Reaching the other shore starting from the research and development of Yi Jin Jing

Chapter 180 Monkey-shaped spirit training! Tiger shape training! The spirit in the water! A thousand

"Tiger stake training."

"Tiger-shaped bone training."

"Two arms."


"Vibrant and energetic."

"The ribs have also been tempered."

"This person is a fifth-grade limit-breaker!"

Yan Chuang taught Cao Jun the "Fuhu Zhuang". After careful observation, he finally saw Cao Jun's strength. It was a bone training that broke the limits. The limb bones had been completely tempered. On this basis, 24 ribs out of 51 trunk bones were added. All tempered, this is the fifth level of breaking the limit.

Further up.

Further back.

If one sternum is completely tempered, it will be broken into the sixth level.

If the tempering of 26 vertebrae is completed, it will be the seventh level of breaking the limit.

At the seventh level, the limbs and torso are completely tempered, and the strength reaches a new level, much stronger than the fourth, fifth and sixth levels.

Cao Jun's fifth grade is also a top expert compared to Yan Chuang, who is new to Breakthrough.

But even such a fifth-grade breakthrough cannot overcome the suppression of the ‘Star Stone’.

“Design ahead of time.”

"Special terrain."

"The power that the 'gravity field' can exert is far beyond imagination!"

Yan Chuang glanced at Cao Jun, who was still thinking about the 'Fuhu Stake', and felt hot in his heart: "With the help of the 'Gravity Domain', as long as I prepare in advance, as long as I am in a favorable terrain and the fifth-level limit is exceeded, I can kill at will!"

If Yan Chuang were to set up a bow and shoot an arrow at this moment, even though the arrows would be affected and weakened by the 'gravity field', he had the strange object of the sky-shaking bow, and Cao Jun was a perfect target. He could not stop him at all and could only be slaughtered.


Yan Chuang would not shoot Cao Jun.

Even the iron-armed monkey, he will not shoot——


Cao Jun was immersed in the mystery of the 'Fuhu Zhuang'. She was suddenly startled by the sound of a sharp arrow leaving the string. Her heart skipped a beat. She happened to catch a glimpse of an arrow piercing through the field of gravity. With a clang, it landed on more than ten people. In front of the iron-headed monkey.

Arrows are like shooting stars!

Submerged in the rock!

Exactly, just seven inches in front of the iron-armed monkey at the front.

The arrows are so powerful that they are frightened!

"You still dare to crawl inside?" Only then did Cao Jun see that the thirteen iron-armed monkeys that had just blocked the entrance of the cave had bypassed the heavy shield at some point and crawled forward another three feet. The young man is still seven feet tall.

But this seven feet is like a celestial bridge that cannot be crossed at all.

Even if these thirteen iron-armed monkeys are all comparable to the sixth or even seventh-grade limit breakers, they are still unable to do it. They are also suppressed and can barely stand up, but they cannot move at all, they are trembling and the pressure is too great.

Cao Jun looked at the iron-armed monkey, then looked at the feather arrow shot by Yan Chuang that was submerged in the rock, and was surprised: "Did it miss the target?"

Being affected by the 'gravity field' is not impossible.

But Yan Chuang is obviously not——

At this time, frightened by Yan Chuang's arrow, the thirteen-headed iron-armed monkeys all wanted to crawl out again, while Yan Chuang took up his bow and shot the arrow——

call out!

Another arrow landed just behind the butt of the last of the thirteen iron-armed monkeys, also at a distance of seven inches.

"It's not a missed shot!"

Cao Jun was now convinced: "He is intimidating the iron-armed monkeys and wants to keep them within that range!"

But why?

Or shoot if you want to kill.

Or if you don’t want to kill them, just expel them.

Why bother?

"Could he want to use them as hostages?" Cao Jun guessed. She didn't know if her guess was wrong, but Yan Chuang's next move would be impossible for her to do -

"The monkey belongs to the genus of ape. It has a quick mind and quick mind. It is good at climbing over mountains and ridges and jumping nimbly. The 'monkey shape' of the 'twelve shapes' in the 'Xingyiquan' I created is based on this instinctive specialty and is practiced in it." Make a fist. Use agility to defeat clumsiness, use resourcefulness to defeat bravery and recklessness."

"The 'monkey shape' adopts the monkey's ability to jump, be nimble, resourceful, determined, agile, and flexible. In actual combat, respond to the movement externally and keep quiet internally, use quick thoughts, take advantage of opportunities, and use clever tricks to defeat enemies. Clumsy, wisdom defeats bravery, it is mysterious and unpredictable.”

