<Welcome to Avatar creation space. Please, choose a race for your Avatar.>

After Angel utters the phrase, she swings her left hand gently. Her actions made dozens of Avatars from different races appear before me. Human, Elf, Dwarf, Beastkin, Demon, Slime, Oni, Dragon, and others.

That's right, Ark Fantasy Online makes several types of Monsters as playable Avatars. Some races offer unique gameplay. Soul System, Evolution System, and others System managed to make hundreds of thousands of Players addicted. That also makes AFO becomes the most popular game in the world.

Back to the Avatar.

Dozens of Normal Races in front of me can be selected freely without using real money. However, since I got the chance to choose a special race at will, I went straight to where they are.

A moment later, I'm in the part where Special Races is. Here, I can choose races like High Elves, Arc Demon, True Vampire, Ancient Dragon, Divine Beast, Titan, and several other races.

Choosing a special race at will makes me happy but I'm confused now.

"Before coming to this place, I should have asked them for advice, what special race should I choose?"

There's no point crying over spilled milk. Therefore, I choose to read the explanation of each special race carefully before choosing one of them. And I should pay attention to the basic Stat, characteristics, and uniqueness of one special race because it can affect the Avatar Build I want to create.

I don't want to end up like Agnisdesmo.

He chose the Ancient Dragon. That special race is the strongest because it has extremely high Basic Statistics. Unfortunately, the restrictions that ancient dragon has are quite a lot.

Some of those restrictions made Agnisdesmo unable to enter almost the entire city inside Ark Fantasy Online. He can't access the features a city has to offer. He can't use Armor, Weapon, and Accessories. Worse, of all the Events in Ark Fantasy Online, he can only participate in three Events.

And no! Agnisdesmo cannot turn into a human because there is no Spell that can help him.

Why should a proud Ancient Dragon turn into a lowly human? Amusing themselves? It's like asking an immortal cultivator to be an ant. I bet, those developers must have thought about that when they set those restrictions on Ancient Dragon.

Honestly, there is quite a lot of minus in AFO and game developers never do things about it. They decided to give Avatar restrictions because they want this game to give a real impression of a fantasy world. They want all players to play from different perspectives.

Maybe, the game developer wants us to think that there are no monsters - except those who are humanoid - to fight using weapons. Just like, there is no point in giving a gun to a cat. They will continue to fight using teeth and claws.

This game is a rather hardcore game considering that this game has more restrictions than the freedom to play. And maybe, this game is like an old moba game where each character has advantages and disadvantages.

I hope that the update in the future will do something about that restrictions.

Now… because of all of these restrictions, I have to pay attention to the explanation of each special race. Wrong to chose and I will be finished because of the restrictions they had.

Lastly, I hope, the unique skill that I will get can support the ability of the special race that I choose and not oppose or even weaken the special race that I chose.

Now, what special race should I choose?

Should I choose High Elves like Eden? One of the special races that have a large MP capacity and can use different types of magic.


Choosing Arc Demon that has dozens of different types of attacks with high damage? They can also transform into wild beasts or monsters.


Skeleton King with the ability to summon a battalion of dead soldiers.

Flugel, used by Honesty and Dishonesty also looks strong. They can also fly freely in the sky without using a skill.

The Divine Beast also looks promising. They have balanced magic and physical attack.

A few tens of minutes passed. And in the end, I decided to choose Divine Beast - Nine Tail Fox.

I chose this special race because Nine Tail Fox has the seventh-largest Basic Statistics of all special races available. This special race also has the same form as Beastkin. Lastly, the restrictions that Nine Tail Fox has can be accepted by me, unlike the restrictions on the other special races.

The restrictions that divine beast - Nine Tail Fox has are as follows.

They could not enter territories, cities, and kingdoms specific to the human and angel race.

They cannot visit the Holy Kingdom and the Sacred Land - Goddess of Light.

Lastly, they cannot participate in local PvP Tournaments and can only participate in International PvP tournaments.

I'm not frustrated with such restrictions, It's quite good.

