Darkness came and we rested inside a box white stone catacomb. When the night comes, the cold is getting fierce. And we must always be wary of ambushes from the monsters.

Those two things are extremely problematic for us. 

However, Ruciel came to our rescue, she took out a heater that was a Magic Tool. The cold vanished and we felt warmth as we slept.

But… we don't sleep at the same time. One of us had to stand guard for a while and each of us got a turn.

Luckily, no monsters came to attack us. In the end, our night lasted in an instant.

When the morning arrived, we ate breakfast and prepared our equipment plus our weapons. We went to the place I wanted to go to after those two things were done.

We walked, following the black tombstone until we saw the black gate grown by vines. We went straight into the underground of this catacomb with the determination to obtain a lot of treasure and Exp.

Now, since we were about to explore a dangerous place, I no longer let the children fight as they pleased. 

We formed a real party with fighting formations and orders.

It's a shame when I want to take the position of leader, Ruciel and the children strongly opposed my decision.

"I didn't want to follow the orders from a fool like you! And I keep getting feeling we will always get caught up in the problems if you lead us, so no!" Ruciel said and the children supported her with a nod of the head.

They're so horrible.

And yes, the role of leader in our Party fell into Ruciel's hands. 

As for a fighting formation.

The Fallen Elf girl with Chloe was in the back line. They will give us help and support. 

Kimi and I got the role of attackers. We're the ones who are going to beat the monsters first. 

As for Alan, he's in the middle line to get flexibility in actions to help the front line or back line.

Now, back to the underground catacomb.

The inside of this place is made of brick and gray stone. This place is similar to a basement but much wider. And you could say, this place is practically a labyrinth.

And this place is quite dark.


A ball of light the size of a fist appeared and floated beside me. Better yet, I can control the ball at will.

So... I made three balls of light. Each one for the front, middle and back lines.

We explored this place for fifteen minutes until finally, I felt the heat of a monster.

"Get ready! There's a monster coming!"

As soon as I finished those words, the children and Ruciel unsheathed their weapons. Four people were ready to fight in a matter of seconds.

"Ga! Ga!" roared Headless Ape that showed itself.

The headless black ape then darted at us quickly. Its green eyes emitted a desire to kill, saliva flowed from its big mouth, and the monster's huge hands were ready to obliterate us. 

"I don't like that monster," said Ruciel, who then shot her arrow.


The arrow flashed quickly and ended up piercing the monster's right shoulder even though the monster was trying to dodge it. 

That brief of exchange made me realize something!

The monster was so fast!

Yes, the monster couldn't avoid Ruciel's arrow. But that doesn't mean the monster is slow. Instead, Ruciel's attack was too fast.

As I worried, can the kids could keep up with that speed, the monster was already in front of us.

I who had already unsheathed the Silver Long Sword directly confronted the monster. 

In an instant, we exchanged few attacks! Headless Ape with its fist and me with the swing of my sword.

"Ga! Gaa!"

Clang! Clang!

Then, I never expected, not only was the monster fast, but it was also powerful. I have a high AGI and STR! Never I thought that I will have trouble following its moves.

Then, Kimi entered the fight. The little girl tried to cut headless Ape's thigh using her Fire Sword but the attack never touched the monster.

Headless Ape dodges and launches a counterattack at the same time!

Kimi who was unaware of the attack did nothing. Instead, I, the one who could see all of the monster movement hurried my arm to fend off the monster's attack.


In the end, I managed to deflect the Headless Ape's punch. And yes, I didn't stop my attack. Instantly, I connected that attack with an Arte!

"[Flash Slash]"

I tried to cut off the monster's arm but I didn't make it!

"Damn it!"

I'm frustrated with my failures. Especially when Ruciel's second arrow managed to pierce the monster's left shoulder.

Ruciel's attack made the monster's defense wide open for some time. Seeing the opportunity, Kimi and Alan launch their attacks on the monster.

But, same as before, Headless Ape can dodge the attacks easily.

And as before, I had to try my best to block or change the path of the monster's attacks that was aiming and unknown to the children.

