After getting out of the old elevator, I ran up the stairs. My goal is the roof, just like before.

I didn't hear any sound when I got to the third floor. And after my mind becomes calmer, I realized I could feel the heat of that silhouette!

Right now, it's on the first floor. It's roaming around there, maybe to find me!

"I need to get out of here as soon as possible."

One problem is chasing me. But, who could have thought, there was another problem that blocking my way.

This shop doesn't have stairs to the roof!

I opened door after door and what I found was a ladder to the attic.

"I saw some windows on the roof of this shop. I can use that window to go up to the roof."

I climbed the ladder. At the same time, I felt the heat of the silhouette go up to the second floor!

I moved my body faster. I looked for the window and after I found it, I went out of it. I stood on the roof of this shop for a while before I finally jumped onto the roof of another building.

I turned my head as I felt the heat of the silhouette being on the third floor. Standing there, it looked at me from behind the window.

"Ugh, I won't get used to that silhouette," I made the comment before running away.

I still called it a silhouette because I wasn't sure of the silhouette's true identity.

I remember that silhouette once chased me in underground waterways.

How did it get here?

I don't want to know. But, the fact that it appeared in the underground waterways of the city of Rishtonbell and this dungeon stated that it was not a monster.

Only a human can get out of the city without trouble.

However, its figure stated something else!

It had four red eyes, its face was like a mix of several faces, and it didn't include its wide mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth.

It's big, about three meters tall. And just now, I realized that it was wearing armor.

So... Is it a human or a monster? I wanted to pronounce him human but the terrifying figure and aura it had said otherwise.

"There's no point thinking about that silhouette. Now, I need to get out of this Dungeon," I said as I ran towards the Dungeon's exit.

I'm thirsty and I want to rinse my throat but I don't have water! This is torture!

I could have drunk the Basic Potion I had to relieve this thirst but I'm not going to do it.

It was a stupid act.

Potions are required to be consumed when I'm injured.

So, with my throat dry like a desert, I walked down a dimly lit alley.

I don't use the main street of this city because I don't want to be found by the silhouette. The road was open wide and there was almost no hiding place there.


One Corpse Walker came out from the back of the wagon to attack me.

I who was in super alert mode instantly give a response. To avoid the attack, I stepped back. Along with that, I drew Silver.

I didn't use Bleed Fair because I will get into trouble launching attacks. The alley is too narrow.


Corpse Walker attacked again and I was ready to face it head-on.

I swung Silver as I avoided the Corpse Walker who was trying to catch me. A moment later, the undead's arm lay on the ground.


Ignoring its severed arm, Corpse Walker re-launched an attack. I didn't stay silent and swing Silver again.

I don't want to stay in this place any longer than necessary. Therefore, after I cut off the Corpse Walker's remaining hand, I behead it.

< Level up! 6 to 7 >

"Great! Level up!"

I was happy but then...

"Urph!" I made a strange noise when a rotten stench suddenly pierced my nose. The stench made my eyes water.

I thought I had enough tolerance when I saw Gore but I seemed to be wrong. I didn't expect, the stench would make this scene unbearable.

I know where the stench came from. Therefore, I walked away leaving the Corpse Walker that I had just killed. A few steps later, I breathed clean air.

"It's not good, Smell Blocker is running out of Mana," I complained. At the same time, I wiped away the tears in my eyes.

I walked close to the T junction and...

"Found you..."

Goosebumps creeping all over my body. That hoarse voice can work well to scare someone!

I want to scream when I noticed that silhouette was right on my left but three arms of that silhouette stretched out trying to catch me.

Snapping back, I used the full capabilities of my high AGI, I dodged that arms while trying to keep my distance.


The silhouette laughed as it was try to catch my right arm using one of its arms. Unfortunately for it, I brushed that arm with Silver.


Surprisingly, the silhouette ignored the wound I gave.

"Come here!"

Of course, I don't want to get close to it. I still trying to keep my distance from it but...


My back bump the wall! At the same time, two silhouetted arms moved toward my legs. Feeling the danger, I attacked those two arms.

Slash! Slash!

The attack made the silhouette pull back its arms. I tried to seize the opportunity by running to the left to escape but...

"Hahaha, got you!"

The silhouette managed to catch my right leg!

As soon as possible, I tried to cut off that arm with Silver. But, before the sword managed to cut off that arm, my leg was pulled up and it slammed me hard into the floor.


Blood came out of my mouth along with all the air in my lungs. Pain pierced my body. And before the pain subsided, the silhouette lifted me again and then threw me.

Hitting a few walls and crashing into the middle of the road was the last thing I know before I passed out.


Ba-dum! Ba-dum! Ba-dum!

