"Now you know you can't protect me." 

I said that to Kimi as I treated the wound on her leg. Unfortunately, she didn't care about what I said.

She said, "Hmph!" Then look away. She didn't want to see my eyes.

"You are weak and I will do whatever I want. I will protect you now. And after we've been on an adventure together in the Dungeon for a week, I'll be back on an adventure alone."

After experiencing what had just happened and hearing my words, I'm sure Kimi would agree. But, who could have thought?

"No! I will always have an adventure with big sis!"

The girl shouted to reject my idea!

"You can't do anything and the place I'm going to visit is dangerous!" I said in a slightly loud voice as I was annoyed. Then, I voiced my concerns softly. "Please understand, I don't want you to get hurt."

"No no no!" My sister screamed again. Her voice cracked and she cried. "I want to be with big sis. I don't want to let big sis go on an adventure alone. What should I do if big sis disappears like Papa Wielth? I don't want that to happen! I'll follow big sis!"

Why did she use that cunning method again? And crying? If she makes fake tears, I'll reject her. But this! This girl's tears were sincere.

"You don't want to give up?"


"Alright, if you don't want to give up, you have to obey my every word. Do you understand?"

Kimi cut off eye contact. She looked the other way while saying, "I understand."

"No, you don't understand," I said firmly. "Say to me that you understand while looking into my eyes! You also have to promise! Do it now, or I'll truly never take you on an adventure again."

"All right!" replied Kimi with a shout. The girl then looked me in the eye. "I promise to obey the words of my big sis! Satisfied?"

"Of course!" I nodded. "Now, since you agreed to obey my words, let's make you stronger by leveling up! We also have to do it quickly! Otherwise, all my plans will fall apart! Once I'm done with this wound, follow me, Kimi!"

"Huh? Huh?"

I ignored the confused Kimi. I healed the girl with potions. Then, after I confirmed she, Chloe, and Alan were in perfect condition, I took them to the Hunting Spot in Dusn Hill.

With my help, I forced them to hunt down the Leaf Hound for a few hours. And after we rested, I forced them to hunt down the Little Blue Slime that was on the hill.

And yes, this time I didn't go hunting with them. 

I'm still afraid of Slime.

The second monster hunt lasted about three hours.

Thanks to these two hunts, Kimi went up two levels, Alan one level, and Chloe three levels.

The kids are getting stronger.

After we were done hunting around Dusn Hill, I invited them to visit the Rockleaf Forest.

"It's time to seek wealth!"

I started with passion but the other members were not passionate at all. 

The kids are exhausted.

"My feet hurt," complained Kimi.

"I couldn't feel my arm," Alan continued.

"Huff... Huff... gulp! Gulp!" Chloe drank her juice.

On the other hand, Ruciel, the Fallen Elf girl didn't show any expression. She also didn't seem exhausted despite having already processed the monster dozens of times and continued to carry a large green bag on her back.

The bag looked so full and heavy that it made me wonder, "Ruciel, what's in your big bag?

"...lot of things," she began. "Tents, cookware, utensils for harvesting different types of Items like a pickaxe, shovel, hoe, and many much other things."

"Why are you carrying all that things?"

"Haa... Because every Adventurer who hires my services has a different purpose. I have to be ready and have whatever they need."

"That's extremely informative," I said with a nod.

Back to the Rockleaf Forest.

When we got there, we rested. Half an hour later, we went into the forest, walking past the trees and bushes in search of a place I wanted to visit. 

Looking at the simple map I had made in a hurry, I walked northwest, towards a place I thought was filled with rocks forming a hill.

We wandered inside this forest for some time until finally...

"Ho... hoo!"

We met a Tree Golem!

"Let me fight that monster. All of you, please take a rest."

"Are you sure of that decision?" asked Ruciel. She gave me an expression that showed me a question; are you crazy?

"Yes Ruciel, I'm sure of this decision. And for the record, I'm not crazy okay? I know what I'm doing."

"Whatever, just do what you want to do."

So, after our exchange was over, I approached, challenged, and finally battling the Tree Golem.

As usual, the monster was so slow. It allows me to easily dodge and attack. But, behind that slow inertia, there was a great power. I can't let my guard down. If I take a single blow from that monster, I will be finished because of it.

Different from before, I'm sure I can kill this monster. I will not lose and run away. I've become stronger, I also have a Silver Spear, and I know its weakness. 

Once again, I could kill the Tree Golem!

Then, after dozens of minutes, I managed to cut off one tree golem's leg and hand.

"[Red Piercing]"


"[Red Piercing]"

With that Arte combination that pierced through the Tree Golem's chest, I managed to kill the monster. I have no other choice but to destroy its Magic Stone directly.

The death of Tree Golem made my level go up! I'm level ten now. My tail swinging full of energy after I heard and read the notification.

< Level up! 9 to 10 >

<The requirement to evolve has been fulfilled. Do you want to evolve into Two Tail Fox?>

<Yes> <No>

<If within 30 seconds there is no response given, this notification will be moved to the basic statistics screen.>

That's right! I can evolve!

A smile adorns my face! And no doubt about it, I feel so good now, I feel satisfied too!

And yes, I didn't evolve here right away. I'll do it later at home.

After processing the Tree Golem, our journey continued. 

And in the middle of the way, Ruciel suddenly said, "I want to know. Do you realize, you won't get anything from this hunt?"

"What do you mean?"

"Seriously? Should I say it to you?"

I tilted my head slightly, I didn't know what Ruciel meant.

"You paid me thirty silver coins. And so far, you've only hunted Leaf Bear, Leaf Hound, Blue Little Slime, and Tree Golem.You indeed hunt more monsters than a Party in general. But, even so, you won't earn a lot of money because you don't get a lot of valuable parts. Probably, you'll only get thirty-three silver after you sell all of this. You know you made a bad deal."

"You don't have to worry about it because at first, I didn't intend to hunt them down to make money. The source of my wealth is Drople Red Moss."

"And you wish I believed it. Drople Red Moss is a rare medicinal plant. They didn't grow anywhere and now, you're saying that the plant grew in this place?"

"Yes, that's true."

"You're crazy."

"I'm not crazy Ruciel. I'll prove it and you'll be surprised."


We explored the Rockleaf Forest for some time before finally, we found the huge pile of rocks I was looking for.

My ears twitched and my tail made a powerful swing as I watched the place be here. 

I feel delighted!

With a light step, I approached the pile of stones in search of the cave hidden there.

At Ark Fantasy Online, this place becomes a popular source of articles on the Official Website of the AFO. 

Why is the article about this place so popular? 

Because the article tells the story of a Player who became rich in a short time because he sold a Rare Medical Plant called Droplet Red Moss. He had a stock of rare medicinal plants that could make others gape! 

But, in the end, the place from which the Player got the Droplet Red Moss was revealed. The Player who was a Solo Player could not defend his treasure from A-Class Familia.

A sad story indeed and I don't care!

Now! This place will be mine! And I wouldn't make the same mistake as that player.

My smile grew wider when I found the cave entrance. Without wasting any time, I invited Kimi and the others into the cave.

"Are you sure there's a Drople Red Moss in this place?" asked Ruciel.

"Of course, maybe? Anyway, we have to check it out first."

"You're unbelievable."

"I found it! Look at Ruciel! Droplet Red Moss!" I pointed towards the red stones because they were overgrown with moss.

Ruciel who saw it gaped.

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