There's something delicious in front of me.

I want to eat it.

I'm hungry.

Starving might be a much more desirable word.

Something's wrong.

My mind became blurry.

My body doesn't listen to my mind.

What's going on?

I'm looking for answers.

Then, I remember.

Blood! Scent!

The scent of monster blood!

I became like this because of the scent of monster blood!

This delicious scent came from the monster in front of me.

This delicious scent makes me starve.

I wanted to eat it but I couldn't move.

Something binds me.

This long, green thing is extremely irksome!

They tied my arms and legs tightly.

The needles parts hurt me.

I tried to escape but I couldn't.

All the work I put in just made my hands and legs hurt.

"... Eclaite!"


What's that?

Who's that?

Huh? Me?

I'm Eclaite?

No no no! I'm Giselle Gibson!


Who is she?

"Stop Eclaite!"

The voice came again.

...Who called me?

No, that is not true!

...The voice came from the monster!

This delicious lump of meat can talk!

But that's not a problem.

Whether you can talk or not, meat is meat.

And it looks so, so delicious.

I want to eat it!

Lucky, I'm so lucky!

I know how to escape from these long, green things.

I have skills!

I can use it to escape!

"[Blade of Light]"


+ 3rd POV

"[Blade of Light]"

The sword of light or rather, white light with a hint of gold, appeared and enveloped the left arm of a Two Tails Fox girl. 

The hot, golden light melted the thorny roots that bound her left arm. A moment later, the girl, Eclaite, got a chance to escape the clutches of the thorny roots.

The man, Wielth, who is now a monster, noticed things that the girl is doing. He wanted to stop the girl but he is too late to do anything.

At a speed that the eyes couldn't follow, the girl swung her left arm to cut through the thorny roots that tied her right arm and legs.

The Two Tails Fox girl managed to break free.

Eclaite was freed but she fell.

If you look closely, there is a strange thing that happens to her. The girl now has nine tails, she has two tails with golden fur and seven tails made of dim purple light.

And she, the girl, had a plus-shaped purple pupil that shone brightly, decorated her eyes.

Eclaite's strangeness appeared because she was in a state of berserk. And that does appear because she inhaled such a delicious scent of blood.

The monster blood, Wielth's blood.

Driving by hunger, the girl with her ferocity began to attack the monster. She tore apart the thorny roots that came to catch her.

"It's bad, very bad."

Wielth never thought that his daughter would go berserk because of the blood scent. This is something he truly doesn't want.

Some time ago, thanks to the things his daughter said, he was reminded of one important thing. Because of that, he tried to tell her daughter some crucial notes.

But! The damned adventurers and knights who formed a Raid Party messed things up!

They attacked and managed to injure Wielth. His flowing blood made Eclaite go Berserk.

The thing that happened, made Wielth have to catch the girl once again. And now he is in trouble because the girl is getting faster and stronger.

He didn't expect his daughter to grow up to this extent.

"She has two tails?" said Wielth when he realized Eclaite's golden tail had suddenly turned into two.

He didn't believe it or was probably surprised by what he saw. Those tails explain why Eclaite is so strong now. 

However, that's not something Wielth should think about. He had to think of a way to catch Eclaite as quickly as possible. He plans to retreat and he has to bring Eclaite to hide with him.

That's right, he had to hide.

He must settle his business with Eclaite and he must remake the plan to get out from this Dungeon.

To ensure his next plan was a success, he had to raise his level and gather the subordinates again.

"It will be a pain in the-"

The monster didn't go on with his words. He raised his right arm to control his roots to create a wall.

He noticed a dozen Fire Spells had come to wound him again. He focused so much on his failures and Eclaite that he forgot about the approaching Raid Party.

Wielth didn't want those Spells launched by the adventurers to hit, tear, and burn his body once again. And also, he had a desire to protect his two daughters.

Blarr! Blarr!

The monster managed to stop those spells.

"Damned adventurers!' Wielth criticized the Raid Party.

The attacks that had previously been launched by adventurers in the Raid Party managed to injure his body. And what's worse, because of the attack, Eclaite was able to escape.

