Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1004: Three Reincarnations

Zhuo Bufan was a little stunned. He actually called out the name of the ruins in front of him inexplicably.

"Yin Yang Pangu Formation? Father, what is that?"

Bai Zifan was a little confused. It was obvious that he didn't know what the thing in front of him was.

"Yin Yang Pangu Formation, that is the relic of Lord Feng!"

The reason why Zhuo Bufan knew about Yin Yang Pangu was because at that moment, a strange memory poured into his mind.

Fengjun, Zhuo Bufan's previous life, transmitted this memory to him.

In other words, the inheritance in front of you turned out to be left by Feng Jun.

That is what Zhuo Bufan left behind in his previous life.

"If it is the inherited power left by me in the previous life, then who can accept this inherited power must be..."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly seemed to realize something.

He landed on the ground again, then opened his legs and took steps toward the Yin-Yang Pangu Formation in front of him.

When he approached the Yin-Yang Pangu Formation step by step, his whole body was completely integrated into the formation.


Bai Zifan wanted to get closer, but was knocked back by the mysterious power of the magic circle.

Obviously, just as Zhuo Bufan guessed, only he can enter the power of this magic circle now.

Because this inheritance circle was originally left for him.

"My father really got it right. It seems that I have no chance of inheriting this inheritance."

Bai Zifan looked away. This inherited power was not something he could covet at all.

Of course, Bai Zifan still doesn't know that this inherited power was actually left by his father in his previous life, specifically for Zhuo Bufan in this life.

This is a bit like the inheritance of Xuanzu.

Xuanzu originally wanted to leave his inheritance to himself after reincarnation, but he didn't know that his reincarnation could not find the inheritance at all, but it gave Zhuo Bufan an advantage.

Similarly, Zhuo Bufan's previous life, Fengjun, also left a legacy. This inheritance was left to Zhuo Bufan after his reincarnation.

That's why Zhuo Bufan was able to walk into the magic circle alone.

When Zhuo Bufan walked into the magic circle, fragments of memories flashed through his soul like a slide show.

"Luo Tian! The Yin Queen! The Tower of Reincarnation! The way to heaven! The immortal guides the way, the archive space..."

All kinds of strange memories began to merge with the current Zhuo Bufan.

That is the memory that belongs to Fengjun.

From Feng Jun's memory, Zhuo Bufan got to know Great God Luo Tian, ​​who was Feng Jun's real master.

I also got to know the Queen of Yin, the real master of the underworld.

We also visited the Tower of Reincarnation and boarded the Road to Heaven.

After meeting the immortal, he achieved the power of a half-immortal.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan finally knows who created the archive space in his divine sea.

It turned out that those three save doors were actually made by Feng Jun.

The archive door is a pseudo-innate artifact that Feng Jun has cultivated for thousands of years.

Although it is a pseudo-innate artifact, the archive door was born in the long river of time, so its power is more powerful than most innate artifacts.

Because Feng Jun used the Sands of Time and Immortal Power to make it, the archive door is more powerful than ordinary innate artifacts.

"My memory has not been completely restored, but I probably know how powerful I was in my previous life."

Among the memories that Zhuo Bufan obtained, it was all about himself, who had actually transcended the shackles of this world and become an immortal.

Also, Emperor Xuan was only one of his masters, and Lord Feng’s real master was actually the Taoist ancestor of the Taoist sect.

In terms of seniority, he is even higher than Emperor Xuan.

Finally, there is one most important piece of information, that is, Feng Jun is also a reincarnation person.

Zhuo Bufan recalled this information now.

Among them, the most important one is undoubtedly Fengjun's identity as a reincarnation person.

"Fengjun, are you setting up a trap?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he was planning something very important in his previous life.

He spent 10,000 years creating the file-loading door, and then handed it over to himself in future generations.

It was obvious there was some plan.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has not fully recovered his past life memories, so he doesn't know what Feng Jun is planning.

However, Zhuo Bufan had a vague feeling that what Feng Jun wanted to do was by no means simple.

In order to accomplish this, Feng Jun must be reincarnated.

"Maybe Emperor Xuan will know something."

Zhuo Bufan placed his hopes on Emperor Xuan, whom he had never met before.

Emperor Xuan is not only his current master, but also his master in his previous life.

He must know what Feng Jun is planning.

Before he could think too much, Zhuo Bufan had already arrived at the center of the Yin-Yang Pangu Formation.

The Tai Chi Dao diagram in the center is slowly rotating.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan transferred his soul into it.

The next second, countless shimmering particles emerged from the Tai Chi Dao diagram.

The shimmering particles create an image in the sky.

That look was a bit familiar, it was that guy Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai has the body of Feng Jun in his previous life, so Feng Jun's original appearance is exactly what Chu Mubai looked like.

"My reincarnation is finally waiting for you."

When Feng Jun appeared in this world, the first thing he said was that Zhuo Bufan was his reincarnation.

Obviously, although Feng Jun has been reincarnated, his soul remains unchanged.

The body and appearance may not be the same as before, but the spirit remains the same.

"It seems that I am really your reincarnation, Lord Feng, Ji Xuanhao!"

Zhuo Bufan showed a calm smile and said.

"No, to be precise, we are all the reincarnations of that person."

Unexpectedly, Ji Xuanhao's words made Zhuo Bufan even more confused.

"That person, who?"

"You should have noticed that we are all that person, Luo Tian!"

When Ji Xuanhao said that Zhuo Bufan and he were both reincarnations of Luo Tian, ​​Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded.

"Luo Tian, ​​the Lord Luo Tian of Taixuan Sect in Yangjie? Didn't he ascend to Daluotian?

"Yes, he did go to Daluotian, but the powerful enemies of Daluotian made him realize his weakness.

"He reincarnated and practiced hard just to face the enemy again!"

"Reincarnated and practiced hard, you are his reincarnation, what enemies did you encounter?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to be surprised.

He didn't expect that he and Ji Xuanhao were both reincarnations of Luo Tian.

Luo Tian, ​​Ji Xuanhao, Zhuo Bufan.

The three of them are actually the same person.

"Is it Ni Cangqiong?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Ni Cangqiong? No, Ni Cangqiong is not worthy of being our opponent. Our opponent is much stronger than Ni Cangqiong. "

When Ji Xuanhao said that Ni Cangqiong was not worthy of being his opponent.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

He saw with his own eyes how powerful Ni Cangqiong was, but he did not expect that such a powerful Ni Cangqiong was not his enemy in his previous life.

"Who are you, no, our enemy?"

Zhuo Bufan could hardly imagine how powerful a being stronger than Ni Cangqiong was.

"Our enemy is another Luotian! He is also the world god of the entire Daluotian!"

"You will understand the details after you can become the world god of the entire Yin Yang Qiankun."

"Now, I will teach you the Three Life Reincarnation Technique!"

"We have mastered the power of the past and the present, and we are just waiting for you to complete the future disaster and practice the Three Life Reincarnation Technique to perfection."

"If you want to defeat that enemy, you must jump out of his world."

"Remember, don't go to Daluotian! "

Ji Xuanhao, also known as Feng Jun, finished speaking.

The next second, the entire Tai Chi Dao diagram began to rotate rapidly.

Then it turned into a ray of light and merged into Zhuo Bufan's brow.


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