It's very strange.

Headless Ape is a low-leveled monster. These kids should be able to keep up with them. 

What's going on?



[Race: Headless Ape | Lvl 27]

| HP: 234/290

| MP: 45/50

| SP: 117/140


Level 27! How did that happen!? The average level of that monster should be 15!

"Argh!" Kimi shouted and her body was thrown for several meters.

I let my guard down because I was shocked after seeing that monster's level. And that makes the monster's fist pass through my defense and successfully hit Kimi's chest.

"Kimi!" cried, Alan.

The boy paid too much attention to my sister and forgot about the monster in front of him. And yes, I have to protect the boy.

I fended off Headless Ape's attack then launched counterattacks.

"[Cure]" As soon as she could, Chloe used the Healing Spell to help my sister.

On the other side, Headless Ape retreated after receiving my attacks and Ruciel's attack.

Everything worked well and I got a chance to catch my breath.

Kimi recovered, she tried to join the front line once more but I stopped her immediately.

"Stay in the back line, Kimi, Alan! Don't attack! I'll deal with this monster!" 

"But, big sis-"

"No, but!" I cut off Kimi's words. After that, I explained. "This monster is too fast and powerful for you guys."

I prepared the Silver Long Sword and then I gathered my energy in my arm. Afterward, I kicked the ground and darted towards Headless Ape.

I want to cut off that monster's arm!

But... The monster didn't give me a chance. It gave me a counterattack in the form of a breath of fire coming out of its mouth!


The waves of fire are coming!

I who ran, spontaneously kicked the floor to throw my body to the left side. Then I did a tiger jump!

I managed to dodge but Headless Ape didn't want to let me go. The monster moved its body to direct its fire breath at me.

"[Wind Cannon]"


The fire and wind collide!

My Wind Cannon won! That wind managed to extinguish the Headless Ape fire!

Yes, I'm low-level and I won a magic fight with a high-level monster.


Of course, it happened because I had a higher MP. The power of a Spell was influenced by how much MP one had.

Eighty points on MP shouldn't be underestimated!

Back to the fight!

Shortly after the Headless Ape's flames were extinguished, Ruciel's two arrows pierced all the monster's eyes.


The monster lost control and began to attack blindly!

Approaching the monster that was in such a state would only invite pain. So, because of that.

"[Water Shoot]"

I started shooting at the monster's legs using Spell.

It lasted for some time until finally, Headless Ape tried to pull out the two arrows stuck in its eyes.

And yes, I didn't waste the opportunity that appeared.

I unsheathed the Silver Spear and approached the monster as quickly as possible. And when I got to the front of it, I launched my strongest Arte.

"[Crimson Impale]"

The spear covered in red light shot quickly to pierce the monster's head… or chest right in the middle, in the part that I suspected to be where is the monster's brain was.

I don't know if my guess is true or not. But, I know that my strongest Arte work!

The monster no longer moved! And after I pulled out my spear, the monster fell to the floor.

A moment later I unsheathed the Silver Long Sword and said, "[Heavy Slash]"

I cut off Headless Ape's head... chest once again.

"Why is it so brutal?"

"I just want to make sure that this monster is dead."

Ruciel shook her head and said, "I'm sure, after this fight, you've realized that the kids aren't strong enough to face the monsters in here. Therefore, I suggest you stop this exploration."

"No, we are not weak," Kimi shouted. "We are strong! Therefore, we don't need to retreat."

Well... I'm pleased she's excited. But still, that couldn't change the fact that she was weak. 

And I know we can't continue this exploration with that weakness. I wanted all the treasure in this place but I prioritized Kimi and the other's safety over the treasure.

Kimi, Alan, and Chloe are weak. Therefore, I had no other choice to look for and inspect that place first.

I truly didn't want to go to Decaying Illusion Peshrooms nest. But! If the place truly existed, our level would have improved dramatically.

"Ruciel is right, Kimi. You guys are too weak and we're going to get into big trouble if we keep going deeper into this place with that weakness.. So… We'll go from to visit somewhere else first."

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