Soon, the third bell will rings, so I run.

My destination, the Adventurer's Guild. I must go there to keep my promise to meet with Vier. With his help or more precisely, his recommendation, I'm going to register as an adventurer.

Time passed and when I got there...

"Why are you here, Kimi?"

That's right, I found my little sister standing next to the entrance of Adventurer's Guild. Before I called her name, she peeked inside of this building as if looking for someone.

The little girl turned her body to look at me. Her fox ears twitched, she narrowed her eyes sharply, and her cheeks were puffing. 

"Big sis, where have you been? I'm waiting for you for a long time," Kimi explained.

The little black Fox-kin bring her annoyed expression as she walked to me.

"Hey little pie, I'm the one who should be angry, not you." I didn't approve of her attitude to me and her decision to come here. Therefore, I pinched and pulled her cheeks as soon as she got in front of me. "Why are you here?"

"I also want to be an Adventurer!" Kimi made the declaration after breaking away from my pinch.

That reply shocked me. I stood still, my fox ears twitched and I blinked several times when I look at her.

Adventurer is a profession that focuses on exploring dangerous places together with fighting and hunting monsters. It's absolutely, not a job that kids should do.

My tail swung awkwardly as I'm worried.

"I'll be fine," Kimi said. 

She attempts to persuade me. But I will not fall to it. "Adventurer is a dangerous job. And I'm sure a little girl like you is not allowed to sign up. So no, okay?"

Kimi frowned after hearing what I said. "Adventurer's Guild allows everyone to become an adventurer as long as they are over ten years old. And I'm thirteen, I can be an adventurer."

"Really?" I inquired Kimi who is displeased. 

I'm not convinced by the claims of this little girl. According to Eclaite's memory, the minimum age for a person to be allowed to sign up as an adventurer is fifteen.

"The thing little Kimi said was true, miss Eclaite."

The sound made me turn around. There, I saw Cabal. One of two adventurers who helped me yesterday. 

The man has a tall body, caramel skin, and thick muscles. He has dark red colored short hair, mustache, and beard. The Great Axe on his back makes him look strong and a little scary.

One thing that makes me comfortable being close to him was his warm, friendly smile. And of course, his kind heart also included.

Friendly smile with rotten heart? That is a big no from me.

"See, I am right when I say that I could be an adventurer."

"Maybe but still no, okay?" I replied to the little girl and she puffs her cheeks again. Then I look at Cabal. "Good afternoon Mr. Cabal, and, doesn't someone have to be over fifteen years old to be allowed to register as an Adventurer?"

"Good afternoon to you and please Just call me Cabal. Don't use mister in front of my name," he tells me. "And about that fifteen years old, the rule applies outside of Rishtonbell. Here, ten-year-old kids can register as adventurers. That's because this city has a lot of harmless quests." 

After giving me an explanation, Cabal turns to see Kimi. "So little girl, you want to be an adventurer?"

"Yes of course!" replied my sister confidently.

"No," I told her. As the consequence, she gives me a sharp glare and pouting cheeks.

Cabal gives me awkward smile before he talks to Kimi again. "Care to tell the reason that makes you want to be an adventurer?"

"I want to protect sis Eclaite!" Kimi made another major declaration. The little girl even clenched her two hands into fists to show her determination.

Listening to her words, I sighed. "I'm an adult, I can take care of myself."

"Big sis can't," denies Kimi. She also shook her head to amplify her remarks. "Big sis's common sense is incredibly strange and big sis is also a coward. I can't let big sis be an adventurer alone."

"Hey, that's so disrespectful!"

"Whatever," replies Kimi. She then held my hand. Afterward, she returned to look at Cabal. "Excuse us uncle, we'd like to register as adventurers, see you later."

"Wait for a minute little Kimi, don't be impatient," Cabal said, stopping Kimi from pulling me into Adventurer's Guild.

"The queue will get longer if we keep waiting."

