"F*ck",Yi Lan exclaimed in annoyance..

Everyone started panicking,they were contemplating whether to take her to the hospital or not.Since Miss Lie forgot her medicine in the office.If they were to inform Xu Feng to bring the medicine to the Mansion it will take him at least twenty minutes before he gets there.And if they were to take her to the hospital and the media caught winds of this news it will cause scandals.And this might really affect Miss Lie and it will also be a hassle for the both of them.They hate being at the spotlight so much.It will really become a nuisance to them,if the media were to get winds of Miss Lie being in the hospital.

There was no time to waste.If they continue wasting time,Miss Lie might really die in their presence without them being able to help her in anyway.Doctor Tang and Xu Feng has already being called to come to the Mansion at immediately but Miss Lie might not last until their arrival..

"Third bro,I have been thinking about it.Since Miss Lie has difficulty breathing due to the allergic reaction.How about you perform mouth to mouth resuscitation",Yun Yi suggested.

"Yeah Third bro,that is a really brilliant idea.It will help to on block her airways.She will be able to breathe till either Xu Feng arrives with the medicine or doctor Tang gets here",Tan Fan said in support of Yun Yi's idea.

Yi Lan was thinking twice about the idea.He was aware of the facts that Miss Lie despise having intimate acts with him.But even though she gets mad later on or not.He must save her no matter the outcome.

"Third bro,you have to hurry,there is no time Ok?Whether Miss Lie lives or die is all up to your decision but you have to hurry up in making up your mind",Tan Fan urged Yi Lan further.

"Ok let's take her to my bedroom",Yi Lan replied in haste.

Without wasting much time,Yi Lan princess carried Lie Ruge to his bedroom.He placed her gently on the bed and position her in a way that he could perform the mouth to mouth resuscitation on her.After series of trials,Miss Lie Ruge slowly began to breathe although still with difficulty.She could speak although it was inaudible.Because of performing series of the mouth to mouth resuscitation,Yi Lan was sweating profusely.He ran out of breathe,he was grasping for air.He was in a really pitiful state.

"Young Miss Lie,I'm really sorry for causing you such pain.It wasn't intentional.I told the chef to prepare the dish out of goodwill,I hope you won't hold me against what happened",Yun Yi apologized. Although they wanted to make fun of their Third bro but hurting Miss Lie or anyone was never part of their plan.They had wanted to use the special dish as part of apologizing to Miss Lie on behalf of their Third bro for any discomfort she might have gone through earlier in the restaurant but their apology went sour because of the shrimps allergy.If they had known that she was allergic to shrimps then they would been extra careful with their preparations.

Before Miss Lie could replied,Xu Feng bashed into the bedroom room.It looks like he sprinted from where he parked his car to the bedroom.He was breathing heavily and he was sweating copiously.Xu Feng was tending to some documents when he received a call from Miss Lie,he was extremely surprised to hear a man's voice when he picked the call.He was even more shock to learn that Miss Lie was suffering from an allergic reaction due to eating shrimps.He was aware that Miss Lie has severe allergy to shrimps.She could even die from it if she didn't take the medication on time.He had rushed downstairs to the parking lot immediately.He always has a spare medicine with him in case of emergency.

He rode in full speed so he can arrive earlier than expected."This..... is the... medicine",He said panting heavily while quickly handing the medicine over to Yi Lan.Yi Lan gently lift Miss Lie up into a sitting position.He made her rest her back against the edge of the bed.He had placed pillows on the edge of the bed so that she could rest on it comfortably.After taking the medicine Yi Lan positioned her in a sleeping position,he wanted her to sleep in order for her to regain her strength.Within a few minutes Lie Ruge was sleeping so soundly.He sent every other person out of the room but he remained at her side.He was watching her sleeping soundly.

"She looks so charming even while sleeping.Taking another look at her she looks so peaceful,nothing in this world is disturbing her.She looks like a different person when she is sleeping,all her cold and domineering aura is gone.I really like her sleeping self.If you were to give me a chance,I really want to let this peaceful look remain on your face forever,that is a promise",Yi Lan spoke while stroking her hair gently.

After being assured that Miss Lie Ruge will be well taken care of Xu Feng left the Mansion to settle all the affairs in the office that needed Miss Lie's attention.

Yun Yi and Tan Fan remained in the sitting room waiting for their Third brother to come downstairs to inform them about the current condition of Miss Lie.

"Tan Fan,did you see how affectionate Thrid bro was towards Miss Lie,It was so unbelievable",Yun Yi said.

"Yeah,even when aunt was ill I didn't see him behave so tender before",Tan Fan replied.

"I didn't know that Miss Lie was capable of changing Third bro this much"

"I'm really happy to see this changes in Third bro.Before he was incapable of feeling attached to any lady but I think he might be interested in her"

"I really wish that Third bro will shade his cold aura and starting opening his heart to love someone"Yun Yi concluded.

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