"You finally came back." The snake mother is also relieved, and asked by hero, "said, why is it to come back so long?"

"Master, I was injured by the national teacher, fell into a cliff, stunned some time, so late, please ask Master to forgive." White Snake said, deliberately giving the victory village.

After all, here is a snake hole, what is the village of the snake, will stimulate everyone.

"How do we believe in you? You are outside so many days, ghosts know what you are doing!" The snake snake demon said in glory.

"Just, who knows that you have already surrendered, otherwise, how can you get the injury? How can you escape? Even if you escape, you said that you said that you fall into the cliff, don't wake up, how about the national teacher Can not find you?"

"Master, according to me, the white snake must be the national teacher, come back this time, must be the undercover of the national teacher!"

The rim of the snake snake demon is attached to the side.

"White snake, everyone's suspicion is not reasonable, after all, your missing time is too long!" Snake mother also said high height.

"Master, if you don't believe in me, then please give me another chance, this time, I must kill the national teacher!" The white snake face did not expressively.

These reactions are not out of her expectations at all.

"Hey, you can't kill the teacher before you have killed this time? What tricks are you not playing?" The snake snake demon jumped out.

"I will go with a small white!" When the green snake did not let the land stopped, the evil eyes glared in the snake snake demon, "Can this always?"

"Master, last time I didn't kill the national teacher, but I also found the weaknesses of the national teacher. This time I have a little green to help me, I will have to get the same!" The white snake is committed to warranty.

Of course, I found that the national teacher weakness is, it is a ghost, but it is a excuse to take the sky.

Operation, she didn't have to come with the national teacher, and they were touched by Chrysanthemum mouth.

The snake mother is thinking in the heart. If the white snake really puts it on the national teacher, then it will definitely not appear again.

At this time, it is not a white snake, but the old thing of the national teacher.

White snake said, most of them should be true.

"This time, only a success, no failure!" The snake mother waved, and the sound was too authentic.

Chapter 754 Hunting the Mission Program

The white snake and the green snake immediately left the snake hole and embarked on the road to killing the masters.

"Little white, we two, can you kill the national teacher?" On the road, the green snake didn't help but ask.

Although she was very intertwined in the snake cave, it was really a virtual when they were active.

The national teacher is actually taken by the snake as a cultivation, and it is an early way to kill the enemy. If it is easy to deal with, can you live now?

Before the master didn't take the signs, it was also ended in failure.

Only two of them, I am afraid that I don't want to come!

"Small green, rest assured, this time, I can definitely kill the national teacher!" White Snake is confident full.

"Little white, I believe you!" The green snake said.

Although she doesn't know where the white snake is coming, the green snake has always believed in the white snake.

"Little white, we will go to the national teacher?" The green snake asked again.

"No, let's go to the dish village, hope to come again!" White Snake said so.

"Disabled Village? What are we going there?" The green snakes don't understand.

"When I was injured before, I fell into the cliffs near the disguise village. After I assassinate the national division, he definitely sent a lot of people to find me, and I will find the disguise village in the morning and evening. We are there. Waiting for the rabbit. "White Snake is very affirmatively.

The people of the National Normal University have been looking for the White Snake and has always found the dishwat village, and even then the chrysanthemum mouth trip is also attracted. This is what the image has appeared in the image, so the white snake is very confident.

What's more, in order to make your own plan more smoothly, the White Snake is also deliberately left a trace there.

"First wait, Xiaoqing."

Walking, the white snake suddenly stopped and opened a boulder.

The following is a hole in the hole, in the hole, and it is a strange hammer with a strange shape, and a weapon that is usually used.

Yes, when the white snake is in the snake cave, in order not to attract the attention of the snake, it is to hide these two "artifacts", temporarily hidden here.

"what is this?"

When the green snake looks at the shape of the storm, the strangeness and the thunder hammer, and if you want to pick up, you will play it.

But who thought, she was a monster, but she can't stand the hammer.

"I still don't believe it. What is something, it is so heavy!" The green snake made a lot of milk, and there were a lot of scales, and they were tired. I can't afford it. Thunder hammer.

"Hey!" White snake couldn't help to smile, "Xiaoqing, don't cost, this hammer, in this world, in addition to me, no one can get it."

"Little white, this hammer is terrible, even if you can barely pick it, it is worth it! What is the use of this thing?"

The green snake does not understand the authentic, and if he didn't finish it, the green snake eyes were wide. I saw that the white snake took the hammer and took the hammer. It was still in his hand, and throws it to rest.

Easy, it seems that there is no weight of the hammer!

"Xiaobai's road, is it so much better than me? No, Xiaobai is more than a hundred years than me, what is the repair, I am very clear!" The green snake is forced.

"Small green, you can use this." White Snake refers to the fire rifle on the fingers, the green snake is carefully trying to take a fire tip, which is good.

"Little white, what is this?" The green snake was excited and surprised.

Although she doesn't know where the fire is coming, I can see the extraordinary of fire.

"This, called Lei Shen hammer, you are holding this, called fire scorpion, all the rulers I borrowed to some friends, specifically used to deal with the national teacher, have them, we can kill the national teacher "White Snake is introduced for the green snake.

"These laws are so powerful?" The green snakes widened their eyes, and it didn't trust authentic.

Donned, and suddenly responded, "Xiaobai, except for me, what do you have?"

"I will slowly explain to you again, Xiao Qing, let's go first, I tell you how to use the fire rifle on the road." White Snake said to the green snake.

The fire rifle and the thunder hammer are different. As long as the fire rifle masters the method, it is basically that everyone can use. Of course, the powerful people are too powerful.

Soon, the white snake and green snake came to the woods under the cliff of the dish.

According to the traces left around the White Snake, it will eventually lead the chasing troops to here.

In this process, the green snake also learns how to use a fire rifle, and suddenly love is not released. This way is too powerful. It is no wonder that Xiaobai is so confident in this action.

"Little white, someone is coming."

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