"This set of boxing can also train the human heart. If practiced smoothly, the mind will be calm, resourceful and pure."

"Respond to the movements on the outside and keep calm on the inside. Use your wits and quickness to seize the opportunity to win; use skill to overcome clumsiness, use wisdom to defeat courage, and use the unpredictable monkey shape to achieve magic."

"This is a 'monkey shape'!"

Cao Jun saw that after Yan Chuang frightened the thirteen iron-armed monkeys by shooting arrows, he actually abandoned his iron bow and started playing "monkey fist" on the spot, explaining while fighting.

"Talk to whom?"

"You can't be talking to the iron-armed monkey, right?"

"That's what you're talking about to me?"

"You just taught me the 'Fuhu Zhuang', now you want to teach me the 'Monkey Fist'?"

Cao Jun blinked, feeling suspicious in his heart.

She guessed that this person was probably feeling guilty about her, so she first taught him the 'Fuhu Zhuang' and then the 'Monkey Fist'. It's just that this person was thin-skinned and too stubborn. He was too embarrassed to speak directly. He didn't even dare to face her. He only punched and taught fisting to a group of iron-armed monkeys lying on the ground.

The mandarin he spoke was so poor that even she had trouble listening to it. How could he tell it to an iron-armed monkey?

Only if they can understand is there a ghost!

"This man!"


Cao Jun thought he had guessed Yan Chuang's little thoughts, and found it interesting. The last bit of regret and resentment in his heart had now dissipated, and a smile finally appeared on his face.

When someone repays kindness with evil, it is inevitable that they will feel upset.

But if someone repays you with kindness and repays your kindness, you won't feel so comfortable.

Cao Jun felt very comfortable at this time.

She smiled and watched Yan Chuang boxing and Yan Chuang teaching boxing.

However, outside the field of gravity, Yan Chuang didn't know that Cao Jun had so much on his mind. He concentrated on boxing and teaching boxing. What he was teaching was not Cao Jun, but the Thirteen Iron-Armed Monkeys——

"Monkeys are the most dexterous among animals. They have the ability to leap over mountains and streams, and they have the ability to dodge and change unexpectedly."

"The 'monkey shape' uses 'spirit' to cast the soul, and uses 'spirit' to carve the art. Everything should be based on the thoroughness of the spirit."

"The first thing is that the basic skill must be 'spirit'. The basic skill is the pile skill. The 'monkey shape' must be majored in 'Hunyuan Zhuang', one of the 'ten major piles' in the 'Three Body Postures'. You must ponder in this pile skill. Show the change of "strong strength" and "soft strength", be strong in strength, transcendent in soft strength, and integrate soft skills into the body, and be able to use boxing techniques that are both light and flexible, both hard and soft, both skillful and graceful, as you wish. The earth sublimates boxing skills.”

"Only then can the foundation be considered complete, and only then can the 'monkey shape' be considered successful."

When Yan Chuang talks about the 'monkey shape', he still starts from the basics, starting from the pile skills. This time he talks about the 'Hunyuan pile', which talks about the changes in strength and softness.

Of course the thirteen iron-armed monkeys couldn't understand it for a while.

But it doesn't matter.

I can't understand it for a day or two.

I couldn't understand it for three or four days.

After ten or eight days, I can always think and learn something.

This is normal.

If Yan Chuang uses his 'experience' to bless the iron-armed monkeys and help them enter a state of concentration, the effect will be even greater. He will teach them the 'Hunyuan Stake' and the 'Monkey Shape', and hope will greatly increase.

He taught boxing not to avoid people.

Cao Jun is also learning.

"The 'Monkey Shape' of the 'Twelve Shapes' has the essence of sealing monkeys and hanging seals, the wonder of stealing peaches and offering fruits, the skill of climbing branches and trees, the power of climbing and falling branches, and the magic of turning and moving. Unpredictably wonderful.”

"The mind is calm, the form and color are pure, the body is light and agile, and it spins as fast as the wind, so it does not lose the original meaning of the 'monkey shape'."

"It's not that the Flying Immortal's body is self-effacing. It's astonishing if it flashes like lightning. Look at it, it's unsteady, and it's jumping from the mountain to the stream with all its spirit!"


"It's still a spiritual word!"

"To practice the 'monkey form', you need to be 'smart' in the pile skills, and even more so in actual combat!"

From performance to actual combat.

Yan Chuang kept talking about the "monkey shape". Cao Jun was only in her early twenties and had already broken through the fifth level. She was already a genius. Now when she listened to Yan Chuang's lecture on boxing, she felt that the whip was coming in. Even if it was her first time listening to the lecture, even if she was only listening to Once again, I feel extremely transparent and indescribably relaxed.