"You don't have to worry about little things like that.  I'll take care of it, come with me both of you." He said, then walk into the Adventurer's Guild, and...

"What should we do big sis?"

"For now, let's follow Cabal. I want to ask him where Vier is."

"All right."

Thus, we coming after his footsteps.

Cabal took us to the second floor of Adventurer's Guild, to a luxurious floor, more than the first floor. 

There aren't many adventurers gathered on this floor. Therefore, there is no queue in front of the counters.

Setting foot on this floor made me notice something. The adventurers who gather here are no ordinary. They look strong and the equipment they use is decent, their equipment is of high quality. 

For example, that bald and muscular man who is talking to his friends was using Red Devil Armor. An Advanced-grade Armor that has a high resistance against Fire Elements.

There is also a female adventurer who owns the Sword of Black. A Rare-grade Weapon that is blessed with dark elements. The sword is so sharp and can give Debuff named Decay. One Debuff that makes wounds inflicted by it hard to heal and becomes extremely vulnerable to infection.

There are still many adventurers who use high-quality equipment. But, I'm not going to guess the name of their equipment anymore because it's just going to make me feel envious. 

I also want high-quality equipment!

Time passed and now, we stand in front of a registration counter. Kimi is in the process of registering as an adventurer. Regrettably, I can't stop her decision.

So, we, I and Cabal accompanied her. We do this also to wait for Vier who is now attending a meeting. And about the meeting, they discussed the plans to explore the seventh floor of the Foltian Great Dungeon.

Now, back to the moment.

Shockingly and unexpectedly, Cabal gives Kimi a recommendation. 

"You sure about this Cabal?"

"Absolutely. When it comes to recommendations and registration fees, you don't have to worry about it. Think of it as an event when an uncle in neighbor gives snacks to the youngsters around where he lives."

"If the snack is worth three silver coins, I do feel hesitate when I receive it."

"Hmm… then, when you're successful as an adventurer, give me a reward, I'll look forward to it."

"...That might take an extremely long time to come true. Are you okay with it?"

"Absolutely, I'm fine with that."

"Your true intention clearly visible," I told him and he give me another warm smile.

He truly didn't want me to pay anything and surprisingly, he didn't show any hidden intentions. Or… he is extremely good at hiding his intentions.

I'm a little paranoid? yes, and I'm not going to deny it. Because of my experience, I still can't put my trust in a man.

And, I don't want this kind of kindness and it makes me uncomfortable. Because of it, I will pay him back even though he didn't want it. 

Giving a gift after receiving a favor is better than just saying thank you then do nothing. I will do it when I have the opportunity.

Right now, I'm a little bit comfortable being near Vier and Cabal because I have Giselle Gibson's memory. Besides that, Vier is similar to the Avatar I used to be. As for Cabal... he... Hmm... he like a friendly uncle in the neighborhood? I'm not too sure but I can tell you, he's comfortable enough to be approached.

I turned around to see Kimi who is filling out her registration form, the little girl went to great lengths to fill it.

"Need help, sweet pie?"

"No, I can do it myself!" said Kimi confidently while her tail swayed to show hesitation. 

A little girl who tries her best, isn't she adorable?

"What are you going to do next, Eclaite?"

"...I'm sorry Cabal, I don't understand your question?"

"Then, what are you going to do after becoming an adventurer? What's your plan?"

My plan... I want to hunt to level up immediately but... I don't think that's a wise idea. 

This world is not a game.

My battle with Peshrooms gave me two pointers.

First, In addition to having the same attack pattern as in the game, the Peshrooms also has a new attack pattern. They can also launch attacks in unexpected positions and situations.

If that things also applied to other monsters, I can not be careless. If I made a mistake, death is the result. 

I need preparations to counter that.

The second is the problem with my body. 

Moving this new body is quite laborious. 

My body lack strength and speed. I also feel a little uncomfortable when this abundant chest swaying every time I walk. I have to watch my every move so that this chest doesn't make a strong sway that disrupts my balance. And maybe, I should wear Sarashi.

