Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1016 The truth of that year

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan had been waiting for a long time.

When he saw the "blue-clothed scholar" and the "black-armored officer" coming, he knelt down immediately.

"Disciple Zhuo Bufan greets the Qing Emperor and the Xuan Emperor! Meet the master and uncle."

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, the Xuan Emperor's originally dark face was really shocked.

"Have you practiced my Nine Revolutions of Life and Death?"

The Xuan Emperor could feel the aura of his own Nine Revolutions of Life and Death from Zhuo Bufan, and it was very powerful.

"You have actually practiced to the eighth turn?"

The Xuan Emperor was stunned.

Each turn of his Nine Revolutions of Life and Death was a life-and-death struggle. Among 100 million people, not everyone could practice to the ninth turn.

This set of body-refining magic was praised by the Xuan Emperor as the most powerful body-refining magic.

This skill was jointly created by him and his apprentice Ji Xuanhao.

That's right, the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death is not actually the skill of the Xuan Emperor alone. A great deal of credit should be attributed to Zhuo Bufan's previous life, Feng Jun.

Because of this, so far, two people have cultivated the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death to the ninth turn.

One is Emperor Xuan, and the other is Feng Jun Ji Xuanhao.

And now, Chu Mubai's body is Ji Xuanhao's Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

After the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death is cultivated to the ninth turn, the body will be immortal, even if the soul disappears, the body will not disappear.

No matter how time passes, it will not be hurt at all.

This is why Feng Jun's body can survive for tens of thousands of years without decay.

Now it has even become Chu Mubai's body.

It is precisely because this body has reached the ninth turn of the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, immortal and indestructible.

Because Emperor Xuan and Feng Jun are the creators of this technique, they can cultivate to the highest level of the ninth turn.

But apart from them, no one can defeat the ninth turn, and no one has even reached the fifth turn.

However, now, Zhuo Bufan has actually cultivated to the eighth turn, which is why Emperor Xuan is so surprised.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death was created by him in his previous life. He just clasped his fists and said.

"I am fortunate to inherit the master's skills and have practiced to the eighth level by chance."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to say that he died countless times in order to practice this pitfall skill.

If he didn't have the ability to reload the game, he would have died long ago.

"Not bad, get up, kid! You are not bad to practice to the eighth level."

Emperor Xuan was quite satisfied with Zhuo Bufan, at least Zhuo Bufan's talent was very strong.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not stand up, but continued to kneel.

"Master, I have one more thing to say."

Zhuo Bufan was a little nervous, because next, he had to reveal his true identity.

When Qingdi heard this, his eyebrows jumped and thought to himself.

"Sure enough, this kid is here to ask for punishment!"

"Old Xuan, this kid is not here with good intentions today!"

Qingdi said to Xuandi secretly.

After hearing this, Xuandi pretended to be calm, pulled his throat and said.

"What's the matter? Just tell me!"

The Emperor Xuan also thought that Zhuo Bufan was going to talk about Nian Nian.

However, Zhuo Bufan kowtowed to the Emperor Xuan and said.

"Master, I, the disciple Ji Xuanhao, come to confess my guilt."

When the Emperor Xuan heard that Zhuo Bufan called himself Ji Xuanhao, he was stunned.

"Wait a minute, what did you just say? Who are you?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan reorganized his words and said.

"Master, I, the evil disciple Ji Xuanhao, reincarnated, come to confess my guilt."

After hearing this, the Emperor Xuan trembled all over.

"What did you just say? Are you the reincarnation of Xuanhao?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"Yes, I am the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao."

"I only recently learned about this identity."

At this time, the Emperor Qing and the Emperor Xuan looked at Zhuo Bufan as if they were seeing something strange.

"No way, Lao Xuan, this kid is actually the reincarnation of your beloved disciple?"

"Is your master-disciple relationship destined by heaven? We were master and disciple in the previous life, and still in this life?"

The Green Emperor couldn't believe it.