Of course Cao Jun didn't know that this was the result of several aspects -

First of all, of course, she has strong comprehension and first-class talent and understanding, which makes it easier to understand.

Secondly, Yan Chuang has a thorough understanding and profound knowledge of the 'monkey shape'.

Thirdly, Yan Chuang’s fist-talking skills are outstanding, he can explain things in simple terms and analyze the ‘monkey shape’ more thoroughly.

But the most important thing is "Teaching and Learning"!

After level two, the listener's understanding efficiency increases by 75%, making it easier to understand.

"Teaching and Learning" and "Heaven's Proud One" are a perfect match!

[Your ‘Tiger Form’ has been improved, proficiency +5]

[Your ‘Tiger Form’ has been improved, proficiency +4]

[Your ‘monkey shape’ has been improved, proficiency +6]

[Your ‘monkey shape’ has been improved, proficiency +5]

Seal the hole in the gravity field!

Teach boxing in Shuiliandong!

Yan Chuang used the "Star Stone" to seal the door of Shuilian Cave, drank "Monkey Wine" and taught "Monkey Shape Boxing", which was really satisfying.

He taught the iron-armed monkey to practice the 'monkey form'.

He also taught Cao Jun how to practice the "Tiger Form".

At the same time, he did not neglect his own cultivation——

When the 'Monkey Wine' was enough, Yan Chuang made a prompt decision and put his 'bone training' on hold to focus on 'strength training', that is, refining the power of the 'Monkey Wine' and focusing on increasing his own strength.


Qi and blood!

This is a hook!

The strength increased by 'Monkey Wine' does not come out of thin air, it does not come out of nothing. It is still generated from the human body, from the muscles, bones, skin and flesh.

Drinking 'monkey wine' is equivalent to strengthening the muscles, bones, skin and flesh as a whole, and strengthening the body. In the process, the strength increases, and the qi and blood also increase and become thicker and thicker.

But there is a process, it is not a direct increase of Qi and blood.

Therefore, Yan Chuang put down the 'bone training' first and concentrated on refining the 'monkey wine'.

Monkey wine!

Monkey wine!

Get drunk if you drink too much!

This is 'strong liquor' after all. If you drink too much, you will inevitably become drunk. There is also a burst of fire in it, burning the heart and lungs, making people uneasy and restless. It is difficult to maximize the power of the 'Monkey Wine' and drink 'Monkey Wine' uninterruptedly for a long time.

Good thing.

Yan Chuang has a baby!


"drink wine!"

On the first night after falling into the Shuiliandong Cave, Cao Jun drank "monkey wine" at night. She drank too much and was so drunk that she became drunk. She took the initiative to ask Yan Chuang for a drink: "Give me more!"


Yan Chuang's drinking capacity was also reached and he was equally confused. But at this time, Cao Jun saw the man take out a ball of transparent and sticky stuff from his arms and stuff it into his mouth.

In an instant.

Yan Chuang's body emitted water vapor and the cold air turned into mist, and he woke up on the spot as if he was an immortal.

Cao Jun's cheeks were red. She glared at Yan Chuang, pointed at Yan Chuang, and said angrily: "You cheated! Your wine is not good!"

"Water spirit."

"It really works!"

Yan Chuang ignored Cao Jun. He felt that the original drunkenness and heat were all resolved by the 'Water Essence'. The 'Water Essence' was originally used to assist in 'tempering bones', but at this time, Yan Chuang used it. 'Hangover cure'.

Pure and pure!

Really easy to use!

"Three servings of water essence is enough to keep me from getting drunk!"

Yan Chuang was surprised.

In this state, he entered the edge of the 'gravity field'. Under the pressure of the strong gravity, he barely stood up. What he stood on was the 'Fuhu Zhuang', which was the most adept at practicing strength among the 'Ten Xingyi Zhuangs'.

Boom boom boom!

The body is roaring, the wine is refining the power.

Yan Chuang continued to absorb and refine the ‘monkey wine’——

A pound!

Two pounds!

Three pounds!

Ten pounds! Twenty pounds! Thirty pounds!

Keep drinking!

Keep practicing!

Yan Chuang is like a wine banished to an immortal, a thousand cups will not be poured out, a thousand pounds will not make you drunk.

But his strength was soaring, soaring, and soaring again, seemingly endlessly.

It’s the last day of the month, please vote!

PS: This chapter was originally scheduled to be released early yesterday morning, but I don’t know how it was posted to the first volume. I spent an hour on my phone in the morning and didn’t find out what was going on. I only found out after I boarded the computer.

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