Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 705 of Zhanwan Drama

Blue staining stunned, Lucia, actually knowing the collapse of jade?

Is it that Po Hua Hao tells her?

However, I think about that Pudao helps the collapse of the laugh in the body of Lucia, then this matter is for Lucia and the tray, nor does it have something possible.

Chapter 772, Blue Dye, personally

Demon Lucia launched a blue-stained reaction, couldn't help but sink.

It seems that the Kurosaki's guidelines should not be fake. In your own body, I was hidden to the collapse.

The ultimate goal of blue dye is also the collapse of themselves!

"It seems that you know more than what I think!" Blue stained with hand pushed his own glasses, and did not deny it, but a large party acknowledged.

"In addition, do you know what?" Blue dye is quite curious.

Anyway, out of this place can't come in, he is not afraid of being bothered, and there is time with the dead wood Louqia.

"Forty-six rooms, have been killed by you?" The dead wood Lucia is dead and dead, and asked.

"Yes, all people in the forty-six rooms are dead. When I found you in the world, I have already killed the people of the forty-six rooms. You have a big brother. In fact, I sent it to catch. You, just, how do you know? "

Blue dye explains one sentence, then ask.

"You are so big in the body of the corpse, and the Lingling Ting cannot not be noticeable. The only possibility is that you have secretly mastered the gods."

The deadmine Lucia said so deeply that she did not reveal the source of the news is the Kurosaki.

"Is you inferred?" Blue dye is very unexpected, his whispered, think about it, still don't believe, "Demon Lucia, I always think you know what, or even you are caught There should be something behind, but it is unfortunately, I plan for so long, not easily destroyed, even if you see anything, it is useless! As long as I got the collapse, everything, ended!"

After saying this sentence, there is no more nonsense, let's go, and touched a cylindrical cylindrical small bottle, I don't know what to carry, directly by blue dyeing.

An inexplicable power, emerged from the small bottle.

At this moment, the side of the dead wood, suddenly tadding a few bamboo shoots on the ground from the ground, and the dead wood Lucia was surrounded by a circle.

It has formed an array of mutual split, and it acts on the body of the dead wood Lucia.

When the deadmusen, I felt that my soul was directly banned by a power that couldn't say.

Tightly followed, the right hand of the blue dye, and suddenly became the same color as plants, and the squat was inserted into the chest of the dead wood Lucia.

Directly into the soul of the dead wood!

I caught the collapship hidden within the soul of the dead wood, I took it directly.


Blue staining has been put together, and the dead wood is like a beach is usually lying on the ground.

"Is this a collapse? It is just such a small piece ..." The blue dyed fits the collapse of the hand, it is also very unexpected and novel.

But now it is not to study the collapse of jade, the blue dye is just a few eyes, it will take the collapse of jade.

"Below, you should talk to me, the few people who defeated the dead wood, what is the bottom." Tightly, the blue dye is asked with the dead wood Lucia.

"I know, I have already said it when I am trial, you should know?" Demon Lucai Pissed.

Blue dyeing is grateful to the dead wood Lucia for a while: "I believe you."

Blue dyeing in the corpse, for so many years, the strength of each captain, the strength of each captain, is unpredictable, he can judge that the dead wood Lucia has not lying this time.

"Lucia is more and more don't know those people, those people are, I need to figure out what I know."

Blue dyeing in the heart, it is no longer subject to the dead wood, and go out of great shocking.

But the blue dye didn't think of it, he just got out of the prison, the bridge came to half, a shadow, appeared in front of him, Heli is Zhang Xiaofan.

The strength of the vortex is stronger, and the blue dye will give some strong opponents all deal with the vortex head. Instead, Zhang Xiaofan broke through the blockade.

Plus Zhang Xiaofan will fly, and it is also the advantage in the speed. In such a short period of time, it will come to a big trip.

"Zhang Xiaofan, good at summoning thunder and lightning, from Lucia's mouth, this person's lightning, the person who defeated silver next to Tonglingmen should be the same, and this person has an attack and defense. Similar to thousands of cherry, strong strength! "

Blue dyeing in seeing Zhang Xiaofan's moment, about Zhang Xiaofan's intelligence, automatically appeared in the blue of blue dye.

"It's all, anyway, the collapse has been taken. If these people have something thin, let me try it yourself!" Blue dye followed, and made a decision.

It's tight, just a grasp of your own bad knife.

"Is blue dye!"

When I saw this glasses, when I appeared in front of my eyes, Zhang Xiaofan's pupil could not be slightly contracted.

He didn't think of it, it would have encountered blue dye!

In the "Death", the Blue Dye has been swindling directly after the Kurosaki kid, and it has been swindled directly, and it has always been in the last after being saved.

Zhang Xiaofan said that he did not expect that he would encounter blue dye so soon.

It seems that some things in the dead world have been influenced by some things in the world, and there has been corresponding changes.


Zhang Xiaofan did not hesitate, almost at the moment of seeing blue dyeing, a fireless fire stick, smashed the blue dyed.

He knows how the blue dyed flower is powerful, how can I dare to neglect.


But at that moment, the blue dye in front of him, but suddenly didn't see the trace, the next moment, ghost, appeared behind himself.

The speed of it is not known as fast as the speed, the moment of white .


At the same time, a sword was broken, and the blue staining has been slammed into Zhang Xiaofan, and it doesn't know much more than the mortgage of the wood.

As far as this ordinary attack, it is even more powerful than some dead gods!

This is blue dye, even if you don't have to be understood, you can reach the captain level by doing alone and instiring.

There have been many captains, but they are directly blue staining!

Even like the left array of Ba Village, it is also blunt instantaneous instant.

I have to say that the strength of blue dye is indeed too powerful.

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