After I selected the special race I wanted, Angel continued the process of creating my Avatar.

<Select the gender. Male or female?>


Angel's remarks surprised me.

In Ark Fantasy Online, a Player can only create Avatars according to their gender in the real world.

And I didn't expect that I could make a female Avatar just like Eden predicted.

"Maybe, this is one of the privileges that Seed of Life has?" I asked no one. And of course, I didn't get an answer.

Since the opportunity to have a female Avatar appear, I have no reason to turn it down. With a smile and a few tears, I chose a female Avatar.

<How about the looks? Original or custom?>

I chose custom without hesitation. I dreamed of looking beautiful and Eden suggests I make the Avatar attractive-looking. Therefore, I must do my best to realize my and her hope.

An hour later, a gorgeous Avatar stood in front of me.

The avatar has a pair of sharp purple eyes like Amethyst, her nose is beautifully engraved, and her fresh soft lips are colored pink.

The long waist-length hair, large fox ears, and nine fluffy tails that the Avatar had were golden.

The height of the Avatar is one hundred and seventy-five cm, similar to my height in the real world. And needless to say, the Avatar's body is so glamorous, not inferior to the bodies of super actresses who often appear in drama series.

I created this Avatar according to the ideal woman of my fantasies. Therefore, it is only natural that the Avatar is so stunning and enchanting. I'm sure, this Avatar can steal men's hearts with just a smile or a wink.

The Avatar is perfect. but... I don't know why I felt something strange when I saw it.

"Hmm... I know! The Avatar is the same age as me. It's only natural that I feel like something's wrong. The avatar is too mature and she is arguably an old momma," I said with a bitter smile.

Old momma... That words pierced my heart. Twenty-eight years old and I'm still single. It's so saddening because some of my female friends are already married and even have children.

I don't know what to say... It just hurts.


Now, let's stop thinking about old momma and marriage. I need to focus on completing this Avatar.

"And I must not forget that I have to make this Avatar look younger. Let's just say I comfort myself and run away from reality."

So I set the Avatar's age at nineteen.

<Please enter your name.>

"Name huh? maybe... I'll use Eclaite."

Using a character's name from a movie is not a bad idea. Not only that, using this name, I could have met people who share my hobby.

Sure with that name. I pressed the letters on the keyboard screen that floated in front of me. I hope no one else uses this name.

<Do you accept 'Eclaite' as your name?>

Of course! And it's really surprising, other people haven't used that name considering the movie 'Together With You' is so famous.

Got lucky, I pressed the confirmation button.

<Please, choose a city that will be the starting place of your adventure.>

> Capital City - Gourdam

> Fanvail Free City

> Sky City - Bolgurm

> Dungeon City - Rishtonbell

> Empire Pride - City of Solan

> A Shogunate City - Senjougahara


I want to level up quickly. That's why I chose Rishtonbell as suggested by Agnisdesmo.

<Select your basic equipment pack.>

> Basic Equipment Pack A

> Basic Equipment Pack B

> Basic Equipment Pack C

> Basic Equipment Pack D

> Basic Equipment Pack E

They say basic equipment pack C is the best choice. Then I'll take it without hesitation.

The Basic Equipment Pack C I chose contained two bottles of potion, a set of starting clothes, an iron short sword, a blue necklace, and forty silver coins.

Forty silver coins... No wonder Basic Equipment Pack C is the best choice. The Basic Equipment Pack A I chose before only had ten silver coins in it.

<With this, your character has been completed. Please get ready, you will be sent to the city you choose.>

After Angel uttered that phrase, the old Avatar I used was exchanged for the Avatar I just created.

Right now, an Avatar named Vier is standing to my left. And I, use an Avatar named Eclaite.

Avatar exchange is complete.

A moment later, a one-meter-wide golden Magic Circle appeared under my feet. Seeing the Magic Circle began to shine, I say, "I can't wait to go through the Tutorial Quest once again."

<Please enjoy your new life in the new world.>

Along with Angel's farewell, my body was covered in golden light and a moment later I lost consciousness.

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