< Heart of Monster beating! >

< All basic statistics up! × 200% >

< HP, MP, SP Regeneration Speed × 200% >


I opened my eyes but everything I saw was blurry.

I sniffed a delicious scent.

I saw a huge shadow approaching.

Who's there? Who are you?

I asked but it didn't give me a reply.

My mind became so light and covered in thick fog.

I'm having trouble focusing or thinking about something.

I wanted to do something but I couldn't do it.

I'm like, I'm trying to make a statue using water.

Under these situations, the only one thing I could feel was...


Pain after pain I feel continuously.

That huge shadow was the source of the pain I felt.

Why did it do that to me? And why it has a delicious scent?

Hey! Stop it, delicious huge shadow!

My shout is meaningless, it didn't listen to me at all.

I said stop it! Or I'll eat you!

F*ck! It didn't want to stop at all!

I have no other choice.

If you don't want to stop, then I'll force you to stop!

I'll eat you!

With that intention, somehow, I felt I could do anything.


That hand hurt me.

So I cut it.

That mouth bit my arms.

Therefore, I destroyed it.

Those eyes made my body stiff and uncomfortable.

So I pulled its eyes out.

It can still move to hurt me.

Thus I make it stop by destroying its brain.

< Level up! 7 to 8 >

Huh? Who's that?

Who's there?

I didn't feel any presence.

I didn't find anyone.

It's gone?

...don't care~

I care about this huge shadow that spread out appetising scents more!

This delicious scent made me hungry!

Bon appetite!

I didn't expect the huge shadow to have such delicious meat!

I can't stop eating the meat.

It's delicious!

So delicious!


< Health, Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity up! >

< HP + 25 | STR + 10 | END + 10 | DEX + 5 >

Huh? You back?

What do you want?

Do you want to eat with me?

This meat is delicious. You won't regret it.

So come eat with me!



...I think it's gone.

Why? This meat is so delicious.

Why it's gone? It will miss this delicious meat.

Nom! Nom! Bite! Crunch!

< Acquired an Advance Skill! Enchanted Body - 1 >

You're back!

But, I won't share this meat with you!

You refused my offer and ignored me!

So, this meat is mine!

Get lost! Off with you! Shaa!

Go away! Shaa!



That's right! Fear me! Hahaha...


I'm still hungry.

Is there no more delicious meat around here?

I'd better start looking for delicious meat.

I'm hungry! No! I'm starving!


What shadow is this?

It smells like meat but it's different.

The texture is like meat but different.

It tastes like meat...

Blech! Blech!

No! It didn't taste like meat!

It's a disgusting meat!

So disgusting but it's meat!

Let's find another meat. The real meat!

I found another shadow and it's meat...


I caught another shadow and it's meat...


Why? and it's meat...


Why isn't there delicious meat here!


I'm hungry, starving...

I'm hungry-starving but there's no delicious meat in here! Why? Just why!


... I have no other choice.


It's disgusting but it's meat!

< Strength up! STR + 1 >

You again! Begone! SHAA!

< Skill acquired! Lesser Strength - 1 >

I said go away! SHAA!


< Strength up! STR + 1 > × 9

< A skill has been obtained from Corpse Walker. The Magic Stone will be converted into EXP for the Skill obtained from this monster. > × 9

< Lesser Strength, Level up! 1 to 2 >

All those meat is big not good!


But I am starving.


Oh...! A new shadow!

A big shadow! It definitely has a delicious meat!


Traitor! Traitor!

I trust you but why did you do this betrayal!

Traitor! Blech! Hungry...

< Strength up! STR + 1 >

< Skill acquired! Lesser Strength - 1 >

< Same Skill detected! Withdrawing a new Skill. >

< Skill acquired! Lesser Stamina - 1 >

Blech! Hungry! Noisy!

< Level up! 8 to 9 >

< Strength up! STR + 1 >

< A skill has been obtained from Two Head Corpse Walker. The Magic Stone will be converted into EXP for the Skill obtained from this monster. >

Noisy! Noisy! Noisy...!

I was sleepy! I want to sleep!

Don't be noisy! Shut up!




So noisy! You wake me up!


Huh! What shadow is this?

Why does this shadow suddenly appear in front of me?

Why does this shadow has such a delicious scent!

It makes me hungry!

I want to eat it!


Why is this shadow so hard to be captured!

Hey! Wait!

Let me eat your meat! Don't run!

I said don't run!


Where did it go?

Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!

Where is it disappear to?

Sniff! Sniff!

Delicious meat! Where are you?

Sniff! Sniff!

Delicious meat!




It's gone...




Zzz.... Zzz…

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