Reaching for the Stars Master

Chapter 759 of the Ten Wanjie Drama

"I want you to help me, take back to my other half of the fairy!" Ouyang Shao Gong said in a look.

The two began to come from Lushan, come to Qinchuan ...

Of course, all this, everyone in the chat group is nothing to know.

Chat group.

Baili Tu: "Although we don't know what Ouyang Shang is planning, but I have a feeling. When I went to Ouyang, I returned to Qianchuan again, and I was not what we were able to control!"

Xu Changqing: "Ouyang Shang Gong, if he returns to Qinchuan again, his plan has been successful, he already has a power to deal with you! He must have obtained a certain power!"

Lu Linxuan: "In a very short period of time, what is the way to have a powerful force? In addition to the Yucheng, I can't think of other ways! But now Ouyang Shao Gong is not in the Qingyan, he There is no idea to play Yu Yan! "

Kurosaki: "What is the people who are thinking about these people, how can we expect? So this kind of talent is the most dangerous!"

Ouyang Shang Gong, what is it planning?

Zhou Qing is also guessing, there is no shortprint.

I still want to find a group owner privilege, but at that moment, he changed his thoughts. If everything wishes, it is too much not to say.

This matter will leave him a little suspense.

"Hey! Group members Feng Baby online!"

I am talking about the Kung Fu, a long time in the diving, and suddenly comes out, it is a long-term diving king, Feng Bao.

Flamepi: "It's a rare, I can see Feng Baby online! This is too rare!"

Hai Wang: "I am not a mistake? It is Feng Baby! I almost forgot, there is a Feng Baby in the group! Welcome, warm welcome!"

Lu Lin Xuan: "Bao Bian Jie, I haven't seen you for a long time! Today is really unhappy!"

Feng Baby: "You are good! Xu San let me go to the group to say hello! I am also very happy to meet you!"

Kurosaki: "Is this Miss Feng Baby? Sure enough, it is different."

Chapter 834 Feng Baby: I am only good at burial!

For Feng Baby's personality, Kurosaki is also known, this woman has been cleaned because of the cause of cleaning, leading to some uncomfortable minds, basically not to deal with everyone.

A few times of Feng Baby took the initiative to enter the group, all the two guys called Xu Sanhe Xu Si behind "".

Today, I saw that I was really open.

In general, even if it is Xu San or Xu Si, let her say hello to everyone, will the average person will be present?

Feng Baby is really a name is not intriguing!

Wei Niped is also online: "Haha, I am going online at the same time, I can't think of it, I can't think of it, my luck is really good!"

Wei Niyong: "But this group is really a lot of fun, so many people are online, I am really time!"

Baili Tu: "Sorry, Master brothers are looking for me, what should I do, I will not say it to you forever!"

"Hey! The group of members of the hundred miles!"

Wei Wu: "I just got online Baili Tucusan, hey, it seems that I have nothing to do with Baili Tu! Or I and Baoer's sister!"

Because Zhang Chu, who is "one person" is called Feng Bao for the baby sister, plus Xia Ling, which is also liked to call Feng Baby for the baby sister, there are many people in the group, and they are all right. of.

Wei Weiwei, no more concerned, and it will not care about this kind of thing.

Sonic Sieny: "We can also see Feng Baby, you should thank Xu Sanhe Xu Si, if it is not two, we are estimated to forget Feng Baby."

Lu Linxuan: "It's really this! In my impression, Feng Baby seems to be no one, I actively enter the group! No, just once, it is the prophet that is the master of God-level master!"

Hai Wang: "Feng Baby, where are you very busy? In fact, when you are fine, you can often talk to you frequently!"

Feng Baby: "Busy is not busy, but what is it, I am not good at, there is nothing to do."

Which: "Bao Chue, what is your interest? What are you good at?"

Wei Nile: "This is also asked? Bao Chue sister's hand is alive, but it is buried! The average person is buried directly, and the Baoer sister is embedded, and the loose soil is watering. It's better! "

Feng Baby: "Tie! I am best at, it is indeed buried! There is also Away 18 style, I am also very good."

Flame Legend: "Feng Baby, is it until now, Zhang Chu said that they did not tell you what is Away?"

: "Flam Ji, do you want to think? You don't think Zhang Chu, who doesn't Biline, come tell Feng Baby this kind of thing? You still count on Xu San."

Sea King: "The Kurosaki escort is correct, and even the three except Xu San, there is no reliable gating! Zhang Chuyi is not reliable, Xu Di is not reliable!"

Feng Baby: "Right, Xu San eliminates me, let me ask you, do you need me, or if you need to help!"

Lu Lin Xuan: "Hey! Or Xu Saming, know how to be a person! However, there is no need to help in my world. If there is, I will not be polite."

Xu Changqing: "Feng girl, in fact, if you don't have anything, you can also go to everyone to turn, I think everyone will express this."

Prophet: "This is true, Feng Baby, you stay in every day, every day, Xu Sanxu, four Chu, how many people, don't you feel annoying?"

Feng Baby: "Don't feel!"

Ok, this is really Feng Bao.

Wei No: "Hahaha, I am laughing at me, Boier, you don't even give the face, but I like it! If you are unknown in the cloud, the blue man is estimated to be crazy. ! "

Sound speed S Six: "Sure enough, even if you haven't seen it for so long, Feng Baby is still not changed!"

Feng Baby: "Then do you have anything? If there is no thing, I will go off the line!"

Which: "Don't, a baby, you are too fast? We don't have anything, then you? Which is all, do you have anything recently?"

: "Today, I am here to teach Feng Baby's style, big open eyes! But this kind of nature is also very envious."

Lu Lin Xuan: "Yes, Feng Baby, you just launched, no need to get rid of the line? You don't know how to chat with you? We teach you! You will introduce you from you."

Feng Baby: "Do you introduce myself? My name is Feng Baby, female, Huaxia, and height is one meter, the weight is one hundred and one ..."

Feng Baby really started to introduce himself, everyone in the group is crying, it seems that Feng Baby will not chat.

Xu Changqing: "Feng girl, you still talk about what happens in the recent event!"

Feng Baby: "There is also a thing, just all the tasks, the employer points to Zhang Chu, now they are preparing, waiting for it, I will start with Zhang Chu."

The first one is the first one: "What mission? Bao children sister? Is it difficult to do? Do you need to help?"

Sea King: "Who don't think more, Feng Baby world, what can you do? What is needed? Moreover, this task employer indicates that Zhang Chu, will not be a tricky task."

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