To evade the Tree Golem's punch, I decided to roll to the right. Then I got up as quickly as possible. After that, I instantly kept my distance from the monster by stepping back.

As I prepared my spear, the Tree Golem turned around to face me. It didn't waste any time and instantly approached me.

I want to attack the monster's right knee to cut it off. I want to take it down. But, the moment I took a step, the unbearable pain stung my right rib, just below my chest. The pain made my body jolted and bind my body, leaving me to stand still in there.

"Shit! Are my ribs broken?"

I'm not waiting for the answer to that question. Hastily, I picked up a bottle of potion from inside the leather bag in my belt. Wasting no time, I drank it while looking at the Tree Golem.

I don't want to miss the things it did!

Luckily, I did the right thing. The Tree Golem attacked me with its big fist when I half drank my Potion.

Having no other choice, I forced myself to dodge. And of course, that unbearable pain re-invaded my body. But, the pain disappeared quite quickly as I emptied my Potion.

After a few minutes of playing a catch and run with the Tree Golem, my condition improved and I was able to follow the Tree Golem's movements without any problems.

Then, for the next few minutes, we exchanged attacks. Our ultimate goal is to take down the enemy we face.

Blow after blow that the Tree Golem launched at me had a danger that couldn't be underestimated.

The monster's punch was full of strength.

The punch could crack the tree trunk and could numb my arms as I tried to block it using my spear.

Fortunately, the Tree Golem was slow.

Due to that fact, I managed to land attack after attack on the monster's body especially onto his right knee.

And it's a pity that almost all the attacks I made didn't do any noticeable damage to the Tree Golem.

Making considerable damage to the monster's right knee already drained most of the stamina and strength I had. I could feel that my body was getting heavier in seconds.

Facing the Tree Golem for some time made me understand one thing.

I still can't beat it.

It's very disappointing!

Is my level too low? Could it be that my weapons aren't good enough? Or are the capabilities I have lacking? And could it be that this thing happened because of the insufficient experience I had?


Should I give up?


Not! I'm not going to give up! I can do this! I can defeat the Tree Golem!

"Hoo! Ho!" The monster re-launched its punch. It tried to destroy my body.

My tail made a strong swing and I took a few steps to the side to dodge. At the same time, I shifted my body to maximize the evasive movements I made. As a result, the Tree Golem's fist passed beside my body.

I'm moving my body! I approached the Tree Golem as I channeled energy into my arm. Then, a red light enveloped my spear.


Duag! Crack!


My attack managed to crush the Tree Golem's right knee and cut off that leg in two. I didn't want to be press down by the Tree Golem's body, I stepped up to keep my distance.

I managed to take down the monster. But...

"My spear was also destroyed," I said as I looked at the broken spear I was holding.

The spearhead was gone and only half the spear remained. Seeing that, I knew that this stick that was half of my spear was useless.

I unsheathed my Short Sword and I saw the Tree Golem still thrashing around as it lay on the forest floor.

Then, I wondered, how do I defeat this Tree Golem?

"Should I cut off his head?"

I'm not too sure and damn it! I should have read the Monster Encyclopedia given by Ellis more seriously!

Inside Ark Fantasy Online, to kill a Tree Golem, I only need to attack that monster until his HP runs out. But in this world, I have trouble affirming when a monster will die. Especially when the Tree Golem showed no signs of its becoming weaker.

I circled and observed the thrashing Tree Golem, crawling trying to get close to me as I questioned how to kill it. Then, when I decided to cut off his head, my fox ears twitched.

I heard a dozen unnatural sounds around me.

I moved my head and I saw dozens of Lotai Monkeys perched on the trees around me. The red eyes of the dark brown furry monkeys looked at me sharply.

For a moment, this place became silent and only the Tree Golem's voice sounded.

"Ho... Ho... Ho…"


"Kakha! Kaa! Kha!"

"Oukh! Oukh! Oukh!"

The Lotai Monkeys became boisterous, making roar after roar.

They shocked and frightened me.

I looked around frantically as I tried to find answers, what should I do next?

And before I got an answer...



Something hit my shoulder roughly. The pain stung when I realized that Lotai Monkey was throwing stones at me.




The monkeys made a roar again. Then, they start throwing stones at me. Dozens of fist-sized stones that fell like rain came to drop on my body.

And I can say, that's so scary!

Without a second thought, I protected my head using both of my arms as I ran out of the place as quickly as possible to find shelter. And I didn't forget to take the Leather Bag that I dropped while running away.


Unfortunately, some rocks managed to hit my body before I finally took cover behind a large tree.

"What the hell! Why did those monsters attack me?"

And I didn't have to wait long to find out the answer to that question.

"Hoo! Ho!"

"Kakha! Kaa!"

"Kha! Kakha!"

Lotai Monkeys attacked the Tree Golem. They tried to try to take down the Tree Golem even though some of them were destroyed by the Tree Golem's punch.

Taking advantage of the events where the Lotai Monkeys didn't care about me anymore, I observed their fight. Then, I found out that they were aiming for the fruit that grew on the Tree Golem's body.

"They stole my prey!" I screamed in annoyance.

How dare they do such a barbaric thing. Don't they know how big my struggle to take down that Tree Golem is!?

And haa...

I can't do anything about this injustice and I know that I will not be able to defeat the Tree Golem.

What would do I do now?


Running into the middle of Lotai Monkey's group then spending them?

Don't be silly! There were more than ten monsters there. If I challenge them, I'll die.

I haven't been able to do land severe damage in a single hit to the Tree Golem. That means I'm still weak.

I don't have a long-range attack either. I would be overwhelmed if those Liotai Monkeys decided to shower me with stones as they perched on the tree.

And yes, I still have other weaknesses.

With a bitter smile, I ran away from my hiding place. The meadow where Peshroom roamed became my destination.

I'll try to hunt down some Peshroom before returning to the city.


< Stamina stat up! SP + 10 >

< Because a skill has been obtained from these monsters, the absorbed Magic Stone will be transformed to EXP for the skill that has been obtained. >

< SP regeneration up, level up! 1 to 2 >

< Stat points and Exp for Skill cannot be obtained from this monster again. >

『General Information』

[Name: Eclaite | Gender: Female | Age: 19]

[Race : Beastkin - One Tail Fox | Level: 3/10]

[Job : Slave, F-Rank Adventurer, Courtesan]

『Basic Statistics』

[HP: 16/28 | MP : 41/41 | SP : 12/54 < Stat Up!]

[STR: 17 + 3 | AGI : 15 - 1 | Luck : 3]

[END: 18 | DEX: 9 | ]


[Heart of Monster][Natural Mana Circulation]

[Divine Beast Blood][Upgrade Hearing]

[Upgrade Smelling][Poison Resistance - 3]

[Pain Resistance - 4][Paralyze Resistance -2]

[Physical Attack Resistance - 1]

[SP Regeneration Up - 2]< Level Up!

[Spear Mastery - 1][Courtesan - 5][Cooking - 3]

[Dance - 2][Charm - 3]


STR + 3 because Eclaite uses the short sword. Spear + 4

AGI - 1 because she straps the leather bag on her back.

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