Re Istode : Things that kitsune girl do in another world

Chapter 56 - Little Sister's Chain

A few minutes after I opened my eyes, my little sister, Kimi beat my body with her light punch. After she beat me, she cried. And after crying, she scolded me.

In less than ten minutes, she showed me three different expressions. Her quick, changing emotions surprised and impressed me.

Right now, I'm in my bedroom.

Yes... That's right. Vier saved me.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I found out, the face I saw before I fainted was Vier's face. If at that time the face I saw only an illusion and the person who saved me wasn't Vier, to be honest, I didn't know what would happen to me.

I'm thankful he's Vier.

Why is Vier in the North Forest? Wasn't he exploring the Foltian Great Dungeon?

I wondered and Kimi gave me an answer.

The little girl said, when she tried to figure out the last Quest I took by asking Ellis, she accidentally met Vier.

Vier who overheard my name tried to know more about what happened. And when he know that I was missing, he offered his help to find me.

As for the reason why Vier was in the Adventurer's Guild at that time, the young man was on a mission to buy supplies and to give a report to Guildmaster.

The exploration on the seventh floor of the Foltian Great Dungeon was extended because they had not been able to open the gate to the eighth floor. Because of that, they need extra supplies.

And that's the story behind the mystery of why Vier came back and in the Adventurer's Guild.

The young man was so kind. He searched for me in the North Forest by making the most of the free time he got in the middle of his mission.

Three days later, the young man found me.

That's right, when I fainted, Vier healed my wounds. The Healing Magic he used took away my headaches and all the wounds I got from my adventures in Beldea and from the Vargs attacks.

At least, that's what Kimi told me. And yes, Vier is a great doctor.

"Do big sis not know how worried I am when you don't come home for five days! Where have big sis been?" asked Kimi who is sitting on my stomach.

The little girl didn't let me run away by making my body a chair.

"I'm trying to find something and you don't have to worry. Isn't adventuring for a few days is a natural thing for an Adventurer?"

The little girl didn't give me an answer. Instead, she pinched and pulled my cheeks.

"What are you doing?"

"Shut up! Stupid big sis!"


"... Did big sis not realize it? Big sis is weak-"

"What are you saying? I'm pretty strong."

Kimi frowned. She pulled my cheeks stronger. "Why is big sis so stubborn? Why wouldn't big sis listen to someone else's words!"

"You are the same. You never hear what I say," I replied.

I'm a little upset. My little sister didn't want to hear anything I said either.

Making a little change so that my story fits into the background of this world and so that my story doesn't mention too much about Ark Fantasy Online, I tell Kimi a few things.

I told her that I could fight. I am pretty good at it because I have the fighting experience I got from Ark Fantasy Online.

I know how to make potions, armor or weapons, and Magic Circles because I repeatedly see someone make all those things in AFO. And I've even made potions!

I know the area around this city and some places in the world because I've visited them in AFO.

I know how to conquer Dungeons and the secrets they hide because over and over again, in Ark Fantasy Online, I participated in Dungeon Raids to level up and to collect various rare items for Familia Estoque to sell.

I told all of that things to Kimi.

When we were alone, I tried to tell this little girl about the AFO in my previous life.

But... Why doesn't she believe me? It's so weird.

"Because everything big sis says is weird and ridiculous! Big sis never learned anything but said you could do anything! Do big sis never thought how strange you were?"

"That was so disrespectful! Why don't you believe me when I have a high leveled Avatar in AFO? I indeed have vast knowledge about this world! And you need to know, I'm normal!"

"Right..." Kimi said in a flat voice and a blank stare. The little girl also let go of my cheek.

"Listen to this story and give a response. There is a woman who has never held a weapon or had any experience fighting decided to become an Adventurer. After becoming an Adventurer, the woman then practiced using weapons for one week. And coincidentally, she obtained a Weapon Skill. The woman became overconfident and took the Hunting Quest, she went into the forest and she met Varg. Tell me, what will happen to that woman?"

"Nothing happened because the woman killed the Varg she met." I gave an answer like that because I knew, the woman Kimi was referring to was me.

Hearing my reply, Kimi put on an exasperated expression, she pulled her ears down and gave me a sharp look. Then she shouted, "That woman is going to die!"

The little girl pinched my cheek again. Her ears and tail stood up straight. "Varg is a strong monster. A city soldier and D-rank Adventurer would have hardship facing one of them let alone an ordinary woman. Big sis lucky brother Vier found you before it's too late."

"But I was the one who killed those Vargs."

"Enough!" Kimi said firmly. The little girl then got out of my stomach. "I don't want to hear big sis's word anymore. We'll talk about big sis's weirdness next time."

I'm the one who is free to get up to sit on the bed.

"Now!" The little girl who is standing beside the bed looked at me right in the eyes and her two hands on her hips. She puffed out her chest before saying, "big sis should know. From now on, I'll be on an adventure with my big sis. We're going to do the Quest together! I don't accept the word no!"

I frowned. It's something I don't take for granted.

I don't mind sharing the knowledge I got from the AFO with Kimi. But I do mind if she going on an adventure with me. Especially when I was just freed from the problems related to the silhouette.

"Look, the place I'm going to is dangerous. That's why I can't take you on an adventure with me."

"If big sis wants to go to a dangerous place, my reason for an adventure together becomes even stronger!" She said. She then touched my nose. "Papa Wielth hasn't come home yet and I don't want to lose big sis. I hope big sis understands this."

She's cheating! I can't say no to that.

And adventure with Kimi huh... Well! That's not going to be a problem for me. Lost City Beldea wasn't going anywhere. Therefore, I will raise Kimi's level before I explore that place again.

All of this was for Kimi's safety.

I'm going to explore the Foltian Great Dungeon from now on. And it seems, I have to consider the advice to make a Party more serious.

"Haa... Well okay! We're going on an adventure together."

"Great!" cried Kimi with a smile.

"Hey Kimi, where's my little leather bag?"

Kimi pointed to the small table next to my bed. The little leather bag was there and I took it. I put the bag on my lap and opened it.

Kim's who is curious came closer.

"That's a lot of silver coins!" cried the little girl once more.

"It's a lot of silver coins," I said.

All these silver coins also made me amazed. But, I was more interested in what was inside the little bag that I took along with all those silver coins. Therefore, I took a small bag and gave Kimi a little leather bag containing silver coins.

As Kimi was playing with all those silver coins, I opened the small bag. My eyes opened wide when I saw what was inside.

I took one of them out of a small bag. I brought it closer to the sunlight to see it more clearly.


I made a sound of admiration upon seeing the sunlight turn red because of that thing.

"... That's a huge Ruby!" cried Kimi for the third time.

Yes... This is a big Ruby.

And with all the Ruby in this little bag, maybe I can buy my freedom.

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