Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapters 621 of the Ten Triad Drama

Yun Yun is slightly thoughts, then no longer nonsense, the body is swaying, the huge fighting gas begins to ravage the whole body, and a huge volatility fluctuate, suddenly broke out.

"Mr. Yan, you and the Xiao family have a few, first and then retreat, here, give it to me." The vortex head saw Yun Yun intended, so he turned his head and said to Xiao Yan.

"The Xiao family is long, the two elders, we are still watching the fun." Xiao Yan also took the Xiao Wan behind them later.

From the beginning, the purpose of Xiao Yan came very clearly, not to help the whirlpool head, the whirlpool did not use his help at all, he came over, it was to protect Xiao Wan!

Although Xiao Yan at this moment is not high, but there is a drug old, the key moment, still can explode a wave, for ordinary Yunzong disciples, there is no problem.

"Wind deflection!"

With this low drink, the fighting gas in Yun Yun is more crazy, and then she flew down a weird handset, a very powerful cyan wind roll is around his wrote, and has formed a powerful Attack gas group.

She pushed the whirlpool, and the attack gas group was like a hurricane, and went to the long door of the whirlpool.

"Earth, Tu Dragon Bomb!"

The whirlpool has a hands-on-hand print, and the land is shot, a mouth, directly from Yun Yun, spurred a strong soil flow.

The soil is strong, and the moment of the clouds will be created in the moment, and almost no attenuation is, it is still in the past.


The clouds of the clouds have changed, and the weird attacks of the other party are too powerful, and it is strong to let her suffocate!

"Wind-shaped wall!"

In the low drink, the madness in the clouds is crazy and quickly condensed the wall formed by cyan cavity before his body.


However, the powerful cyan wall is crushed by the soil flow of the whirlpool head, the whole person, the whole person, is directly hit by the whirlpool, and falls to the ground.

The scene is silent.

Chapter 682 Yunxiao

Yun Yun, is the current principal of Yunzong. hit!

Easy, almost a photo, is defeated by the other party!

Look at that look, if the other party will win the chase, Yun Yun may be killed.

"You, what is you!"

Yun Yun climbed up, and only felt that it was uncomfortable to turn in the river in the body. She forcibly retransmond, and her eyes and died and asked with the whirlpool.

Originally, she put all the attention on Xiao Yan, but did not pay attention to this kind of fighting fluctuations, who can think of this person's strength, it is powerful to this level.

"Xiao Jiayou!" Said the whirlpool is faint.

Xiao Jia!

It is Xiaojia!

Xiao Jia actually has two fights!

The Xiao family is just a small family in Utant City, how can there be two fights?

It's really this!

"Yunshan is dead, you are also my opponent, dissolving Yun Zong, this is your only way to live, otherwise, today will be your destruction!"

The whirlpool is close to, and it is quiet to speak against Yun Yun and the lives of the scene.

The result of this processing is the same as the result of the whirlpool head in the chat group and Xiao Yan. He is to help, how to deal with Yunzong, naturally the view of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan is not too mock, Yun Zong Yunshan is dead, now there is only Yun Yun, a fighting hard, if the Yun Yun beat, Yunzong is really famous.

Excluding Yunzong, nature is a matter of success.

What's more, in the original future, after Xiao Yan killed Yunshan, Yun Yun was also directly dissolved, now, Xiao Yan only put this kind of result, only three years in advance, this is only .

In a word of the whirlpool, the people in the scene are angry, even if this person's strength is very strong, but it has not been too arrogant.

" !"

The Yun Yun mouth issued a low drink, and the head of the lives of the scene was commanded.


The spirit of the lives in the scene shocked, and there were twelve long flying in the spot. According to a specific orientation, the fighting gas in their body is even more than Yongxiong, and it has shine out the white man of Yaoyang. .

In their rapid movement, a white mist, also sprayed out of the elders, and the blink of an eye came into a cloud sea!

The figure of Yun Yun is so proudly in Yunhai. The long hair flutters, the clothes are ignorant, and the wind is proton.

This cloud smoke has a built, twelve long and the main owner Yun Yun, and suddenly connects to a whole, a huge momentum and percentage, suddenly rolled over the past.

"The cloud smoke is already successful, unless you are fighting, otherwise it is impossible to stop! My master hits you Xiao Jia fight, I am dying, this is what he is self-acquisition, I will not be investigated! You will leave, I can do anything! "

Yun Yun proudly in the Yunhai, overlooking the whirlpool head, and he said solemnly.


Those of the elders are all surprised. This person is so powerful, he said that the Yunshan should not fake, so eager, how can it be so easy to open.

"All the mouth! 100% must have a good! Master has the end of the Xiao family, and the result is blamed who is blamed!" Yun Yun glared at the eyes and sought the elders.

Have to say, Yun Yun and other people in the rivers and lakes are still different, and the heart is pure, and the principle of justice, the truth is true, such people are actually not suitable for the rivers and lakes.

Exchange Yunzong, maybe it is also the best choice to Yun Yun.

"Yun Yunzong, if I defeated you, Yun Zong, is it unreasonable?" The whirlpool head is the proposal of the Yun Yun, but the junction of it.

"You can't stop the clouds!"

"You don't know how I have the power!" The whirlpool head is confident. "This cloud smoke is in the past, it seems powerful, but it is still very weak! I turn over!" It can be broken room! "

When I saw the whirlpool, I was confident to the bones, and the face of Yun Yun became extremely lighter.

She can see that the whirlpool is not in the end of the sedation, but the cloud smoke is not covered in the eyes.

"If we are still defeated in this case, Yun Zongzong has not left the necessary, I am going, I will dissolve!"

Yun Yun sinks, and the opening answer.

If even the cloud smoke is not the other party, the other party has a person who has destroyed the entire Yunzong, and there is another fight that is in the sky.

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