Re Istode : Things that kitsune girl do in another world

Chapter 25 - Trouble That Comes With His Name 1_3

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"What are we going to do big sis?"

"Hmm... How about we buy basic equipment for an adventurer?"

"That's... that's an amazing idea!" exclaimed a passionate Kimi. She even gave me a sparkling look.

Then, my ears twitch after remembering something. This is the real world. Therefore, it is possible, the knowledge to choose the equipment that I get from Ark Fantasy Online will not be useful here.

It's a good idea to asking for advice from someone else. And that thought made me smile sourly because I had to extinguish Kimi's spirit.

"We're going to buy that pieces of equipment. but... come to think of it again, we can't do it."

"Why!?" shouted Kimi. His tail stands upright and his fox ears move irregularly to the right and left.

"Because... I don't know what to buy. We'll buy pieces of equipment tomorrow after we ask Miss Ellis for advice."

"Aww… too bad. So, we're not going to do anything today?"

The little girl's fox tail and ears now hanging weakly. It's so hilarious to see how quickly Kimi's emotions change. It made me smile and at the same time feel guilty for letting her down.

Let's entertain this adorable little girl.

"What do you mean by doing nothing? Don't you remember that we had to buy groceries for dinner?"

"But we already have a supply of groceries. We're not-" Kimi replied without a pep talk. But, she stopped in the middle of the sentence because she realized something. "That's right! We don't have any groceries, we have to do shopping."

The little girl seemed to realize that I wanted to buy her something. Therefore, it's time I spoke openly.

"What do you want to buy?"

"If I may... I want dried blueberries."

Kimi gave me a hopeful stare and I stroked her head.

"All right, let's buy the blueberries you want."

And we walked into the market.

Redmug Market is the name of a market located not far from our home. This market stands on a highway. So, all the shops here are on the right and left sides of the street.

Vegetable shops, clothing stores, homewares stores, and other shops have a semi-permanent booth. Red, orange or blue sheets of fabric become the roof for those booths that have wide no more than three square meters.

The items sold are displayed in wooden boxes or directly on the carpet. A small wooden board bearing the price of each item adorns the front of each piece of merchandise.

And of course, the place called the market is filled with buyers. They come and go. Pick an item and buy. And of course, they bid for the price of those items.

The buyers make this market crowded.

Not many adventurers stop by this market due to the lack of merchandise that interests them. Only ordinary citizens and especially housewives gather here.

Arriving at this market, Kimi immediately pulled my hand to find a fruit seller.

The little girl's eyes sparkle and she makes a big smile when she gets the fruit she wants. Her cute tail swings were full of energy. No doubt, my sister was happy to get a small basket of dried blueberries.

We left the fruit seller and continued shopping.

I want to make pot-au-feu. so... Bacon and Sausage. For vegetables, I can take carrots, radish, leeks, and onions. I'm not going to buy cartilaginous meat, I don't like it. and... oh! Right, I also need the ingredients to make bouquet garni.

"Do they sell such seasoning here?"

I don't know but I'll try to find it or find a replacement.

Our shopping time continues. Perhaps to answer my question, there are some herbs and vegetables that are not sold in this market. I had to replace them with other groceries.

And... There was something strange going on while we were shopping. I accidentally realized this strange thing by hearing it.

The weird thing I'm talking about is a few footsteps.

That's right. During our shopping, I heard three footsteps that were always near us. At first, I ignored the sound of the footsteps. But, after some time has passed the sound of footsteps does not disappear. They're constantly following us.

I was scared and decided to go home. I didn't expect that the footsteps were following us all the way home, I couldn't do anything other than feel panicked and scared.

I wonder, what does the owner of the footsteps want?

Realizing there was an imminent danger, I immediately locked the front door after entering the house.

"What's up, big sis? Why to lock the door?" asked Kimi. She gave me a strange look at the abnormal behavior I was doing.

"Someone's following us," I explained as I looked out of the small window at the door. I could see some shadows coming out of the alley near the house.

"What does big sis mean?"

"Kimi follow me!" I took Kimi's hand and pulled her into the back room. A room I consider safe. "Hide in here, don't come out until I let you, okay?"

"No! I don't understand!"

I'm trying to explain the dangers that come close to Kimi. But unfortunately...


A loud bang was heard from the front of the house. Someone tried to break in by force.

"Hide and don't make noise!"

"Big s-"

I ignored Kimi's words and immediately closed the door and locked it. I threw the key under the little cupboard before walking into the living room.

There's danger in where I'm headed. I knew there was a chance I'd get hurt or even experience worse. And to reduce that risk, I took my short sword before setting foot in the living room.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the door being hit continues to be heard. And when I got to the living room, the door was broken and wide open, letting five people in without permission.

"What do you want?" I asked them.

Five men of different races stood there. Two humans, two Beastkins, and an Elf. They wore dark brown leather armor and were armed with swords.

The uniformity of the equipment they have makes me immediately think that they belong to one group.

One man - a human - smiled as he stepped forward. He opened his mouth to say. "What do we want? All right, first, does this house belong to Wielth?"

The name he mentioned made my body jolted. I was wondering, what's the connection between these five men and that jerk? What did he do to them?

I want to know the answers to those questions. But, for now...

"... not. I don't know who Wielth is."

"Now sweet girl, don't lie, it's not good. He's your father, isn't he?"

"I'm not lying," I deny it for a second time. And it makes one of them angry.

"Argh! Shut up bitch! Elliot doesn't waste time!" The redheaded man shouted. Just like the color of his hair the man's face was flushed. He's like a volcano erupting. "Louie, Bram, caught the girl! Fodell and you, Elliot. Let's search this house! We have to find a cure or Spell or Magic Tools that can remove this curse! Move quickly!"

The redheaded man immediately ruffled a nearby bookshelf. He acted as he wishes, ignoring the homeowner. Well... I know this isn't my house. But, at least, he doesn't have to be rude like that.

The first man who talks to me sighed. He shook his head as a sign of surrender. "All right! Fine! You guys, do what Lars said! Move your asses, now!"

With that order, four men are on the move. Two men help the redhead to search the house. While the other two walked up to me.

Without hesitation, I unsheathe my short sword. Inevitably, I have to face the dangers that come near.

"Are you crazy! You committed crimes during the day! The patrol knight will not let you go easily!" I threatened them. And this, attracting the attention of the redhead who finished ruffling the bookshelf. He turned around and gave me a hateful stare.

"Shut up! Louie, Bram, what are you doing! Caught the girl and silence her!"

The man was so angry. His voice was so loud that it made me think that this room was vibrating because of his shout.

"We're doing it!"

"Give up, girl! Or you'll get hurt."

"Don't joke around! You guys walk into people's houses and then tell me to just give up! You guys think I'm going to accept that without a fight!"

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