He knew Ji Xuanhao, the peerless genius. Although he was only Jiang Taixuan's disciple for a few years, he became Jiang Taixuan's proudest disciple.

For a long time, the Green Emperor thought that Ji Xuanhao had become an immortal, because it was said that the world would forget the news about the immortal.

Later, he learned from Jiang Taixuan that Ji Xuanhao had indeed become an immortal, but only a half-step immortal.

The world had not completely forgotten his existence.

After becoming an immortal, Ji Xuanhao entered Daluotian.

But two years later, he returned with serious injuries and died soon.

Jiang Taixuan didn't know what happened in those two years.

Because before Ji Xuanhao entered Daluotian, he severed the master-disciple relationship with Ji Xuanhao.

As for the reason, it was what Zhuo Bufan saw in Jingling Palace.

Ji Xuanhao was going to marry Queen Yin, and Jiang Taixuan thought that Ji Xuanhao had failed his daughter.

That was why he severed his relationship with Ji Xuanhao as a master and disciple.

So, he had no idea what Ji Xuanhao had encountered when he entered Daluo Heaven.

"Master, I am an unworthy disciple, Ji Xuanhao. Please forgive me."

Zhuo Bufan begged for Jiang Taixuan's forgiveness.

Seeing this, Jiang Taixuan sighed helplessly.

"Hey, get up! Actually, I only found out about your past life later, and I wronged you."

"At first, in order to resolve the hostile laws of Yin and Yang, you went to the underworld alone and prepared to merge with the world tree of the underworld."

"However, the underworld tree did not recognize you, and you suffered a backlash and almost died."

"Fortunately, the black lotus that accompanied you saved you. And half of the underworld tree in your body also merged with her, which is now the Queen of Yin."

"Later, after you woke up, you lost your memory. You were with her and developed feelings."

"Originally, the two of you had reached the point of knowing each other, but at that time, my daughter who had been pregnant for a hundred years gave birth at this time."

"In order to help the child find her father, I disrupted your wedding. So much so that the Queen of Yin hated me to the core."

"In the end, the Queen of Yin blamed me for your death. That's why she later joined forces with the Emperor of Yin to continuously attack the real world."

Jiang Taixuan told Zhuo Bufan everything that happened that year.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan, he finally understood the relationship between himself and the Queen of Yin.

The Queen of Yin is a black lotus obtained by Ji Xuanhao in the chaos of Yin Realm after he entered Yin Realm.

This black lotus was transformed into a human because of a drop of blood from Ji Xuanhao.

Later, when Ji Xuanhao merged with the world tree of Yin Realm, he suffered the backlash of Yin Realm Tree.

Later, half of the power of Yin Realm Tree escaped from Ji Xuanhao's body, fell into Yin Realm, and was obtained by the current Yin Emperor.

But the other half of the power of Yin Realm Tree made him live a life worse than death.

In order to save Ji Xuanhao, Xuan Su had a relationship with Zhuo Bufan. Through intercourse, Xuan Su transferred the power of Yin Realm Tree from Ji Xuanhao's body to his own body.

The black lotus was originally a creature of Yin Realm, so it would naturally be recognized by Yin Realm Tree. And Xuan Su also relied on the power of this half of Yin Realm Tree to become the Queen of Yin today.

Ji Xuanhao, who was saved, was grateful to Xuan Su, and at that time he had lost his memory, so he regarded Xuan Su as his favorite.

So much so that later the two of them even prepared to hold a wedding.

But at this time, Emperor Xuan appeared.

The appearance of Emperor Xuan awakened Ji Xuanhao's memory, so Ji Xuanhao abandoned Xuan Su and went to the real world to pursue Bai Su.

This is why Ji Xuanhao was called a heartless person by Yin Hou.

Yin Hou also hated Ji Xuanhao and Emperor Xuan because of this incident.

Later, they joined forces with Yin Huang and began to attack the world of cultivation.

This is the truth at the beginning!

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