Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 611 of the Triadow Treasury Drama

"Hey! Wei Weiwo offline!"

Chapter 671 Yunzong people come again!

Prophet: "If you can't think of it, you will be afraid of Blue Qiren. It seems that Blue Qiren is really a very strict teacher!"

Time and Space Rose: "Yan Migi has a high height, like Wei Nong this kind of nature, you have to be blue Qi Ren's strict teacher! Otherwise, you will be biased!"

Sea King: "Even if there is a semester teacher with Blue Qi Ren, Wei Yong is not afraid to take the cloud and don't know the chicken."

Mei Changshu: "There will be such a possibility, the Wei is so disappointed, because Blue Qiren is too strict, let him have an anti-anti-psychology? If Blue Qiren is not so severe, Wei Wei In fact, can the sex? "

Prophet: "Haha, Mr. Su, I think you may have something misunderstood to Wei Wei, just his nature, if there is no blue Qi Ren, you can get it!"

Xiao Yan suddenly launched: "Call! Hard work hard for so long, it is not expected to be expected, reaching the gust of the fight! During this time, I almost exhausted me!"

Sea King: "Seven paragraphs of the fight? Congratulations, Xiao Yan, if you come, you don't have to worry about your adult ceremony!"

The rules of the Xiaojia have, if the family adult ceremony, the Xiao family will give up directly, and will not be inclined to cultivate, but will be sent to Xiaojia Among the industries is a striped.

It is completely finished for a lifetime.

This is also the cultivation of Xiao Yan to fight for life, in order to catch the cause of the fear of the fight before the adult ceremony.

Mei Changshu: "But at this moment, you have successfully broken through the seven paragraphs, but also became a refining pharmacist, the past, hard sweat, all worth it."

Bumblebee: "I am now especially hope that when the adult ceremony begins, the Xiao family discovered the expression of Xiao Yan's truly power! It must be very exciting!"

Lu Lin Xuan: "Use a word on the network in that year to describe it? Is this called a face?"

Xiao Yan: "Haha, yes, it is to face! When I got, how do I get rid of those people! Lin Xuan, you have learned!"

Sonic Sienik: "Lu Lin Xuan is now in the world, and the free time is very good. It is estimated that there is no less online, and maybe it is like a river like a river."

Bumblebee: "I haven't been chasing it for a long time, because there is no good drama now! Xiao Yan, waiting for your adult ceremony, be sure to inform me, I have given you to cheer!"

Mei Changshu: "You used to watch it in the past?"

Prophet: "Mr. Su is truth, the Bumblebee is now gone, there is no way to do every day, it is going to rust, Xiao Yan adult gift, how can you miss it? How long does your adult ceremony start?"

Xiao Yan: "It's almost half a month."

Sonic Sienik: "Half a month? Xiao Yan is faster than the original breakthrough, is it more embarrassed?"

Xiao Yan: "There is no, the medicine is always trained in the limits, and then increases the strength, it has a counter-action. In fact, I am a bit very surprised. It turns out that I have broken enough, I can't think about it. It's fast, it may be different from my mentality. "

The original Xiao Yan didn't know how his future would be like, just with an unnecessary determination, cultivate it.

But now Xiao Yan, it has been clearly known that he must break through the festival of the fight, so the attitude is much relaxed than the original, which may be this natural mentality, so let him break through.

Xiao Yan: "Don't talk to you first, the lace is coming to me, I see if there is anything."

"Hey! Group members Xiao Yan offline!"

"Xiao Yan brother!"

Xiao Yan just got off the line, Xiao Xun was ran to his side, and there seems to be an anxious color.

"How to get a lace, see how your face is not very good." Xiao Yan was still lazy to lying on the grass, got a look, see Xiao Xun's appearance, and stand up.

"Xiao Yan brother, you, you broke through?" Xiao Xun did I still want to say something, suddenly, very surprised.

"It's really more than you, the lace, you are really great!" Xiao Yan laughed, "I just broke through, but I was wore at a glance."

Although he has already learned from the chat group, he is still amazing at the moment.

He Xiao Yan is a genius, but Xiao Xuner is also a genius.

"It's a happy brother!" Xiao Xun said happily, she is happy from the heart, "less than a year, the time of the four sections, Xiao Yan's brother's talent, put it throughout Mado is the first. "

"You don't want to boast!" Although Xiao Yan said, he was looked at the eyes of Xiao Xun's worship, "I will be proud!" Yes, you are looking for it. What do I come? "

Xiao Jia came a few guests. "Saying here, Xiao Xun's face has become a little dignified.

"The guests?"

Xiao Yan's look is moving, since Xiao Xun is specially coming to find yourself, it should be not ordinary guest

"Those guests are wearing the robe of Yunzong!" Xiao Xueger said.


Xiao Yan's look is not a change, and Yunzong's arrival, he has a bad sense.

Those things happening when the last Yunzong zone is comprehensively, Xiao Yan does not think this time Yunzong is coming, there is a good thing.

After all, Xiao Yan has seen "Break the sky", knowing that Yunzong is a dog of the soul temple. In the near future, he will take a while, he has already regarded Yun Zong as an enemy, so it is extraordinable. .

"Can you see their strength?" Xiao Yan asked nice.

"You can't see it!" Xiao Xun shook his head.

Xiao Yan is, I really have a question, last time Ge Ye came to Xiao Jia, and the result was scared. This time Yunzong came again, it would not be lower than the level of Ge Ye. And even higher.

After all, in the eyes of Ge Ye, Xiao Jia is a fighting!

"Knose, go, go see!"

When Xiao Yan rushed to Xiao Yuger to the Mission Hall, he entered the chat group and told this news and told the group.

Xiao Yan: "Just smoked me to find me, she told me that the people of Yunzong came again."

Xiao Yan's words, or let everyone feel some unexpected.

After all, in the "Breaking the Sky", the people of Yunzong went to the Xiao Jiayi when I retired Nalan, I didn't have to go to Xiaojia.

Chapter 672 Chapter Yunzong's Real Purpose

Lu Linxuan: "The people of Yun Zong came to Xiao Jia? They went to Xiao Jia to do? Nalan is not a solved?"

Xiao Yan: "I don't know, I am now rushing in the hall, but I have a kind of premonition, Yun Zong, this time, I am afraid nothing."

Mei Changshu: "Yun Zong gone to Xiao Jia, in fact, it is not unexpected, the biggest strength of the Gaima Empire is that they have a cloud, and the last time Ge Yes found a fighting emperor in Xiao family. Yunzong Nothing is indifferent. "

Hai Wang: "Mr. Su is right, now the strongest of the Gaima Empire is the fight, and the whole of the Gamma Empire has no few fighting people, Yunyi Zongzong Lord is the realm of the fight! As for the old land Yunshan, should it still be a realm of fighting, have not broken to Fuzong? "

Time and Space Rose: "No, now Yunshan, has been closed, many disciples of Yunzong have never seen their own old master, he is three years later, Xiao Yan is big, Yunzong Off, breakthrough to Dounge. "

Sonic Siek: "That is, the current Xiao family is enough to have the strength of Yunzong! If I am Yunzong's words, I can't put it on Xiao Jia's no matter, investigate the defugment of Xiao Jiajia. What is going on, this is the most basic operation. "

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