Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1018: Alerting the enemy

"Snatch the enemy?"

The two emperors were stunned.

"Yes, I need to let Queen Yin help me find Nian Nian."

"The plan is this. Please master, please go catch the deer god hiding under this sea of ​​demon gods."

"Once the Deer God is caught, Queen Yin will definitely rush back to see if Nian Nian has been taken away. In that case, I will be able to find Nian Nian's whereabouts through her."

This is Zhuo Feifan's approach.

He can't find Nian Nian now, but Queen Yin should know.

That's why he used this method to force the Queen of Yin to help him find Nian Nian.

However, there is a problem with this plan.

And Qingdi also discovered this problem.

"Boy, that's not right! Even if you can find Nian Nian, how can you save the girl from that woman?"

"You have to know that you are facing the Yin Queen, and you may not have any chance of winning."

"It's better that we go rescue the girl and you catch the deer god."

Emperor Qing and Emperor Xuan were worried that Zhuo Bufan would be caught.

However, after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did say.

"No, master and uncle, the target of the Yin Queen is me. Once she knows that I kidnapped the Deer God, she will come to me at all costs. If she scares the snake, she will fall into a trap."

"Don't worry, this is just the first step. And I won't be caught by her."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he thought silently in his heart.


Zhuo Bufan covered the second save door.

The current three save doors are——

Mirror Abyss, Sea of ​​Demon Gods in the Nether Realm, Mass Graves in the True Realm

"Okay, let's believe him!"

At this time, Emperor Xuan chose to believe Zhuo Bufan.

Because just now, Emperor Xuan seemed to see the shadow of Xuan Hao in Zhuo Bufan.

The former Ji Xuanhao was also so outstanding. Have your own opinion and have extraordinary abilities.

"Let's go! Go find a deer god, take me to him, and make him into shredded venison."

After Qingdi finished speaking, he and Xuandi turned into two rays of light and got into the Demonic Sea.

The two great Fengtian emperors entered the scene, and their powerful divine power was overwhelming.

The entire Demon God Sea felt like it was being amnesty.

Not long after, the Deer God was captured by the two great emperors from the sea of ​​demon gods.

The Deer God is just a small god with a goatee.

It would be easy for the two great emperors to catch him.

"Boy, we asked, this guy doesn't know where the girl is hidden."

"The Yin Queen has left a spiritual thought on this guy. She will be back soon. Let's take this guy away first."

After Qingdi finished speaking, he and Xuandi quickly left the Demon God Sea with the Deer God.

At the same time, the Yin Queen, who was waiting for Zhuo Bufan far away in Jinghaicheng, suddenly felt the Deer God calling for help.

"Xuan Emperor!"

From the Deer God, Queen Yin's divine sense felt the auras of Emperor Qing and Emperor Xuan.

"These two old guys are here for that girl."

"Haha, do you really think I'm stupid enough to hand this girl over to the Deer God?"

"No, he should have entered the Yin Earth. Why haven't he arrived at Jinghai City yet?"

Queen Yin has actually been waiting for Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the underworld, the Queen of Yin actually discovered it.

Jinghai City is the closest city to Jingyuan. Logically speaking, Zhuo Bufan should come to Jinghai City.

"Didn't he come in this direction?"

Queen Yin thought to herself.

Then she closed her eyes silently, and then, the Queen of Yin suddenly opened her eyes.

The next second, her eyes turned into pupils within pupils.

At the same time, half of the creatures in the entire underworld, at that moment, their eyes turned into pupils within pupils.

The Queen of Yin is half the world god of the underworld, and the life and death of half of the creatures in the underworld depend on her thoughts.

Of course, the Yin Queen can also use the sight of the creature she belongs to at the same time.

This move is very powerful, it is called looking through three paths. After using this move, the Yin Queen can use the sight of half of the creatures in the underworld at the same time.

Everything these creatures see with their eyes can instantly enter her eyes.

The Yin Queen who magnified the move quickly saw Zhuo Bufan who was hiding in Jingling Palace through the eyes of a thousand-eyed warrior from the Demon God Sea.

"How could it be? He actually went to Jingling Palace?"

"How does he know that Jingling Palace is in Qianmuyu's waters?"

Queen Yin was a little surprised.

Because the existence of Jingling Palace is top secret. Only a handful of people know.

After all, Jingling Palace was a betrothal gift given to her by Ji Xuanhao. After Ji Xuanhao escaped from the marriage, Queen Yin hid Jingling Palace in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods.

Even Ji Xuanhao couldn't possibly know where Jingling Palace was.

"Could it be that he once left a spiritual thought in Jingling Palace? Can he sense the existence of Jingling Palace?"

"That's not right. Even if he knows where Jingling Palace is, why would he go to Jingling Palace? Shouldn't he be looking for his daughter?"

Queen Yin felt very strange, and Zhuo Bufan gave her a sense of foresight.

She had experienced this feeling in the world of cultivation when she was still Fengya.

"Maybe he wants to see me."

When Queen Yin thought about it like this, she immediately became elated.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan had already entered Jingling Palace. Knowing that the Yin Queen was about to return, he hid in his Mysterious Bone Ring.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan saw the jumping black rabbit back through the mysterious bone ring.

However, what shocked Zhuo Bufan was.

After the Yin Queen returned, she actually picked up the mysterious bone ring on the ground.

"Wow, who dropped the ring!"

"If no one says it, it's mine."

The Queen of Yin, who turned into a bunny girl, put Zhuo Bufan's black bone ring on her hand.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Oh no, did she find out?"

Zhuo Bufan never expected that the Queen of Yin would find him directly.

"It's impossible, I hid the black bone ring. If you don't scan it with your mind, you won't find it at all."

Zhuo Bufan realized that he had been discovered.

And then, the Queen of Yin did not go directly to find Nian Nian, but sat on the steps of Jingling Palace, carefully looking at the black bone ring on her finger.

"You're here, why are you hiding?"

Finally, after a long time, the Queen of Yin suddenly spoke to the black bone ring.

Zhuo Bufan heard it and knew that he had been discovered and had no place to hide, so he had to fly out of the black bone ring.

"Give me back the ring."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to the Queen of Yin.

The Queen of Yin smiled sweetly when she saw Zhuo Bufan.

"No, why do you say it's yours? I picked it up."

The Queen of Yin hid the Xuangu Ring in her chest and refused to give it to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head helplessly when he saw this.

"You've discovered me a long time ago, right? You've been watching me since I entered the underworld!"

"Sure enough, I'm still too young."

Zhuo Bufan realized that he was wrong from the beginning.

As the Queen of Yin, the god of the underworld, she should know everything about the underworld.

So, her conspiracy and tricks are completely useless in front of the other party.

This also explains why she met the little rabbit incarnated by the Queen of Yin just after entering the underworld.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the Queen of Yin finally stopped hiding her identity.

She transformed into the Queen of Yin, who was full of spirit and beauty.

She was dressed in a black dress, floating like a fairy, with a mysterious and charming aura, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

"My dear, you are finally back. You missed me, right? Otherwise, how could you find Jingling Palace?"

The Queen of Yin said, and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan tried to dodge in time, and was pounced by the Queen of Yin.

"I am here to find my daughter. Let's stop talking nonsense. Tell me, where is my daughter?"

Zhuo Bufan was ready to reload the game again.

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