What I am wearing now?

Sadly, nothing. I can't find a bra in my bedroom or in that house. I do need to visit a clothes shop.

So, back to moving my body convo.

I can't move well. The thing I feel right now is the same as when I used an Avatar for the first time. I vividly remember the moment I was beaten by a mob of monsters after I tripped because I couldn't move my Avatar properly.

If something like that happened here, I would have died. And obviously, I don't want it. 

That's why...

"I intend to work on different types of quests that can be completed within the city. At the same time, I will practice how to fight and use weapons."

"Good decision. Do you have any experience in using weapons?"

"A little, and I want to learn to use Spear, Naginata, Javelin, Guan Dao, or Glaive."

"...color me with surprise. I didn't think you knew much about medium-range weapons."

"Medium-range weapons are the most widely used weapons in the world. I'm sure a lot of people know about that."

"A piece of advice for you, you'd better learn two Weapon Skill. One as the main fighting style and the other as a backup. You're going to need it because you're not always going to fight in the open and wide places."

"Then, a short sword or a dagger could be an option."

"Once again, that's not a bad choice."

I have memories that I got from Ark Fantasy Online so... yes, I have experience fighting monsters in all kinds of places. Because of this, I know what kind of practice I should do.

"Hey, sis Eclaite."

"What's wrong?"

"What should I write in this blank part?" Kimi show me her registration form then she pointed to a little part of the paper.

"Let me see... You're born in the Anima Kingdom. But now, you are a citizen of the Heingarz Kingdom. So, you can fill it with Rishtonbell."

"All right," replied Kimi briefly. The girl re-filled out her registration form.

As for me, I'm rethinking the Avatar Build I want to use. 

Avatar Build or commonly abbreviated as Build is a term for a Player's fighting style. A Build includes the distribution of Basic Stat, Skill selection, and the choice of Arte as well as Spells. A Build has a main goal to defeat enemies quickly and efficiently.

I know different types of Builds. And now, in this world, I decided to use Melee Build. but... I have a doubt. And the source of that doubt is...

"Cabal, do you know Divine Beast - Nine Tails Fox?"

That's true... I don't understand Divine Beast - Nine Tails Fox. From the Basic Stat I saw, Nine Tails Fox is perfect for Magic Build. But unfortunately, I never used Magic Build even though I know some types of Magic Build. 

"Just a little bit. There are some legends about them that I know of."

"Legend? Isn't there Nine Tails Fox who lived in this age?"

"No, there's none," he said. "The last Nine Tails Fox lived two hundred years ago. Now there's only the Celestial Fox living in the Anima Kingdom, the kingdom you mentioned earlier."

"What about their fighting style? Do you know that?"

"Hmm... According to legend, Nine Tails Fox is an expert in using Elements Magic. They can make suns, tornadoes, earthquakes, or tsunamis with the flick of a finger."

"...I feel the legend is exaggerated."

"For most of the legends, I can say yes. However, there is one legend that truly happened. Legend has it that the last Nine Tails Fox split Siranbing Mountain in half."

"... if that episode truly happens, Nine Tails Fox is amazing."

"Yes, they are amazing."

Magic Build... 

Ugh! It's extremely complicated to make a choice. I'm used to wielding Melee Build but Nine Tails Fox is better suited for Magic Build.

What am I supposed to do?

Should I take a Hybrid Build, Battlemage Build, Magic Spearman Build, or just directly choose a Magic Build?

It's extremely confusing...

When I thought about which Build I was going to choose, Kimi's registration was complete.

Guild staff offered to give us a brief explanation of the basic knowledge intended for newbie adventurers but Cabal declined the offer. 

Cabal said we could hear that explanation later after I signed up. 

After that, I made a quest to search for the jerk's whereabouts and to make sure of his condition. Not to forget, I also created a quest to gather information about Agnisdesmo and others.. After all of that, we leave the registration counter.

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