Read Birth Of The Devilish Ceo:So What If I'm A Lady?


" Fifteen years ago, if I still remember correctly a man and a woman dressed in black came to my office and ordered for the assassination of a woman and child. Since they paid us the full amount for the job, I didn't bother asking their reason for murdering the two people. As you are all aware, the job of an assassin is to carry out his/her task after being paid no asking of questions. I had just taken over the Lu organization back then, so I had gathered some of my men and gave them the name and pictures of their targets. If I'm not mistaken since the woman and her husband were very rich my men tailed them for three good months before they finally completed their mission although they failed in killing the little girl. I was angry when I learned that they failed in killing the little girl but I didn't have any other choice but to give them money to go into hiding since the police were on the lookout for them. The people who ordered the assassination often frequented my office after we helped them in killing the Lady. My men's target after the girl mother's death wasn't anybody else but the same little girl. My men weren't able to assassinate the little girl because of one thing or the other until we completely lost traces of her whereabouts after her high school. The girl later reappeared four years later but these two people's desire to kill the girl never changed. My elite men were twenty previously but ten of them died mysteriously after they went on the mission to assassinate her. That is all I know", Mr Lu said groaning in pains.

" Who ordered the hit fifteen years ago?", Yi Lan asked coldly.

" I don't know who they are. I swear I have never seen their faces before", Mr Lu lied. He didn't know that he was directly digging his own grave since they had already known that the old man knew who they were but was trying to cover up for them.

" Really? I bet you will remember if I bury at least two more bullets into your hands, right?", Yi Lan asked devilishly as he pointed the gun at Mr Lu's right hand.

" No... No... no... please don't shoot me I will tell you what I know about them", Mr Lu shouted in terror. He was afraid that he would not be able to endure the pains again if they were to shoot him again.

" Now you are talking, so shoot", Yi Lan ordered sternly.

" They never told me their names but I got to know their real identity after my men completed their first task for them although I pretended as though I didn't know their identity. The people who ordered the hit on you and your mum was your uncle Mr Lie Feitian and his wife. They were the ones who ordered the hit although I'm not sure whether other people were involved. Lady Boss, I have told you all I know so please let me go now. As you can see, I am bleeding profusely, my wound requires the immediate attention of a doctor", Mr Lu pleaded as he tried to touch Lie Ruge's legs but Lie Ruge moved two steps backward to avoid his touch.

" Don't you dare touch me with your filthy hand's old hag or I might use the gun on you again. Wow! So you actually knew who I was but you actually pretended as though you did not know? So how does it feel to get tortured by the same little girl whom you guys failed to kill? Didn't you guys know the rule of an assassin? Didn't you know that one of the rules of an assassin is not to let his or her target live no matter what? This is what you get for failing to kill me that day. You guys made me into this, and I am more than happy to return the favor", Lie Ruge said as she buried another bullet into him, this time around she shot his right hand.

" Mr Yi, Lady Boss please spare my life. I'm begging you, I didn't know who you were. I only found out that you were the Lady Boss six months ago, so please let me go", Mr Lu said struggling to get up to his feet. Lie Ruge was distracted, so she did not see when Mr Lu removed a sharp knife from his clothe and tried to sneak an attack on her but Yi Lan's eyes were sharp so before Mr Lu could stab her with the knife, he gave him a powerful kick in his tummy which sent him flying in midst air. He landed some distance away from them. Lie Ruge walked angrily towards him when she realized what the man planned to do to her. Mr Lu managed to sit up as he trembled like a wet leaf, he knew that he was finished.

" Bravo.... what a nice try, old hag", Lie Ruge clapping as she smiled devilishly.

" I'm sorry Miss Lie, I'm sorry for the death of your mum. Please have mercy upon me", Please Lu pleaded as he rubbed his trembling hands together.

" Mercy? What is that? That word does not exist in my dictionary", Lie Ruge said menacingly as she pointed the gun at his left hand, she shot him two times in his hand without blinking an eye. Just when she wanted to shoot him again, the memory of how her beautiful mum was killed brutally popped up in her head, her eyes suddenly turned red when the memory of how her mum hugged her tightly despite all the bullets that were buried inside her. Her mum sacrificed her life for her, what a selfless love.

" For my mum", Lie Ruge buried two bullets each into his right and left hands and another two into his right and left legs.

