Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 994: Survival from Death

Although Linglong died, the power of rules she left behind made Zhuo Bufan, the elder brother, very anxious.

The time and space treasure cage is a world of rules that even Ni Qianqiong dare not enter at will.

There are traps everywhere here, and no one knows what traps are waiting for him where he goes next.

The only thing Zhuo Bufan can rely on now is his divine beast, Abi Beast.

"Xiaolin, what's next?"

Zhuo Bufan must break this chess game, otherwise he will not be able to get back the Chaos Bell and the Infinite Sword.

Now it is not only about the success or failure of this battle, but also about two extraordinary innate artifacts.

Zhuo Bufan has always relied on these two artifacts to turn the tide of the battle.

Now, both artifacts have disappeared, who can Zhuo Bufan rely on?

"Xiao Lin, what kind of chess is this? Go, chess?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Abi Beast.

After hearing this, Abimon replied.

"Master, this is Yin Yang Chess!"

"Yin Yang chess? What kind of chess is that?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't fully understand the world's questions, so he didn't even understand the Yin-Yang chess game very well.

Fortunately, Abimon knows.

"Yin Yang chess is a chess question that is common to all walks of life."

"Yin Yang Chess is divided into two camps: black and white. Both sides win the final victory by playing against each other."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Isn't this just Go?"

Zhuo Bufan suspected that the Yin-Yang chess that Abimon mentioned was Go.

After all, Go is divided into two sides, black and white, playing games against each other to win.

"There are more than 1,600 games of Yin-Yang chess, and each game has many kinds of palaces! In my memory, there are more than 30,000 palaces in Yin-Yang chess. And I only know about more than a thousand of them. "

Abi Beast's words made Zhuo Bufan realize that Yin Yang Chess was not the same as Go, and it sounded more complicated.

"What should we do now? Xiaolin, can you tell how many palaces there are in this chess game?"

Zhuo Bufan asked again.

Abimon scanned the entire chess game and finally said.

"Master, I took a look and found that there are approximately seventy-two palaces in total, which is relatively few in Yin Yang Chess."

"Yin-Yang chess is also called Immortal chess. The chessboard can be extended infinitely. Many people can play chess for thousands of years. A large-scale chess game has tens of thousands of palaces."

"So, we can break it."

With the scale of Zhuo Bufan, he felt that it should not be difficult to break the seventy-two palaces.

However, Abimon continued.

"But Master, although there are few palaces in this chess game, each palace has its own unique quirks."

"Just like the Armor-Removal Palace you encountered earlier. This kind of palace is a solution and is rarely used by people."

After listening to Abi Beast's words, Zhuo Bufan touched his chin and said.

"I should be able to guess Linglong's intention when she uses the Armor-Removing Palace at the beginning. Once the game starts, everyone who enters the Armor-Removing Palace will remove all their weapons. This is extremely beneficial for combat."

"Xiao Lin, tell me, how can we determine the winner in Yin Yang Chess?"

"The chessboard can be extended infinitely, how to determine the outcome?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

To return to the master, the outcome of Yin Yang Chess is actually very simple, that is, whoever enters the dead end first loses.

There are only nine houses in total in the deadlock.

In other words, whoever is forced to the death palace will lose.

Yin Yang Chess only distinguishes losses, not wins. The loser loses.

"Interesting, Xiaolin, can you see how many death palaces there are in this chess game?"

"No, there is no death palace."

"But there are seven palaces that are about to become the palace of death."

"And the most difficult thing is that we have no way out. Every next step may lead to death."

Abi Beast's words made Zhuo Bufan anxious.

"Then what should we do? Do we have no choice but to go back? Going back is the Armor Removal Palace!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"No, Xiaolin, you just said that the place we are in now is the Zhengqi Palace. What kind of situation does this Zhengqi Palace belong to?"

"Master, the Zhengqi Palace belongs to Fu Bureau. It is a situation specially designed to enhance strength."

"Generally, after assigning a game, the next step should be to create a game."