Wielth got severe damages and it will take him a few dozen minutes for the wounds to heal. He had no desire to get new injuries.

So, he gathered his Mana and then uttered, "[Plants Manipulation]" in his mind.

Because of that skill, the roots of dozens of trees around the Raid Party transformed. The roots became bigger, longer, and thorny. More than that, they came alive, just like a snake.

Raid Party attained their opponents and for a while, they wouldn't attack Wielth.

Wielth stopped making any thoughts about that Raid Party, he had to capture Eclaite and get out of here as soon as possible.

However, after he turned his head, he did not see Eclaite's figure. The girl just disappeared.

"Where did she go?" 

Wielth looked around to find the girl. But before he could find her...


Suddenly, Wielth felt danger coming from behind. He moved his body, trying to avoid the danger but he didn't succeed.

Eclaite's claws coated by red light managed to tear and cut off his right arm.

Crunch! Crunch!

Wielth's eyes were wide open as he watched Eclaite eating his hands. Again he was surprised.

Wielth shook his head. Again, he controlled his thorny roots to capture Eclaite. A few seconds later, Wielth knew that his efforts were futile.

Eclaite made a sword of light and cut through all of his thorny roots. Not only that, the girl began to approach Wielth human body.

The girl's red-light claws looked so deadly.

Wielth's thorny roots moved back and forth, they tried to catch Eclaite.

And once again, they failed.

Eclaite arrived at the front of Wielth.

The girl swung her arm, she intended to tear the monster apart with its sharp light claws. As for the monster, he made a black sword to neutralize the red claws.

A few minutes passed as they exchanged attacks.

Eclaite truly wanted to tear Wielth's body apart. The girl was hungry and she wanted the monster's flesh to fill her stomach.

But then, the girl felt danger coming from all-around her.

Immediately, the girl made a sword of light, she swung her arms at an incredible speed to cut through tens of thorny roots.

Wielth didn't stop sending root after root to catch Eclaite. And in the end, he caught the girl.


Eclaite's hands and feet were bound but she could still attack. The girl spewed fire from her mouth.


Wielth who didn't know that Eclaite had such an attack didn't have time to dodge. The fire burned his body.

"Aaa...!" He keep shouting as flames consumed his body. 

The monster tried to put out the fire but he couldn't do it easily. And as Wielth's main body burned, fire spells launched by the adventurers came.

Blarr! Blarr! Blarr!

The thorny roots and huge flowers that were part of the Wielth monster were severely damaged because being hit by the explosion directly. They were burned, destroyed, and cut off.

"Aaa..." Wielth kept screaming.

As for Eclaite. The girl managed to escape again by taking advantage of the opportunity.

Eclaite bombardment Wielth using Wind and Water Spells. She extinguished the fire that burned the monster's main body but at the same time, she wounded that body.

Later, Eclaite began to mince Wielth's body using her red claws. At the same time, the girl also ate the monster. She rip open his chest and take his liver, heart, and Magic Stone.

Realizing he won't survive, Wielth collects Mana, he uses the Dark Spell Alter Memory on Eclaite.

The spell made Eclaite stood still. A moment later, the girl fainted. She fell to the side of Wielth's body which is now in a terrible condition.

Wielth did nothing and decided to look at the sky within this dungeon.

Wielth knew he wouldn't survive because Eclaite had eaten his heart and Magic Stone. If he still had them, he could still survive by relying on the monster's regeneration he had.

Using the rest of his energy, he brought Kimi who was asleep to Eclaite's Side.

And at the last moment, he looks at his daughters.

"Live happily without regret," he said before he took his last breath.


Adventurers and knights finally arrived at the front of Gigantes Brocchinia Reducta. Without hesitation and brim with courage, they used their weapons and magic to attack the monster.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that the monster was dead before they arrived.

Amid the chaos, some knights did not participate in attacking the monster. They were running around in that place as if they were looking for something.

In the end, they found Folcion and Ruciel.

A few minutes later, everything went quiet.

They knew the monster was dead.

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