Read Birth Of The Devilish Ceo:So What If I'm A Lady?


" Chang'er, I will help you so that you will get her so why don't you lure her here, I will help you to distract her while you launch a sudden attack at her in the process. You are my only daughter and I don't want to see you die so let me help you Chang'er", Mrs Lie whispered to Lie Changle when she pretended as if she wanted to assist her to her feet. Lie Feitian was barely alive at that moment since the effect of the poison had already kicked in.

" Ge'er is this all you've got after all I did to you? My mum and dad indeed had your mother assassinated but what can you do about that? I had you drugged so many times and even arranged for some scaring looking guy to rape you, what can you do to me? Even when I and my friends bullied you after your wretched mother's death what did you do? You are just a weakling with a frail heart? You were too easy to be trampled upon and that fact as not changed. So, what if you are now the CEO of Empire's Corporation, what have you achieved with all the wealth and power you have attained, what a shame you couldn't even avenge your mother's unjustly death with all the power you have always bragged about. Come get me if you can, weakling", Lie Changle shouted mockingly while smiling devilishly. Lie Ruge's expression turned darker when she heard all the trash Lie Changle had vomited from her mouth, Yi Lan wanted to rush over to teach that b*tch a lesson but Li e Ruge signalled and whisper in the air to him, "I've got this". Lie Ruge rushed towards Lie Changle in full speed but Lie Changle slipped away speedily before Lie Ruge could get to her. Lie Changle quickly seized the once in a lifetime opportunity and attempted to stab Lie Ruge at her tummy but Lie Ruge had already seen it coming, so she rolled away in a flash, since Lie Changle came at Lie Ruge in full force she could not stop herself in time, so she ended up stabbing her mother who had stood up earlier to stab Lie Ruge with the knife she had sneaked out from the dungeon.. Everyone's mouth dropped open in total shock when they saw the long sword stuck into Mrs Lie's tummy. Lie Changle's eyes were at the brim of falling off due to shock. She took trembling steps backward when she saw what she had just done. She only regained her senses when her mother fell on her knees, she rushed over to her mother and hugged her tightly to herself.

" Mum I'm sorry, I never meant to stab you, it's just that Ge'er dodged my attack at the last minute, so I couldn't retract my sword on time. Mum, please don't leave me, I will get you to the hospital after I kill that b*tch", Lie Changle said sobbing in between her words.

" Chang'er, you don't need to keep on being stubborn as you can see Ge'er is bent on killing all of us here without leaving a trace so just beg her to you go. Even though she asks you to go on your knees just close your eyes and do it so that she will let you leave here alive", Mrs Lie advised inaudibly as blood started dripping from her mouth.

" Mother please don't talk anymore or else it will worsen your condition. I'm sure Brother Yi will show mercy on us if I begged him so just wait for me here I will go and beg him to let us go", Lie Changle said with tears in her eyes as she gently dropped her mother on the ground and immediately rushed to Yi Lan's side.

" Brother Yi please save my mum, she is dying. She will not last long if we don't take her to the hospital immediately so please let's take her to the hospital together", Lie Changle pleaded on her knees but Yi Lan behaved as if he did not hear all the pleads.

" Brother Yi please don't be heartless and just help us out this once, for our past relationship sake please show some mercy", Lie Changle continued pleading when Yi Lan did not speak up.

" Why are you begging the wrong person? I'm just here to have some fun not to interfere with whatever is going on here. If you really want to save your mum, the person you should be pleading with right now is Ge'er not me, so please let me be", Yi Lan said annoyingly as he turned his attention away from her immediately. Just then Mrs Lie started vomiting large amount of blood from her mouth, Lie Changle did not waste time in racing over to her side in a flash. Lie Changle was so desperate but her pride won't let her beg Lie Ruge. She didn't have any choice but to do what she hated the most when her mother kept on vomiting blood.

" Ge'er, I know that you don't want to do this to mum so please let us rush her to the hospital instantly, or she won't be able to make it. Please, Ge'er", Lie Changle begged while gritting her teeth angrily.

" So the almighty Changle can actually beg? I never knew that you could actually cry for real", Lie Ruge said mockingly.

" Please Ge'er, save her. I'm begging you, please save my mum", Lie Changle pleaded further.

" Save her? Tell me, why on earth should I do that? She should be happy that she will die less painfully because this isn't the kind of easy death I had planned for her. She should be extremely happy that death has come to her on a platter of gold and not as I had planned; I can't believe that she is so lucky after everything she has done to me. I can help you end her life quickly if you don't like seeing her in pain cousin", Lie Ruge said expressionlessly. Lie Changle was extremely angry when she heard Lie Ruge's, she felt like stabbing her to death immediately, but she couldn't bring herself to do so since she needed to stay by her mother's side.

