"Miss Eclaite, are you ready for the Promotion Test?"

"Yes! I am ready!"

"Good! Now, let me give you a quick tour of the Promotion Test. First-"

The crux of Ellis's explanation can be summed up into three points.

Promotion Test contains five quests one rank above the rank of participating adventurers.

Those five quests contain two delivery quests, one gathering quest, and two hunting quests.

I have to complete those five quests in less than a week. And if I fail, I'll have to wait three months before I can take another Promotion Test.

Thankfully, because it is a Promotion Test to get E-Rank qualifications, those quests do not have high difficulty.

"Do you want to take it?"

"Of course!"

And that's how I got my first biggest challenge in another world.

I got those five quests and I also got a Magic Tools loaned by Ellis. That Magic Tools will help me when I hunt in Rishtonbell's underground waterways, she said.

Then, time passes.

It took me two days to complete two delivery quests and one day for the gathering quest. Now, I just need to work on the two hardest quests.

The hunting quests that I got, require me to hunt down two kinds of monsters in a certain number. Giant Rat and Lizator are the names of monsters that I have to hunt.

"It's time for action!"

I, Eclaite, uttered a strange phrase while standing in front of the entrance of the underground waterways.

This is a type of underground waterway that often appears in a fantasy game.

Its ceiling was half-cylindrical. The walls and floors are made of gray bricks. A small river filled with dirty water in the middle. Two small roads are on the left and right sides of the river. And not to forget, the iron bars that cover the entrance of these waterways.

"I forgot that the smell of this place is so horrible!"

That awful stench became a big deal for Beastkin like me who has Skill - Upgrade Smelling. The smell became stronger because our sense of smell was quite sharp.

It's tearing my nose! And it makes my eyes watering!

Luckily, I've prepared. Well... It was Ellis who made the preparations for me. It's about the Magic Tools, its name was Smell Blocker and it could protect me from this evil smell.

I activated Smell Blocker, a red-colored Magic Tool similar to a Power Bank. And yes, the smell around me is gone. This Magic tool was my knight on a white horse.

Now, with its protection, I'm truly ready!

I stepped into the underground waterways to begin my grand adventure. It's time I tested my courage and my fighting ability as an adventurer and as a gamer!

That's just a metaphor, I don't mean it in the way I say it. But I'm not going to deny that my adventurous spirit as a gamer was blazing.

It's an adventure to defeat monsters. Who wouldn't be excited about it?

Clak! Clak! Shess! Shess! Drip! Drop!

The sound of boots hitting the floor, the sound of flowing water in the river, and the sound of water droplets that fall from the ceiling become a BGM of this place.

The underground waterways were not dark because it has a Crystal Lamp as a source of light. And because of that dim blue light, I could see quite well.

With this, I can hunt down five monsters named Giant Rat and Lizator, respectively.

Giant Rat, as the name implies, it is a gray-colored rat with a size similar to a dog. And yes, I agree with that thought, too.

A rat was as big as a dog. That was scary.

Next up is Lizator. They are miniature crocodiles with white skin. They are fast, strong enough, and they have a mouth that contains rows of sharp teeth.

Ellis said Lizator was quite dangerous. That's why I have to be careful when I meet one of them.

I traced a dimly lit tunnel that had mossy floors with watchful eyes. I also put up my fox ears to listen to the popping noises.

I have to find my prey and I have to always be prepared for the ambush that my prey might do.

For a while, I keep wandering in these waterways. Turn around, climb or go downstairs, meet giant rat corpses, and find dark tunnels without a death Crystal Lamp. And unfortunately or perhaps luckily, I haven't met a monster at all or even heard their voices.

"It's quite disappointing," I commended.

And of course, I won't give up. My quest in this place will be completed. I am sure of that!

Few tens of minutes later, the dangerous time finally came. I met my first Giant Rat.

Showing its back, the monster was eating another Giant Rat that had already become a corpse. That surprised me a little bit. I didn't expect this world's rats to be carnivores that didn't hesitate to do cannibalism.

I drew Bleed Fair and approached the Giant Rat slowly. I'm keeping my footsteps quiet to ambush the monster.

And my efforts paid off, I stood behind the monster without it noticing. Bleed Fair shone in dim red light and I say, "[Red Piercing]"


Giant Rat turned around after realizing where I was. Unfortunately, the monster was slow to react. My spear managed to pierce its stomach.


Giant Rat screams and trash around. The thing it did make the spear I held got a strong pull from its body. I would let go of my spear if I was a second late to pull it out.

"Khii khii! Khi!"

The angry monster ran to knock me down. And for me, of course, I dodged its attack.

"A Giant Rat that ran closer to me was scary!"

I'm no longer playing around. The Giant Rat that has a long whisker, red eyes, and big, sharp teeth disturbing my emotions more strongly.

I don't want to get hurt. That was what I'm thinking when I saw its dirty teeth. Getting hurt because of those teeth in a dirty place like this was terrifying.

Infected wounds, that's a big no!


Giant Rat cried again and I turned around to face it. My spearhead is pointing at the monster. Once again it dashed closer and I prepared to greet it with my attack.

I thrust my spear when the Giant Rat was only one step ahead of me.



Giant Rat staggered to the left after its left shoulder was slashed by my spearhead. The monster didn't stay still, it dashed again, tried to bite my leg.

I dodge the Giant Rat attack and at the same time, I give the monster my attacks. Then, I took few steps to keep my distance from it. This pattern continues for some time.



The Giant Rat stepped back after I hit its head with the staff of my spear. It shakes its head then comes to me again. For its bravery, I give it a wound on its front leg.

Vier's Spartan training, in-game fighting experience, and the moments when I hunt Peshrooms proved useful in this fight. I can see the giant rat's attack pattern and I got an easy time fighting it.

"It's time for me to end this fight!"

Giant Rat approaches me with its sharp teeth. It didn't tired to trying to bite me. I channeled my energy to my arm and Bleed Fair emits red dim light. I stepped to the right and before it managed to bite my leg...


I stabbed Giant Rat in the head with my strongest Arte.


Giant Rat died, his body just fell to the floor of the underground waterways.

The fight was over.

"At least for now."

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