" For the pains, I went through", she still repeatedly shot his hands and legs again until his legs and hands were condemned.

" For my mum who loved me unconditionally, surely", Lie Ruge said as she buried another two bullets into his tummy before she ended the torment by shooting him at the location of his heart. She killed him, in the same manner, they killed her mum although her method was more cruel. Blood flowed like a river as she turned around and walked back to her seat majestically. The two of them sat down with their legs crossed once again.

" All of you who are here are now free to go back to your families. I never intended to kill those who were not involved in this incident but you guys forced us into taking a drastic move. As my husband as said, we will give you enough money to last you for a lifetime and a new identity if you so desired but don't ever let us regret our decision, understood?", Lie Ruge asked coldly. All of them answered in affirmatively as they bowed their heads in respect to them. Those who were alive were only twenty people remaining. Yi Lan ordered his men to clean up all the bodies before they left the building. Inside the car, Yi Lan used a handkerchief to clean Lie Ruge's hand and face which was covered in blood. Lie Ruge's eyes which were filled with fury and anger a while ago was now calm and gentle as she stares at Yi Lan who hasn't spoken a word to her since they left the bloody scene. She wanted to suggest that Yi Lan should take him to the place where they had kept her uncle and aunts, but she couldn't bring herself to say so due to guilt. She knew that Yi Lansaid that he was Ok with whoever she was, but she couldn't help being scared after the bloody scene he had just witnessed. She was scared that he might have a change of mind, which guy wouldn't think twice about marrying a cold-hearted killer.

" Why do you keep staring at my face, do I have something on my face? Or don't tell me you are too mesmerize by my charms. I'm afraid you might bore a hole into my handsome face if I don't speak up", Yi Lan said playfully lifting his eyes to stare at her worried face. He knew that she has been staring at him for a long time, but he had pretended not to have seen it to see how she would react, but he couldn't help breaking the silence when he saw how terrible she had reacted to his silence.

" Silly you, what have been thinking, I never knew that my hubby had such a dirty mind. Stop thinking too much I was staring at you because you also have blood on your hands and face too. Let me help you to clean it", Lie Ruge said as she brought out a handkerchief from her jacket and started cleaning Yi Lan's face and hand.

" Are you not feeling well? Your expression looks very bad or did you get hurt?", Yi Lan asked worriedly as he quickly checked her body for any sign of injury.

" I'm alright, I didn't get hurt and what about you?", Lie Ruge asked as she checked his body for any sign of injury too. Lie Ruge dropped the bloody handkerchief on the car floor when she was through cleaning him up.

" Then what is wrong wifey?", Yi Lan asked as he held her in place. Lie Ruge did not want to tell him anything, but she changed her mind when he saw the worried look in his eyes.

" I... I was afraid that you didn't want to talk to me after you saw my other side in the hall. I have told you before, this who I am and I hope that you would accept me the way I am. I can change if you want me to but please don't leave me hmmm because I can't bear to lose you", Lie Ruge said as gave him a tight hug. Yi Lan quickly pressed a button and the car demarcated the driver seat from the back seat.

" Ge'er, why does it seem like you don't believe any word I ever told you? I love you so much and I can never imagine a life without you in it. Tell me how can I ever bear to leave you when I can't even live a day without you? I love you so much despite who you are or what people think you are. I know that so many people have betrayed and hurt you beyond repair but I'm here for you and I will never leave you for anything in this word so let this word serves as an assurance to you, the day I betray you is the day I will die? Does that ease your mind a little, so stop worrying about things that will never happen Ok?", Yi Lan said sincerely as he pecked her forehead.

" You don't have to bet your life on it, I trust you Lanlan, sorry if my words sounded as though I doubted your feelings for me. I just love you way too much I guess that is why I'm getting these silly thoughts in my head, I'm sorry hubby", Lie Ruge said truly as she gave Yi Lan a reassuring hug. Nobody has ever loved her so truly before, so she was just scared that she will wake up one day and find out that everything she thought was real was all fake.

" No need to apologize, you can take a nap, I will wake you up when we arrive home Ok, I know you must be tired", Yi Lan said as he made her lied down on his laps. He petted her till she fell asleep, he pressed the button once again and the demarcation disappeared.

" Fei Yan, what about the things I told you to prepare for tomorrow's date, I hope you have gotten everything prepared?", Yi Lan asked coldly. His expression and tone showed that he won't take NO for an answer.

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