" Ge'er, how could you be so cold-hearted to treat your family members like this? I know for a fact that we have wronged you in so many ways but that has not changed the fact that we are still family. Ge'er please pardon us for the fact that we are the only family you've got", Lie Changle said as she tried all her best to hide her hatred for Lie Ruge.

" We are a family? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my entire life. So, you knew that we were family and you guys had the guts to do all those things to me and my parents? I am like this today because of my so-called family, do you still think that we are family after all this? I know that you are saying all this gibberish now because you want me to save your mum right, but when have you ever considered me as a family before, say the truth?", Lie Ruge asked angrily.

" Yes I have always thought of you as my family deep down in my heart although I never let it show. Aren't family members supposed to stick together no matter what may come their way that is what we are going to do starting from today so Ge'er please let bygones be bygones alright?", Lie Changle asked anticipatingly.

"To hell with those who call themselves my family but are the ones who gave me the biggest and most memorable scars in life. Let me tell you the truth, I have considered all of you guys dead years ago, so I don't have family members like you. I don't give a damn whether your mum bleeds to death, you can cry your eyes out I don't f*cking care, understood?", Lie Ruge said furiously. Lie Changle could not give her piece of mind too at that moment since her mother stopped breathing at that instant. Lie Changle almost went insane when she saw that her mother was dead, she cuddled her mother tightly to her body as she wept bitterly. Her aunts who were squatting a few distances away from her were too preoccupied thinking about how their ending will be rather than to waste time consoling her. After crying for five minutes, Lie Changle left her mother's corpse on the grassy ground and grabbed her double swords firmly in her hands, her eyes spat fire as she walked slowly towards Lie Ruge. She lost all reasoning as she attacked Lie Ruge who was patiently waiting for her to finish weeping over her lost.

" You killed her and I will never allow the bitch who killed my mum to be alive, I will make sure you don't get out of here alive", Lie Changle said furiously as she aimed at Lie Ruge's neck but Lie Ruge dodged swiftly.

" I killed her? That is so hilarious, am I the one who stabbed her or you? As I have told you earlier, she should be lucky she died in one piece because I was planning to get both her hands and legs chopped off before I will then pour one of the concoctions my men have made all over her disfigured body. She would have experienced torture worse than death itself. She is such a lucky woman to die still looking intact", Lie Ruge said coldly as she continually dodged her powerful attacks.

" How will you feel if I kill you in the same manner huh? I bet you will enjoy it right?", Lie Changle asked menacingly as she attempted to kick Lie Ruge at her ribs but Lie Ruge got hold of her right leg and twisted it before she pushed her to the ground.

" You have less than four moves so how is that even possible? I think that you should be worried about how I will kill you instead of how you will kill me", Lie Ruge said as she caught hold of her leg hand and twisted it until it made loud cracking sounds. Despite having her leg and hand seriously broken Lie Changle refused to give up.

" Times up, my turn", Lie Ruge said smiling mischievously. Without wasting any time, she started running around Lie Changle's standing figure in full speed. Everyone was curiously to see what she was up to, so they watch closely.

" Game over", Yi Lan exclaimed when he saw what Lie Ruge was doing. The next thing Lie Changle felt while standing there unable to figure out the exact position of Lie Ruge was a sharp pain on her left leg. Immediately she bent down to check what it was she felt another sharp pain in both her left and right hand. Lie Ruge who had dropped her sword earlier continued to used her double daggers to cut Lie Changle all over her entire body until she was satisfied. Lie Changle dropped lifelessly on the ground with blood dripping from every part of her body when Lie Ruge was through dealing with her.

" Look at what pride has done to you; you should have left here alive when I told you to but look at what you have brought upon yourself? What a shame, now you will only die until you have bled out almost every drop of blood in your body", Lie Ruge said coldly before she walked elegantly to where Yi Lan was standing. " What a brutal way to end someone's life", Yi Lan's men thought as they took a quick glare at Lie Changle's lifeless body which was now covered in blood; It looks like she just had a bloodbath.

" Lanlan, I will leave these two for you to handle. I'm sick of having to talk again after both mother and daughter have made me waste almost all my energy on them", Lie Ruge said before she leaned on Yi Lan's shoulders. Tang Xiang quickly crawled on her leg towards the couple who were down heading inside the dungeon. She instantly held Lie Ruge's right leg and started pleading.

" Ge'er I know that I was wrong so please have pity on me and let me go. I promised I will be good to you and your father if you just let me go, we are still family after all", Tang Xiang pleaded as tears fell from her eyes.

" Family? Surprisingly I don't remember having you as my family member. I only have eleven people I treat as my family right now and you are not included", Lie Ruge said coldly as she quickly walked away on her own without looking back.

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