ark Fantasy Online is so enthralling and extraordinary when it's still a game. And I'm sure, this world that is so similar to the AFO must be no less enthralling and extraordinary. The world may be more phenomenal.

It would be a pity if I didn't enjoy all that firsthand. "What's more, when I live in it"

Therefore, a purpose to a happy life in this world was crossed out normally.

"Now because I don't want to live normally... What should I do? What purpose am I looking for?"

Questions appear and I leaned back in the chair. I moved my head to look at the ceiling of this room, to look for answers.

For some time, I saw dark brown wood plastered on the ceiling. Then, an answer appeared after, accidentally, I saw a miniature of Flying Ship on the bookshelf.

"That's it!" I cried out quite loudly. At the same time, I stood up, got out of the chair. My fox tail made some gusto swings.

"Explorer of the sky or sky explorer!"

Yes, that's right, sky explorer!

Imagining flying in the sky aboard the Flying Ship made my heart beat rapidly. I want to feel the wind caressing my body, I want to take a closer look at the endless sky, and I want to see this world from high above.

All of that sounds so amazing!

"Thus, my purpose of life is becoming a sky explorer. There is no doubt in it!" I clenched my fist to show my determination. "Now, I have to work hard to raise money so I can buy my freedom and a Flying Ship. I also have to think about the crew I'm going to recruit."

With that, I've set my purpose in this world. 

To get to that purpose cones true, the first step I have to take now is... 


That's right, I have to sleep. I have to rest and recover my energy to face tomorrow. 

I left the jerk's room to go back to my room. I lay in bed, wrapped my body in a blanket, and then I said. "Good night."

Oh! I forgot to turn off the Crystal Lamp!

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