"By the way, Master, there should be a Shengju near the Zhengqi Palace."

Zhuo Bufan's words reminded Abi Beast.

"Xiao Lin, look, look for where the health department is!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand Yin Yang Chess, so he could only ask Abi Beast to help him find it.

Abimon looked around, looking for where the situation was.

"Xiao Lin, although I don't know what the fate of life is, I know that life and death are endless reincarnations. If there is life, there will be death, and if there is death, there will be life. This is also the way of life and death that I practice. The truth.”

Zhuo Bufan told Abi Beast the true meaning of his cultivation of the Tao of Life and Death. After hearing this, Abi Beast's eyes lit up.

"I understand, Master, you are right. Where there is death, there is life. Although the Palace of Death is in front of us, beyond the Palace of Death is the Palace of Life."

"Master, I know how to get out! Two to the east and three to the north, Jiaore Palace!"

"East two, north three!"

Zhuo Bufan followed Abi Beast's method and took steps.

When he arrived at the Jiaore Palace, a pillar of fire suddenly burst out from under his feet and enveloped his entire body.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul was being burned.

"Xiaolin, is this the Palace of Death?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

"No, Master, this is a dying game, not a death game. You continue to walk, East 7 South 5, make a living game, Huiyang Palace!"

After Xiaolin finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan continued to walk towards the target.

When Zhuo Bufan walked to Huiyang Palace, the burning force before him slowly disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by an extremely comfortable feeling.

"Is this a living game? Does that mean we won?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"No, Yin-Yang chess can only win or lose if it is a dead game. We must force the other party to make a dead game."

"Force the other party to make a dead game? Don't be ridiculous, Xiaolin, who is playing chess with you now? Linglong is dead."

Zhuo Bufan said this, feeling a little sad.

"Yes, Master. I can feel that someone is playing chess with me."

"Someone? Could it be Linglong?"

Zhuo Bufan was excited.

"Linglong, is Linglong still there?"

"I don't know, maybe it's the power reserved by the power of rules."

"Master, you will suffer in the next two steps, you must hold on."

Avici Beast said.

Zhuo Bufan heard it and replied.

"Don't worry, Xiaolin!"

"Okay, West 2 North 3, Rotten Bone Palace!"

When Zhuo Bufan walked to the Rotten Bone Palace according to the words of the Avici Beast.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan found that a terrifying force descended on him.

The next second, his flesh and blood began to rot, and even his bones began to turn into powder.

"Master, continue to West 5 South 9, Dinghun Palace!"

When Zhuo Bufan walked to the Dinghun Palace according to the words of the Avici Beast.

In the depths of his soul, Zhuo Bufan let out a shrill scream.

At that moment, it seemed as if his soul was pierced by thousands of steel nails.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Zhuo Bufan was in so much pain that he could vaguely see the save space.

"Damn it, are we going to reload the game?"


"Hahahaha, you bastard, you dare to build the Soul-Drilling Palace? You are really courting death."

The demon not far away saw this scene and laughed.

He was particularly proud of Zhuo Bufan's creation of the Soul-Drilling Palace.

The Soul-Drilling Palace can be said to be the closest to the Palace of Death.

At this moment, in the Space-Time Treasure, Zhuo Bufan screamed in agony.

"Master, there is only one palace left, North Two West Three, Fushan Palace!"

As soon as Xiao Lin finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan could not wait to walk towards Fushan Palace.


As soon as he stepped into the Fushan Palace, Zhuo Bufan suddenly knelt on the ground. At that moment, he felt that his soul and body were as heavy as carrying a mountain.

"We won, we won!"

"Master, we won, and the other party walked into a dead end."

At this moment, Xiao Lin shouted.

When Zhuo Bufan heard it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The next second, the pressure on his body began to disappear rapidly, his rotten flesh began to recover quickly, and his pierced soul began to heal quickly.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and widened.

"Wulian, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and waved,

Wuliang Sword,

reappeared in the world!

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