Smell Blocker gave me a bright future.

Okay, I know I don't need to dramatize this episode. Smell Blocker successfully solved the problem about the influence of Unique Skill - Heart of Monster.

That's the point.

Now, I won't lose control after inhaling the scent of monsters' blood, I will no longer see a future where I will be burned alive, and best of all, I can do adventuring with the Fallen Elf girl!

My heart can breathe a sigh of relief.

Sitting in front of the campfire, I looked at the stone gate that was the entrance of Lost City Beldea.

The joy colored my heart when I found the gate. I even raised my fists into the air.

Yes, I didn't jump straight into the Lost City Beldea and explore it right away. I decided to take a break, eat lunch, and check the supplies I brought first.

The noon had passed and right now was almost one o'clock. Knowing this, if I want to go home before nightfall, I only have two or three hours to explore Beldea.

I've never hunted a monster at night and right now, I don't want to experience it. Imagining me exploring the forest at night made all the fur on my tail stand up.


A Hidden Dungeon filled with treasures.

Yup, that sentence tickles my greed and my adventurous soul.

I wonder what kind of adventure awaits me in there. This world is different from ark fantasy online games. Therefore, I was expecting something more challenging and not something more deadly.

About the treasure hidden within the Lost City Beldea. I remember, the Player who discovered this hidden dungeon gained a blueprint or Magic Weapons. But unfortunately, I don't remember clearly, what kind of treasure it was.

The shape, type, or name of the treasure he got I have absolutely no memory of it.

Hmm... If I think about this once again, I think, my ignorance about that treasure is normal. Considering that Lost City Beldea was discovered before I played Ark Fantasy Online.

"As long as the treasure is precious, anything is okay."

I looked back at the Varg satay I was cooking. Soon they will be done and I can't wait to eat them.

This satay was very simple, only pieces of monster meat were flavored with salt and two types of herbs. But, it had such a delicious taste.

Then in The blink of an eye, after all the satay was done, they were gone to my stomach.

"A satisfying breakfast. Now, it's time for me to explore Beldea."

I stood up and checked the equipment I had. It would be foolish if I was caught in a precarious situation because of malfunction equipment.

Weapons, check.

Spare weapons, check.

Equipment to disarming traps, check.

Lighting, check.

Potions and first aid kits, check.

Okay! Now, I'm ready to explore the Lost City Beldea.

I walked to the gate on the cliff. And then...

"This gate is big," I commented.

The stone door at the gate was approximately four meters high. The door is decorated with symmetrical carvings that are commonly seen in Sci-Fi movies. But, the gold-colored teks and the four blue gems that became ornaments made the door suitable in this fantasy world.

"Okay, this gate looks so heavy. Do I have enough strength to open it?"

In the game, one only needs to touch that door and that door will open automatically. Did that happen here too?

"Let's find out!" I walked over and touched the door with my left hand. Seconds later...

Creak! Zhaa! Zhaa! Zhaa!

Like an automatic door, the stone door opened, revealing the inside of the Lost City Beldea.

My adventure begins!

I passed through the gate and lit a small lantern that hangs on my right waist. Getting the light, I started tracing this dim hallway.

Wow... This place is amazing.

Dozens of knight statues made of stone, lined up on both sides of the hallway, they stood among the large, sturdy pillars. A green banner decorated with the symbol of two swords crossed behind a round shield with an image of a dragon inside it, adorned several pillars in this hallway.

Chandeliers hang from this ceiling. It didn't emit light because the Crystal Lamp that adorned it was damaged.

Out of curiosity and awe, I approached one of the knight statues. They look so detailed and I want to observe them up close.

A surprise greeted me, the knight statues are not stone statues. They are corpses! Mummies!

"Oh my God!" I cried out and spontaneously moved away.

Those mummies looked like a statue because they were covered by dust!

Their existence made my ears and tail stand up.

I unsheathed my Bleed Fair, I'm ready to fight if the corpses wake up. But... After a few minutes had passed, they showed no signs of moving.

"Aren't they undead?"

I went back to the statue or corpse that was close to me. A dim red light enveloped Bleed Fair.

A moment later...

"[Red Piercing]"

Splat! Clang! Clang!

The head of the corpse in front of me was destroyed. The helmet it was wearing bounced, hitting the floor several times before finally stopping.


That's so disgusting! I turned my face away and then take a step to distance myself from it.

Now, I know that the mummies in here won't move. They are not undead.

And speaking of undead, I just remembered that Lost City Beldea was an undead-themed Dungeon.

"Ugh, I hate undead," I said as I picked up a long sword from one of other mummies.

I checked the long sword in my hand. This sword was not rusty at all, it was still sharp, and still sturdy. Surprisingly enough, this long sword was a High-Grade Weapon named Silver Long Sword.

Although it was called Silver, this weapon was not made of silver. According to Flavor Text, this weapon was made from High Steel with a slight mixture of Holy Silver. Thanks to that, this weapon had a Holy Element that was so effective for fighting Undead and Astral Type Monsters.

"So... These mummies don't become undead because they carry weapons that have Holy Elements?"

... I am not a Priestess or an undead expert. So... I don't know. But, I know that this weapon will play a big part in my adventure in this Dungeon.

I left the mummy to go deeper into the Dungeon. I walked on a floor made of blue and black marble.

Time passed and I ran to the other gate. Different from the gate that became the entrance, this gate had a half-destroyed wooden door that likes being hit by an explosion. The bottom left part of the doors wide open.

A light shone from that wide-open parts.

I took a deep breath and went into the wide-open parts of the door. Then...


An amazing sight greeted me.

In front of me was a gigantic dome-shaped cave. Right in the cave ceiling, there is one giant Sun Crystal that is accompanied by thousands of small Sun Crystals. Their light illuminated this lost city.

And I think... "My lanterns became useless."

Under the giant Sun Crystal, there were hundreds of buildings of various shapes and sizes. They formed a small town called Beldea. I say small to this city because according to my estimation, the city in this cave is no more than three square kilometers.

Yes, I can make that estimate because the gate that I just went through was built in a high place. Thanks to that, I was able to see the entire city quite clearly.

While looking at the city, I'm trying to remember the last time I explored Lost City Beldea when I was still playing Ark Fantasy Online. I want to remember the Treasure Spot's location on this floor.

In the end, vaguely, I remembered three Treasure Spots that had the most treasures.

"I have a mission now."

Leaving the gate, I descended the long stairs leading to the lost city. A moment later, I traced the street in this lost city.

The city was ruined.

Several small craters, shards of buildings, damaged horse-drawn carriages, and wide cracks decorated the streets of the city.

The word damaged can also be applied to dozens of buildings on both sides of the road. They were destroyed and almost collapsed. The buildings were like they were burned and hit by something big.

The architecture in this lost city reminds me of the town of Rishtonbell. The only difference between them is the fact that the buildings in the city of Rishtonbell are not decorated with dragon-shaped statues.

I admired this abandoned city for some time until finally, an undead revealed itself to me.

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