Qi Jade: "A mysterious existence that gave birth to all of our weirders, I am still very interested, I don't know, he can make me a second punch."

Zhang Xiaofan: "I can get a very rare thing from the mouth of Qi Yu teacher, this is really a very rare thing! But I think that monsters, maybe Qi Yu teacher will go out."

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "The Bumblebee, Qi Yu, the Hero Association have to take action right away?"

Bumblebee: "Yeah, now the association has already found out that the monster is in the northern part of Z City, the specific location is clear, there is no reason not to do."

Sonic Sieny: "If this is true, our world's geeks are rampant, maybe it is to be renovated."

Where is the geek that the mother has already found a clear, coupled with this action, there is a bug that is such a bug, the geeks are destroyed, almost no suspense.

Thunder: "If this is, this action, but a major action sufficient to rewrite the history of Qiyu, load the history of the history!"

Bumblebee: "Who said no, I think I can personally participate in this milestone action, I feel excited! It seems to be a bit understanding, what is the meaning of the blood in the human mouth!"

Xiao Yan: "However, I have a problem. Since all the arms of all the geeks in the world of Si Jade are not evil, but because the monsters have gestured, then the monsters, how come it?"

Xiao Yan asked such a question, indeed giving everyone, a thing that could have countless geeks, is it impossible to have endless birth?

Behind it should also hide the huge secrets that are not known?

Which: "Haha, will not be like a big tone of the world's big brother world, it is a differential monster who landed by alien."

Malco: "This guess is not there is no possibility, Si Jade teacher's world, but the world of a star background! It is an alien!"

Don't say anything else, a most typical example is that the universe level is Boros.

Since this buddy is able to hear the earth in the endless universe, then the elasticity of other unknown creatures is also a speculation of logic.

Raytheon: "If this theory is in accordance with this theory, then those weirdo are actually alien? Aliens are inadvertent, or for some reason deliberately come to the earth, then want to capture the earth"

Raytheon: "This inference is also in line with the ambulance of the weirdo people in Qiyu! They have to attack humanity, may be due to aggression expansion."

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "Which is not there is no possibility, but I think it will there be another possibility. The monster is actually a god."

Which: "Godming? The gods given to the Wandel of the Wavene? Then it is a mysterious existence in the world of Qi Jade."

Xiao Yan: "Nor does not rule out this possibility, from the literal meaning, you can understand that God is a god, although the motivation is unclear, it should be the ability to manufacture a monster."

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "Yes, I think it is possible! This is like the big snake pills in the vortex, in order to integrate the initial cells, the result is only a big and one success."

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "God is also for a certain reason, I want to make some people who have special ability. As a result, there is only a successful test, others have failed, so they have become a geeks."

Zhang Xiaofan: "Friendly Tips, Bai Feng Jiu Sister, Wandel is also a geeks, I understand what you mean, the wandering emperor is different, the wandering is still a person, but the other geeks, but it is not a person."

Qi Jade: "Bai Fengjiu Your brain can't be true, I am almost believed by you!"

Xiao Yan: "If the teacher according to this theory, Qi Jade teacher is also very likely to be the experimoctual body of God! After all, Qi Yu teacher's strength is too strange to get it? Do you push-ups, how can it become strong!"

Raytheon: "Haha, make sense! This will explain that Qi Jade will exercise into a unioneer."

Qi Jade: "In fact, this problem, I have been very strange. I thought that everyone was stronger through running! Later, I only knew that I was only like this!"

Bumblebee: "Not only, only you have turned the push-ups, and only you become a bald! Between the two, the two, there is no connection!"

Bumblebee: "But if you are a god's experiminary, it is very likely that the side effect brought by you is transformed?"

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "Can I say that Qi Yu teacher is very cute, I feel Meng Meng, if Qi Jade teachers have hair, but there is no soul."

Prophet: "This kind of vocabulary of even Meng Meng will use, it seems that Bai Feng Jiu did not use less to chat."

What is the purpose of experimenting in the world of Qi Jade teacher? Is it to cultivate superman? Just like the mood of the night, it is the same as the gods to cultivate the trees. Coping to deal with the future crisis? "

Which: "If you say this, will God will have an enemy in the future, come to attack the gods? And Qi Jade teacher, or those weirdo, are God cultivated to fight his enemies?"

Sonic Sienik: "I found that your brain is getting bigger and bigger, and why do you always use the background of the main world? This is not reasonable!"

Sonic Sienik is very speechless.

Raytheon: "Haha, look at your", I am really interesting, see if you have a nose with your nose, will I really give it to the teacher? "

Qi Jade: "Don't I look like a IQ?"

Although this is a bit impolite, Si Jade teacher, you really seem to be like IQ! Everyone in the group silently spits.

If it is your words, I believe that everyone is lighter, nor is it possible! Both don't make people feel strange.

Chapter 727, City, Silver: Men, a poisonous snake

Bumblebee: "Okay, the meeting has been opened, this time the Hero Association attaches great importance to the majority of the S-class hero all sent out! No expectations, Qi Jade teachers, also in the list ! "

Qi Jade: "Because of the particularity of this action, all of the actions are the S-class hero. Even the heroes of the A level are not qualified, it seems to be an unusual action!"

Bumblebee: "It is necessary to leave, all, I will not talk more to you first! Let's go to destroy the geeks!"

"Hey! The group member is the royal bee offline!"

Qi Jade: "I don't talk to you, what is the matter, wait until the task is over."

"Hey! Group member Qi Yun offline!"

Xiao Yan: "I really want to look at it with fun together, but I have went to Zhang Xiaofan's world to delay a lot of time, can't delay it, my cultivation mission is still very heavy!"

Xiao Yan: "This time, I have been relaxing, I should go back to practice! Everyone, I have to go!"

"Hey! Group members Xiao Yan offline!"

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "Seeing everyone is trying to cultivate, think about myself, I really feel a little awkward! I stayed in the emperor every day, I didn't know how long I didn't practice."

Which: "It doesn't matter, Bai Fengjiu sister, anyway, the people in your world, the cultivation speed is slow! You will work hard, it is estimated that the use is not big."

Prophet: "Haha, which is like this, but it is a bit good! But the status of Bai Fengjiu is placed there. Strengthening her, it is really not as important as Xiao Yan."

Malco: "Yes, Bai Fengjiu is now Qingqiu Diji Ji, the future is still a young female, and is far from the wife of Donghua Emperor!

Sonic Sherek: "Even if someone really got a dog's eyes, dare to enhance Bai Fengjiu, don't have her own, Qingqiu and Tian people will destroy the other party? Now white shallow and night Hua have been married, Qingqiu and Tianzi It is also a family! "

Qingqiu Bai Fengjiu: "I have already determined to practice well, but I saw you, I suddenly felt that I didn't practice, I could have a peaceful, finished!"

Raytheon: "Bai Fengjiu is the nine-tail fox, even if you don't practice, the strength of the born, it has been on the four seas!"

Zhang Xiaofan: "Yeah, Bai Fengjiu sister's world is the world of a blood, like ink, and night, if you have the strength of the father, who is more than half, who is better?"

Kurosaki: "Good morning!"

Which: "You just got up? You got late! Oh, I almost forgot, each place is different."

Malco: "You don't know if you want to go to Po Hua, how do you have time to travel, how can you have time?

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