

[Race: Nightmare Illusion Peshroom |Lvl 30]

| HP: 760/760

| MP: 427/470

| SP: 214/240


That's truly something! And why is that monster much stronger than Headless Ape even though their level only had a difference of 3 levels!

That Nightmare Illusion Peshroom was strong and it was worsened by the abilities it possessed. 

The illusion made by this monster had a stronger effect and is hard to counter or to be dispelled than the illusion made by Decaying Illusion Peshroom.

In Ark Fantasy Online, if a player doesn't have enough Status Effect Resistance or when they don't have equipment that provides defense from Status Effect, the Avatar they use will lose control due to being exposed to the Debuff Illusion. And if they can't get rid of that Debuff within a certain period, their Avatar will automatically die.

And yes, Puppet Lemon is not powerful enough to ward off the illusions given by Nightmare Illusion Peshroom.

The monster is so dangerous in Ark Fantasy Online! Therefore, I don't need to ask how dangerous that monster is in this world.

The appearance of Nightmare Illusion Peshroom in this place is so unexpected. It surprised me so much! Then, as soon as possible, I stopped our hunt and told Kimi and the others to hide.

Now, behind a huge tombstone, we observed the movements of that two-meter-tall mushroom monster. While that huge and more nasty version of Decaying Illusion Peshroom was roaming around, I was waiting for an opportunity we could use to escape.

The monster had a vast AoE attack. That's why we can't be seen by it. That attack can hit us even though we were quite far from it.

"That monster looks scary, is that why you told us to hide?" Ruciel asked.

I shook my head. "Not its form, the monster's ability is what I am afraid of. It's a good move for us to get out of here as soon as possible before-"


Before I had time to finish my words, Nightmare Illusion Peshroom screeched.

Spontaneously, I turned my eyes to the monster. There, I saw some Headless Ape running up to the mushroom monster! Those ape monsters want to attack it!

"That was a bad decision!" I shouted. A moment later I look at everyone to shout again. "Run! Hurry up!"

My panicked warning worked flawlessly. Kimi and the others ran out of our hiding place as quickly as possible.

"SHUU!" The mushroom monster screeched again.

I moved my head to look at the monster and, "PHUFF!" The monster exploded! It created a gigantic mushroom made of dense white mist! It reminds me of the aftermath of a nuclear bomb explosion! And that white mist is extremely dangerous!

Like volcanic smoke from erupting volcano, the white smoke approached us so quickly.

"Run! Run! Run!" I screamed in panic. 

I don't want the mist to swallow us but the reality is vicious! The mist was faster than us! In tens of seconds, I knew we were going to be swallowed by it!

But, I didn't give up!

"[Wind Cannon]"

A huge air pressure blew away a piece of the white mist. But that air pressure wasn't enough to blow all that mist away. But, I can hold them back for some time.

And of course, I shot Wind Cannon continuously.

I tried my best but our hopes faded away in quick succession. And when I feel so desperate, that hope shines once again!

"Go to the mausoleum! We can take shelter there!"

We went to the closest mausoleum as soon as possible! At a moment we arrived, we immediately smashed the padlock and opened the door of the place. We were able to get in! But, before we could close the mausoleum door, white mist entered and engulfed us.

For quite some time, I couldn't see anything.

I feel so weird!

Then, when I could see again, I found myself in a room that I didn't know but felt so familiar to me.

I tried to remember where and what this place is but then I had an incredible headache. I became so weak, I had to lean against the wall so I could stay standing.


I feel like someone called me but I'm not too sure. The sound was too faint and this headache made my eyes blurry, I could barely see anything.

"Did you hear me, Lite?"

The voice came again and this time, I saw a black shadow standing in front of me. But still, I couldn't clearly see the shadow's face because of this unbearable headache.

The voice kept calling out to me as my headaches subsided.




The voice called out to me and as the shadow became clear, I opened my eyes wide. My fox's ears and tail stood tall.

In front of me stood a little Fallen Elf girl. Her short straight hair was glossy black as the light shone on it. Big and beautiful golden eyes looked at me with worry. Lastly, her tiny pink lips formed a healing smile.

"Oh! Finally! You responded," said the little Fallen Elf who then put her palm to my forehead. "You're hot and when I saw what you did earlier, I was sure you had a fever. Take a rest, I'll tell momma Marga that you're sick."

I just fell silent in there while blinking my eyes as she said and did all that.

Then, as I wake up from my daze, I asked in a trembling voice, "... Cerene?"

"You are right, it's me, Cerene." The little girl slightly tilted her head and made a confused expression as she looking at me.

Yes... There is no doubt, she's Cerene. The first and the best friend of Eclaite.

But how?

How's she in front of me?

Isn't she dead?

"No! You're not real, you're not Cerene."

That's right, Cerene is dead. The little Fallen Elf in front of me was not real, this little girl is an illusion.

An illusion created by Nightmare Illusion Peshroom. The monster got us and this was a big danger!

If I don't wake up soon from this illusion, I will die!

"What do you mean I'm not Cerene? Is there another Cerene in this place?" 


"Hey! What are you doing!?" She asked in a high voice when she saw me slapping my cheek.

And damn it! It's painful!

What's worse, I haven't woken up to this illusion.

"Where the pain is not enough?" I whispered to no one.

"Huh? Why did you say the pain is not enough? And why you are hurting yourself?"

I ignored the illusion of Cerene and faced the wall. I stuck two palms to the wall and then I pulled my head back.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Shouted the little girl in a panic.

And before she could stop me, I headbutted that wall.


I felt pain once again, I became a little dizzy, and I hadn't yet regained consciousness!

"Damn it!" I said with annoyance.

Then, just as I wanted to attack the wall once more, Cerene pulled me away.

"Stop! What are you doing!?" I screamed while thrashing around trying to break away from the little girl who pulled me to the bed.

"I'm the one who should have asked, what are you doing! You're so weird today, Lite." She said.

After a while had passed, I realized a strange thing.

Why can't I escape this little girl's grasps? I have a high STR but why am I so helpless.

A moment later, I realized that my body was turning into a child's body! I no longer have that sexy body and abundant chest anymore.

As I fell silent in shock, the little Fallen Elf threw me into bed. And as I tried to stand up and leave, a pair of hands forced me to lie down.

"What are you doing!?" I screamed again.

"I told you, that's the question I should have said! Stop asking the same questions over and over again. Shut up and sleep so that your fever will subside!"

"No! Don't stop me to hurt myself! I need to wake up from this illusion!"

"Illusion? What kind of illusion?"

"This illusion! This place and you, everything is an illusion!"

"Hah! Stupid girl! If all this is an illusion, how can I touch you? And how can your head bleed? Wake up, little girl! None of this is an illusion!" She was screaming out of annoyance.

A moment later, the little Fallen Elf pulled my fox's ears strongly! And of course, I made a sound, "ow ow ow!" When I feel the pain.

"Look, none of this is an illusion. You can even feel the pain," she said. The little Fallen Elf then stroked my head. "Sit still and don't do anything, I'll take a first aid kit to treat the wounds in your forehead. Do you understand?"

I saw the illusion of Cerene without saying anything. Honestly, I can say that right now, I can't think of anything.

I felt a mist enveloping my mind. Slowly, I felt unsure of the life I was living when I was an adult. 

Is that life was real?

It's not good! I said it in my heart.

I shook my head to remove the mist in my mind. I have to stay sober and keep in mind that my life as an adult is real. I must remember that what I see and hear right now is an illusion.

"You naughty little girl. I told you to sit still but you shook your head." The little Fallen Elf pressed down on both sides of my cheeks with her two palms. "Don't do anything understand? If when I come back I see you do strange things, I'll strip you naked and tie you up in bed! I hope you understand this spoiled little girl."

Finished saying all of that, Cerene get out of the room leaving me who is trying hard to keep my mind whole.

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